
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood


Introduction & Overview

Born on November 26, 1966 in Ahmadpur Sharqiya in Bahwalpur. Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai is one of most Influential Spiritual Leaders in in the 21st Century, his weekly Dars (Speeches) is listened to in over 200 countries worldwide and is followed by millions of people on various social media channels.

He has researched, published, and authored over 275 books in various topics but is ultimately considered ‘the’ modern day subject matter expert when it comes to Sufi Spiritualism, Islamic prophetic & herbal medicine, and the Islamic Sciences.

He is also the editor of Ubqari Magazine, a monthly-paid publication on these and other related subjects, it currently has world-wide ‘monthly’ circulation of around two hundred thousand copies in the Urdu language alone. 

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai has a PHD in herbal medicine and is considered to have re-invented or re-introduced to the modern world, many lost and forgotten medicinal recipes & remedies prescribed to us by our noble prophet Muhammad (SAW) and other great Islamic leaders and elders of the past. His Herbal Medicines are sold at a faction of the retail price, and available throughout various distributing agents in Pakistan, and internationally.

His clinic is based in Lahore, where he see’s patients daily for free on a variety of mental, physical, social-domestic, and spiritual issues. He life mission has been to relive the suffering of humanity and serve and treat equally people of all religions, sects, colours, and creeds/backgrounds. A philosophy which is echoed in his weekly Speeches.

More recently he has been named ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’ by many of his followers, who he prescribes duas or ayats from Quran to read as a prescription and remedy to many modern day mental, physical, social-domestic and spiritual problems.

He is considered by many of his followers as a sheikh of great positive spiritual knowledge and power. He is also known to be equally feared by many black magic practitioners, and practitioners of the occult and the dark arts in Pakistan.

His has given many talks and published numerous articles and books about spiritual healing, the unseen world, the jinn, black magic, the occult. His talks and publications have been very popular in countries around the world where there is a huge increase with mental health issues, suicides, the interactions and negative effects of the jinn, evil eye and/or in the use of the black magic in resolving social-domestic, family or financial issues.

His talks and academic contributions have been welcomed by his millions of followers around the world who believe he has revied the Quran and Sunnah on the subject, and attested to the benefits of these revived teachings. 


Family Tree (Shijra)

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai
(Damat Barkatham Aliya - May his blessings shower upon us)

{bin} - Hakeem Muhammad Ramzan Chughtai
{bin} - Haji Allah Baksh

{bin} - Mufti Haji Fatah Muhammad
{bin} - Maulana Wali Muhammad
{bin} -Maulana Abdul Haq

{bin} - Maulana Faiz Muhammad
{bin} - Sufi Ghulam Muhammad


Ancestry & Historical Signifance
Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood was born on November 1st, 1967 in Ahmadpur Sharqiya in Bahwalpur, where his respected family and many previous generations had been living for centuries.

He was born into a family of traders and landowners (in Balakot and Shamli), and he came from a family of deeply religious and spiritual leaders. Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood’ s deep religious family ties can be rooted back to his ancestral lands of Balakot and Shamli, where Hazrat Sufi Ghulam Muhammad gave ‘shahadat’.

It has been narrated that one of his ancestors Maulana Abdul Haq migrated from Ghazni to Ahmadpur Sharqiya about two centuries ago. He was a Sufi and had a mindset of a dervish, and was granted a spiritual cloak that had healing and other mysterious powers. It was extremely beneficial for any type of hardship and an answer to all prayers. As news of the powers of the cloak spread in his town, people came in from all over region and it became difficult to manage them. To ensure that people stayed safe and to avoid the risk of riot, he sent the cloak back to Ghazni.

Maulana Abdul Haq’s son, ‘Maulana Wali Muhammad’, was a noted Muslim scholar, learned in religious matters (Alim). He was also associated with “silsila qadriya’, and a renowned leader, who was devoted to social and philanthropic causes.

There are in fact many narrations of his services to the community, which are noted in historical texts. As such, given this association, the family is also referred to as “wali”.

