
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Beating old father and broke his teeth!

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Weakness of liver: Fennel, red clay, mint 6 gm, boil all in 130 ml of water and stain it, drink 2 times a day.


Beating old father and broke his teeth!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum! Hope you will be fine by the Grace of Allah, May Allah keeps you alive and your shadow will remain on our heads, May Allah keep you more consistent. (AMEEN). You told a story of BABA Riasat once in your lecture, I just got remember a story of my Uncle who has beaten a lot who was his father and my great grandfather ( who has died, May Allah grant him highest level of Jannah Ameen) due to which his tooth was broken, my great grandfather bear his all beating but nothing said from his mouth, when uncle fed up of beating him and stood a side and start abusing his father then my great grandfather stood up and clear his clothes and clean his blood from his arm, just looked at his son face for a while and went out of home. He never returned back to uncle house again and went to his other son home and he also died there. Now what happen to my uncle also read his story too: today all members of our family have beautiful houses, before that my uncle has everything but now, he has a highest scale of poverty, not even has his own house. He even abuses his mother means my great grandmother. This uncle was very beautiful, he become defaced, he indulged in face paralysis, Astaghfirullah, he keeps on changing his religion, and he found peace nowhere. Problems are there every time and broke his back, everyone saw him with pity eyes. His reward of wrong doings has eaten him, that crying eyes of my great grandfather has eaten him. He is restless, trembling, and not peaceful till today, everything is destroyed, there is no earnings, and house has become a compound of problems. May Allah make us obedient and doing services for our parents and keep us far away from their dis obedience. Readers, if your parents are full of rage, then do not open your mouth in front of them, just keep your head down and listen to them, never say Uff to them. No matter they are wrong, never speak badly to them, just bear your loss but keep them happy. They see how your life flourish and open the doors of Barkah for you and your generations will get flourished. This is my personal own experienced incident that I have put in front of Ubqari Readers. (P,J)


Just recited this verse! Cancer appeared to a woman who derailed my husband:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum! Lots of praise for you may Allah keep you safe and keep sinful woman like me to attach with you. Ameen. I am here to tell you an important incident that what happen to such woman who harrow someone house? Readers read my story with my own words. Some months back I wrote a letter to Sheikh ul Wazaif a woman who was married and has children and she had an affair with my husband from 17 years, she used to send her pics to my husband and he used to spend on her, children agonized, I was restless and husband earns and tend to spend on her, her husband was out of country, due to such actions of my husband I became ill and bed ridden. Sheikh ul Wazaif gave me a wazifa of a surah Inaam no.45 (فقطع دابر القوم الذین ظلموا و الحمد للہ رب العلمین). I recited that verse and recited a lot, in the mean while I used to write a letter to sheikh ul wazaif and told him my situation, today this matter has completed 3 months. In these 3 months there was a transmutation came now read this: Allah has made such cause that someone gave me number of his Husband and told me to call his husband and tell him to check her wife, with the name of Allah I talked to her husband and took her pics from my husband mobile and send him, he came back to Pakistan within some days, he beat her wife much and took mobile from her and apologies from me and said my wife will never come back to destroy your life again. Thanks to Allah that he cut that stem, moreover a miracle also happen that my husband behavior started better with me. Now he started seeing me and started taking care of me and my health started better day by day. Due to this verse, I am attached with my Allah, say my prayers and say much thanks to Allah. It was a much trouble from which I been through. I have forgiven that woman for the sake of Allah. A while back her husband called my husband and said to ask your wife forgive my wife, he also told him that suddenly cancer appeared in my wife, and doctors are saying that it was on last stage, she screams whole night and suffer from much pain. I have goose bump on listening this, I have forgiven that lady for the sake of Allah, and may Allah also forgive me. Ameen (J, Uch Sharif).


Just Pray that our generations do not destroy like us!!

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum! I am writing this letter with crying and shivering hands, I have spent a sinful life, I have married with a lover boy in my colony, our both ends families were very much against of it, we both got married by destroying respect of our pious parents, and they all curse on us rather giving prays, but we both were happy. We have annoyed our parents so much and now it has happened to us that our children are taking revenge from us, they do not listen to us, very much disobedience to us, my daughter is just a 17 but I don’t know to whom she talks on mobile and do chatting, I am very much worried on seeing such things, kindly guide us some Wazifa that our generation does not destroy like this and they do not annoy us. Whatever we sow we do not reap. Life become peaceful and Allah meet with us. (Secret, Kasur).


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