
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your Children Need You!

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


For Abundance in Sustenance: Recite the verse no.62 of Surah ‘Ankabut’ 100 times in morning and evening for abundance in sustenance.

Your Children Need You!

 (Frahat Shaheen, Karachi)


It is seen often that parents show irresponsibility in regard of children’s brought up, means that they are not interested in what their children are doing and what kind of activities can be positive or negative for them. Actually, in today’s fast paced world parents have become so busy that they have no time for their children. The parents should give time to their children except all their busy routine because without parents’ attention children’s personality and brought up remains incomplete. They should understand children’s psyche what they want and what are their expectations towards parents. When a baby is born, his or her mind is clear and clean like a mirror and it is up to the parents that they can make what they want on it. The child will learn everything what the parents want them to be learned. The main thing is how you teach your child. Most parents say that due to their busy routine they haven’t much time for children. We accept this fact but despite all their busy routines, they must follow the strategy to spare some time with their children for the balanced brought up. And make sure that the children dine with you and teach them table manners. It is natural thing that the children learn from their elders because what the elders do have a profound effect on children. The elders must follow all the etiquettes of eating. And if the child does something wrong during eating, teach them with love instead of showing any anger because love affects children the most. And it is natural thing that to gain attention children do strange things. The parents must gain the trust of their children so that they share every problem and wish without any hesitation. Give friendly and positive environment to them. If parents feel that their children depend on them for their problems and needs so that they should pay attention to everything their children say. And if both mother and father have busy routines then one of them should give attention and time to the children. If the parents try to bring up their children by understanding their psyche and with planning, many problems can be solved. And parents and children both remain happy and content and they can live a peaceful life.


Why Are Children Scared?

Fear is a common condition in children; therefore it is totally wrong to ignore this issue by not taking it seriously because real or unrealistic fear can lead to children’s personality distortions. There are different kinds of fears the children can face, some feel fear from darkness, some from being alone in empty or closed room, it is not correct to force them, because in that way their fear will increase instead of decreasing. Keep the children as far away from the dark as possible. The rooms that remain empty come with the children in different timings. If there is no light and you have to spare time on the roof, tell interesting stories to children. Tell them the way to use emergency light. Sometimes the elders instill fear in children that remains forever in their mind and heart. Fear of injection is common; the main reason of this fear is that usually parents say that, “if you don’t obey, you will be injected or vaccinated.” To get rid of this fear, take the child to the doctor and tell him that how the doctors help to reduce the pain of a patient. It is also wrong to frighten children with imaginary forms, shadows or self-made scary sounds. Locking children in empty dark rooms as punishment can be the reason to have fear in their minds and hearts for lifetime. Keep children engaged in constructive work. Keep them away from those stories that scare them. They scare from horror stories, pictures of accidents or such type of news. Turn their attention to different interesting sports. (Remaining at page #53)


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