Another one of Hakeem Sahab’s most famous ancestor is, Mufti Haji Fatah Muhammad, who was also a distinguished Sufi and “Alim’. He was generous and like his father Maulana Wali Muhammad was drawn to social causes. He would consider himself lucky when he was able to take care of the poor, handicapped people and animals. He was a huge supporter of religious schools and centers and donated to them generously. It is no wonder that when he passed away, many schools, organizations and “khanqahs’ in the sub-continent published articles on him praising his work and legacy.

Both Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood’s father (Hakeem Muhammad Ramzan Chughtai) and his grandfather (Haji Allah Baksh) were considered very pious and God-fearing men.

His father, in 1958 he got his MSC degree in Psychology from Karachi University, as this was the only university that offered courses in this specialty and all the teachers were foreigners. He a trader and land-owner but he was also associated with schools of healing and wisdom.

It is also narrated that his grandfather, was a deeply religious man who revered the Quran and recited it three times a day, and at the time of his death, he had just finished the Quran and was praying.


Early Education
Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood started his education in Ahmadpur Sharqiya and continued on to get his FSC degree from Government college. From 1988-1991, he completed his herbal medicine education with high honors from Government Tayabba College Bhawalpur. He was a gold medalist.


Higher Education
It has been noted that during his higher educational years, Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood was awarded many scholarships and awards, he excelled academically, and was always considered a leading personality within his groups.

During this period, he wrote a very valuable 2400-page book titled ‘Method of Treatment’ for which he was awarded the century award in 1991. He was also awarded the Khawaja Ghulam Fareed award based on the famous Sufi poet Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed in 1999 due to his global efforts. 

His writings on many other medicinal and experimental topics won him innumerable awards, including his book on the subject of “Herbal Health” where he got his PH.D degree from United States.


Spiritual Power, Rights and Permissions

In subcontinent, Islam, peace and spirituality are primarily attributed to Hazrat (Sufiya-e-Karam) Rehmum Allah Ajmaeen.

One of these (Sufiya-e-Karam) in 5th Hijri was the famous ‘Hazrat Abul Hassan Syedna Ali’ bin “Usman Alhajweri Al Maarof Data Ghanj Bhaksh’, who was not only a great Sufi but the founder of Sufisim.

One of his children was ‘Hazrat Khawaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Majzoob Hajveri’ whose family migrated from Hajveri to Delhi. It has been noted that later on Hazrat Khawaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajveri moved to Lahore, and become known as an extraordinary spiritual leader, and a sufi par excellence.

 It has been narrated that, when Hazrat Khwaja went for Umrah, he passed away, and was buried in Jannat Al-Baqeeh in the area of Hazrat Usman Razi Allah Anha. 

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai learnt ‘Tasawwuf’, spirituality and knowledge of the hidden during service from heirs of this eminent personality.

In 1991, he was made the spiritual heir with all rights and permissions for the 4 chains of tasawwuf, including Quadri, Chisti, Suhrawardi and Naqshbandi.

Soon after that, many other eminent ‘Mashaikh’ of Pakistan, India and Arab also gave the rights and permission to Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai. 

The famous chain of Shazli in Arab was also given to him, this chain goes back to Sufi ‘Buzurgh’ Shaikh Abul Hassan Shazli.


Humanitarian and Spiritual Services
Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai’s Murshid,  ‘Hazrat Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajveri’,  had deep empathy for the less fortunate ones, those who are suffering. This is one quality that Hazrat Hakeem Sahab got from his Murshid.

Since 1984, in every facet of life, Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai is proud to have risen above racial, language, color, religious, rich, poor prejudices/bias, and has helped mankind wherever possible.

His main focus is medicine, ‘Tasawwuf’, spirituality, peace and good behaviour and leniency towards non-Muslims, and over the many years, he has made an invaluable contribution to these subjects via authored books, global speeches, and by aiding & serving the community spiritually, financially and physically.


