
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Read! Your work will be done too!

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

If a person’s wife uses rough tongue then he should recite (یا حسیب یا ذاالجلال والاکرام) 77 times after every prayer and blow it towards his wife and see the miracle of Allah’s power. 

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I mention some of my personal observations and the medicines and aamaal given to patients and people. 1- The identity cards of two of men I knew were lost; they submitted application to the police. I said those men that I told you something to recite, must do it, Insha’Allah the cards will be found. I told them the procedure to recite the last verses of Surah Al Mominun and Azan and (یا رب موسی یا رب کلیم ﷽). After few days I met them and they told me that they had found the cards. 

Recite this! The wife respects and the children are obedient:

There was a man of my acquaintance, he was much worried about his wife and children’s behavior, his wife disrespected him and because of this he was depressed and when the wife yelled at him the children observed this behavior and they did the same thing and didn’t respect their father. He started weeping while telling his problem. I told him the procedure to recite the last verses of Surah Al Mominun and Azan and (یا رب موسی یا رب کلیم ﷽). After few days he told me that Masha Allah now his wife and children respect and obey him. 

The matter of pension is solved in fifteen days:

A person was facing difficulties in making papers after his retirement; he went to many offices for pension but in vain. He was too much worried and facing starvation. I told him the procedure of Afahasbtum last verses of Surah Al Mominun and Azan, he did and all the matters of his pension solved in just fifteen days. The procedure of afahasibtum and azan:  Recite the last four verses of Surah Al Mominoon seven times and azan seven times and blow it on your both shoulders, do it few times in a day. 

A matchless coffee (قہوہ) for ramadan:

Now a days dry milk and milk pack, both are injurious to health. I request to the public that if there is powdered milk or packed milk, whether it is too expensive, it is suspicious. If you want to drink tea then I tell you about a matchless and tasty coffee (قہوہ), drink yourself and serve it to the guests too. Recipe: Add cinnamon, clove, ginger, fennel, mint and few nigella seeds in water and boil it, filter it and drink. It is a perfect prescription for diabetes, constipation and arthritis. Especially in Ramadan after aftar it is the source of freshness. Use it for few days the face complexion will be brighten. 

Make this tooth powder at home and get perfect teeth:

Make the tooth powder at home. Salt 250 grams, clove 50 pieces, dried ginger powder 50 grams, black pepper 50 gram, baking soda 250 grams, dry leaves or zest of Acacia tree 50 grams. Grind all separately and filter them. Add 50 grams of alum in it. It is beneficial for tooth ache. Apply the powder with your finger and gargle. The tooth ache will end. 

Pus or bleeding from the ear is completely gone:

If the ear bleeds or pus comes from it or whether the disease is twenty years old, it will be alright. Take half kg olive or mustard oil and add green Acacia leaves 50 grams, Siris (Albizia Lebbeck) tree leaves 100, Phullanoh tree leaves 30 grams, flowers of acacia and phullanoh 50 grams, Himalayan Thimbleweed 5 gram in this oil and put it on low flame. When all the things get burn, let it cool and filter it in cotton cloth. Pour 5 to 7 drops in patients’ ear in morning and evening and let him take rest for twenty minutes. Take a day off after two days. Do it for few days the patient will be alright.

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