May 20, 2024

Listen - Ubqari

Live Broadcast
Broadcast Schedule

Talk on Peace & Spirituality
Every Thursday Evening after Salat ul Maghrib
(GMT +05.00)
News and Announcements
Letter to Editor

Won't you like millions of people, around the globe to benefit from your experiences and observations? And become a source of good deed (Sadqa Jaria) for you in the world and hereafter as well. If you would like to help the suffering humanity and be a savior of the hopeless, then write to us your secret tips, spiritual and physical healers, personal beneficial practices and observations. So that, they can be sent through Ubqari Magazine to the humanity around the globe in print and online media.
If you have benefitted from Ubqari Publishers books, Talks on Peace and Spirituality, Ubqari Magazine, Quranic Verses and Quranic Words, Prayers of the Prophet (PBUH), Spiritual tips and healers, then write to us in the form below with complete detail of the act and its benefits. Similarly, if you have a beneficial act or practice of your own or you have read or heard about it from somewhere or someone, and you would like to share with the creatures of the Allah Subhan O WA Talah. Then send it to us. If you can’t write it in prose, don’t worry we will handle it for you. But do write it all.
Hakeem Mohammad Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai (db) - - Editor Ubqari Monthly Magazine
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