Books Authored
He has written over 275 books on many different subjects and topics including, Sufism, spirituality, wazifas, history, ‘amliyat’, distribution 1947, psychological issues, male & female gender issues, physical ailments, tension, anxiety, household problems, children, training, benefits of herbs and flowers, prophetic medicine and latest science, sunnat-e-nabwi and latest science, magic, ‘jinnat’, animal’s life and many other needed topics.

His most famous book on prophetic medicine and latest science, reached the peak of popularity, and was translated in different languages, in fact become a part of the university curriculum in Pakistan.


Ubqari Magazine

Since 2006, he is also the founder and editor of Ubqari Magazine, a monthly-paid publication on these and other related subjects, it currently has world-wide ‘monthly’ circulation of around two hundred thousand copies in the Urdu language alone, and is translated in to many other languages.  

The magazine consists of articles and solutions based on the Islamic Sciences on social-domestic, mental, physical, spirituality, and ailments and many other important topics.

What makes the magazine popular and unique is that its readers pass on their precious, secret prescriptions/solutions based on their experiences and observations to the magazine in where they are constantly published to help those in need. No other magazine has this distinction.

One of the most critical issues of the present time is peace and good behaviour between religions groups, muslims and non-muslims.  In this area, Ubqari’s services are both educational and inspiring, to both the young and old alike. Ubqari is the only magazine in Pakistan where there is a permanent column on cordiality towards non-muslims.

In this column, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH), ‘Sahaba Karam’s’, Tabeean Azam’s’, ‘Aima deen’s’, ‘Salaf Sualiheen’s’, ‘Rehmullah-e-ajmaeen’s’ behavior towards non-muslims is highlighted.

The column titled “Prophet’s behavior towards non-muslims” has been published in both Urdu and English. And because of these wonderful qualities, the monthly Ubqari magazine became famous and global in a very short amount of time.

Innumerable people of different color, races, religion and cult are getting benefit from it (الحمد للہ الذی بنعمتہٖ تتم الصالحات).

It is the only magazine whose circulation is exponentially more than all the religious, political, social, medicinal, psychological and spiritual magazines. The print circulation has increased to more than 2 lakhs (200,000) and is rapidly increasing (Bismillah Mashallah La Quwatta Illa Billa).

The unique part is that this magazine is not free or awarded, but people buy it because they enjoy reading it, they safeguard it and also gift it to other people as a gesture of help and kindness.

The circulation of end of year compilations of all the monthly magazines is separate.
To meet the demands of the complied edition, magazines from 2006 to now are constantly published to make the edition. For continued public, all of these magazines are also published free on Ubqari’s website.

To ensure that everyone can benefit, the magazine is also translated in other languages, including English where it is available to read/download from Ubqari’s website.  

For Sindhi readers, ca read the Sindhi monthly edition, where there are numerous articles on household problems, health, spirituality, Tasawwuf.  

Ubqari Magazine Official
Read Ubqari Magazine Online


Speeches and Lectures
Weekly Speeches on spirituality, ‘Tasawwuf’, peace, mutual respect, cordiality are delivered by Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai at the Ubqari’s centre of Peace and Spirituality (otherwise known as Tasbeeh Khanna).

The center is situated close to the offices of National Council for Christianity, as a promotion  and testament to interfaith peace.

Every week on Thursday after Magrib prayer, Hazrat Hakeem Sahab Damat Barkatham Aliya gives a lecture on global peace, spirituality, Tasawwuf (Sufism), patience, forgiveness, and other issues of the present times in this Tasbeeh Khanna.

The speech is also transmitted internationally and is available online in 195 countries around the world. 

Thousands of men and women from all areas, backgrounds and walks of life come in-person to listen to his speeches at Tasbeeh Khanna in Lahore, and take part in live Dua’s (prayers). Similarly thousands of people around the worldwide,  tune-in live, and irrespective of the geographical location listen and also benefit from the joint prayer and connection with him and Tasbeeh Khanna.

There is also in an increased amount of non-muslim listeners. People from all religions who listen online is also on the rise and there many testimonials that these speeches are persuasive, deeply moving, informative and transformative.

Many listerners narrate that the lecture speaks to everyone and that is why people not only repeatedly listen themselves but also invite their friends and relatives to join them.  It is clear that people get drawn into taking a deeper look into their neglected lives after hearing just one speech (Dars).

All the listeners of the Dars can also be share it via CDs, cassette and through their mobiles. Speeches can be download from Ubqari’s website.

Another common observation is that listeners of this dars, often start to notice a subtle and mysterious change in their lives as it relates to their faith, “Aamal”, “Zikr”, spirituality, meditation, mental peace, elimination of household issues, freedom from business problems, and children’s upbringing issues.

This is noted as a mystical or spiritual phenomenon, where positive energies, and blessings are transmitted through connection and dua. It is specially noted that during and after ‘Live’ Dars and Dua, listeners feel lighter, transformed, and generally healthier and have improved wellbeing in themselves and their homes.

Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai’s lectures, tips, article and quotations are regularly shared on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter; these are published in both national and foreign magazines.


“Halqa” Kashf-ul-Mahjoob (Revelation of the Veiled)
An  innumerable number of books have been written on “Tasawwuf” (Sufism) and Spirituality over the last 1000 years, but perhaps one of the most notable and a classic is “Kashf-ul-Mahjoob”, written by the world famous Sufi Abul Hassan Hazrat Syed Ali Bin Usman Al-Hajveri also known ‘Data Ghanj Baksh Rehmat Ullah’

It has been translated in many languages and taught around the world by leading scholars. The book read & taught (its meanings, translations and purposes) to Hazrat Hakeem Sahab (DB) by his own Murshid (teacher).

In respect of his “murshid”, and as the spiritual heir of Data Ghanj Baksh Rehmat Ullah,  Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai’s also reads this book chapter by chapter monthly to his followers.


Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai narrates that Tasawwuf and Spirituality are incomplete without meditation, this is why a lot of emphasis is given to this during Ubqari’s Spiritual gatherings at Tasbeeh Khanna.

Further, that the truth is that meditation is the last and the most successful treatment of global mental health, physical and Spiritual issues/problems.

At Tasbeeh Khanna ( The Center for peace and Spirituality), and after the reading of Kashf-ul-Mahjoob, meditation is also practiced along with Dua. A special dua is made for faith, mental and physical peace, freedom from problems and peace in life hereafter for both muslims and non-muslims (Christianity, Jewish, Sikh, Hindus, and idol worshippers)



Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majhzoobi Chughtai travels both domestically and internationally.

He lectures during these trips giving people the opportunity from other areas to experience Tasawwuf and spirituality and allowing them to benefit from these lectures.

There are now over 2000 lectures of Hazrat Hakeem Sahab Damat Barkatham and inshallah they will continue, and the numbers will continue to rise.

All the lectures are available for download on the website including on CDs.

Hazrat Hakeem D.B in Desert

Ubqari Trust
To reduce the suffering of humans, in 2010 Hazrat Hakeem Sahab Damat Barkatham created a trust (Registration # P/6237/L/S/10/1534). This trust is non-discriminatory, people of all religion, color, creed are treated without prejudice. This mission is bringing people to Ubqari’s doors. Ubqari’s trust has been a huge benefactor to earthquake and flood victims.

Ubqari Industries (Registered)
To relive the suffering of humans, Ubqari clinic was created. Ubqari clinic treats people of all religion, color and creed. Anyone who comes here with any physical ailment, spiritual issue, male or female, muslim or non-muslim are given treatment without any fees.

The above description is just a brief glimpse of the people’s journey under Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Ubqari Majhzoobi Chughtai Damat Barkatham Aliya’s spiritual guidance. Every person who is part of this peace community has a desire to be helpful to mankind from wherever they are and are the torch bearers of ‘Tasawwuf’, spirituality and global peace – Alhumdulillah Rabbil Alameen

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