
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers’ Unique and Tested Tips

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


An invocation to get rid of trouble: If someone is facing a trouble, he/she should perform ablution, sit in the Qibla direction and keep reciting “Ya Badiu” یا بدیع in countless number, for as much time as he/she can. Continue this practice for a few days.

Readers’ Unique and Tested Tips

Readers tested time and again and opened their heart secrets for the Ubqari

Presenting to you for the benefit of millions


A tested tip to prevent premature miscarriage:

Many children die premature in their mothers’ wombs. I have a tested tip to solve this problem and its result is hundred percent positive. I am presenting it to the Ubqari Magazine to serve the humanity. Uproot a pumpkin plant with the owner’s permission, on Friday. Carefully remove its root, clean it and dry. Wrap in a cloth as needed and sew, put it in the pregnant woman’s neck. Rather than wrapping the whole pumpkin root, wrap only the thick part that can be easily hung in the neck in round shape. Using the part of the root growing towards east will be more effective, but there is no harm in using the root not growing towards east. As long as this root is in the pregnant woman’s neck, by Allah’s will, the fetus will not come out. It has to be removed at the time of delivery as the fetus will stay in mother’s womb in its presence. After the delivery, throw this root in the river or bury in the land.

Moreover, wrap pumpkin root round the banana tree when the fruit is about to come out. The fruit will not grow out for sure. You can try it. As soon as you open it, the fruit of the banana tree will come out according to the weather.


Protection from Leprosy, Psychosis, Paralysis and Blindness

Our Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said that the one who recites the following invocation will be protected from the four diseases like leprosy, psychosis, paralysis and blindness. Recite this invocation three times with Durud Sharif (before and after) daily after Fajr prayer. سبحان اللہ العظیم و بحمدہ لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ  “Subhan Allah al Azeem wa Bihamdihi, La Hawla wa La Quwata Illa Billah” (Glory be to God, the Great, and praise be to Him. There is no might or power except with God.)


Don't let anyone know your Grieves

Don’t share your sorrows with those who don’t have the ability to console. They will increase your troubles rather than helping you. They will add insult to your injury instead of pulling you out of it. You will meet such people at every turn and will keep deepening your sorrows.  People will laugh at you and make fun of you. It is better that you keep bearing the sorrows with smile so that no one can know that you are grieved and they pass by rather than hurting you.




Invocations to Obtain Elevated Ranks

  • One should never swear
  • Don’t ever tell a lie
  • Always keep your promises
  • Don’t take revenge on any one
  • Don’t curse any one
  • Do not be a witness to anyone's disbelief and hypocrisy
  • Abstain from sin
  • Don’t intend to commit sin through your actions or intentions
  • Don’t be a liability for anyone rather help others to reduce their burdens
  • Don’t be a miser
  • Don’t expect anything from others
  • Consider others to be better than you

According to Abu Abdullah Haris Mahasbi (رحمت اللہ علیہ)


The Bus passengers Escaped Death by reciting only this!


A Tested Prescription for the Treatment of Tension, Depression and Blood pressure:

Respected Hakim Sahib, As-salaam Alaikum! I have been reading the Ubqari magazine since 2013. It has benefitted me a lot. It’s my regular routine to massage my foot soles with mustard oil for three minutes and applying mustard oil in anus, navel and nose. It cured my stomach and sleep disorders.

Prescription for the treatment of Tension and High Blood pressure: Take (Aanbah Huldi) wild turmeric 10grams, dry coriander 10grams, thorn-apple seeds 10grams and white cumin 10grams. Grind well and fill in medium size capsules. Use three times a day. By Allah’s will tension and high blood pressure will be cured.


To get rid of Trouble and Anxiety:  A Special Prophetic (ﷺ) Gift:

While returning from Sandeelanwali to Pakpatan, I boarded a Cheechawatni coach from Peermahal. Three kilometers before Kamaliyah, the conductor asked the driver to stop the bus slowly to avoid a possible accident. At that time I was reciting Tasbeehaat-e-Fatimah (رضی اللہ عنہا) as usual, my attention turned to the conductor. The driver skillfully stopped the bus and all the passengers got off.  We saw that the rare wheel of the bus was dislocated. If the bus had gone even an inch further, an accident would have happened and we could not survive. The passengers’ hearts were pounding. We couldn’t utter even a single word except for praising Allah. This was all because of Tasbeehat-e-Fatimah (رضی اللہ عنہا) due to which the passengers escaped death. Readers are requested to keep reciting Tasbeehat-e-Fatimah (رضی اللہ عنہا). By the will of Allah, you will be safe from sudden disaster, troubles and worries. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) suggested this tasbeeh to his daughter Hazrat Fatimah (رضی اللہ عنہا) on a special occasion. That is why it is called Tasbeehat-e-Fatimah (رضی اللہ عنہا):

  سبحان اللہ والحمد للہ ولا الہ الا اللہ و اللہ اکبر  “Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Ill Allah Wallahu Akbar” (Glory be to Allah and praise be to Allah and there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is the Greatest).

      Last year I happened to go to Sundeelanwali. My younger brother gave me “Sattar Shifaain”. I used and found it very beneficial. Now I always keep “Sattar Shifaain” in my home. Other than stomach disorders, it’s also beneficial for the treatment of diseases like low appetite, nausea and paralysis. It also proved useful in the treatment of sore throat.



The folly of the fools: There is a medicine for every disease, there is a way to atone for every sin but there is no remedy to remove the folly of fools.

Those who want to get married soon should quickly recite this invocation

Respected Hakim Sahib, As-Salam Alaikum! Recite complete surah “Yaseen” one time; where the following verses appear, read them in the number mentioned below:


سبحان الذی خلق الازواج کلھا مما تنبت الارض و من انفسھم و مما لا یعملون

“Subhan al Lazi Khalaq al Azwaja Kullaha mimma Tunbit ul Ardhu wa Min Anfusihim wa Mimma la Yalamoon.” (Exalted is He who created all pairs1 - from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.) Verse no.36

 Recite this verse for forty times thinking that hence Allah has created pairs of everything so bless me with a good pair too.


سلم قولا من رب رحیم  “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim” (And “Peace!” will be ˹their˺ greeting from the Merciful Lord.) Verse no.58

Recite for one hundred times. It’s one of the greatest names of Allah (Al-Ism al-A'zam). Pray from the bottom of your heart for any of your needs, mentioning this verse.


 انما امرہ اذا اراد شیئا ان یقول لہ کن فیکون “Innamaa Aumruhu isa Araada Shaiyan Ain Yaqoola Lahu Kun Fa Yakoon” (All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is!) Verse no.82

Recite this verse for forty times thinking that “O Lord! When you are the owner of “Kun fa Yakun”, fulfill this need of mine as soon as possible. If you supplicate with sincere heart and cry in front of Allah, your prayer will be accepted soon. After completing the recitation of surah “Ya-Sin”, recite the following supplication eleven times before praying for your need:


 یا رب جبرائیل یا رب میکائیل یا رب اسرافیل یا رب عزرائیل یا رب محمد رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ و سلم امددنی فی قضاء حاجتی یا قاضی الحاجات- اقض حاجتی- یا رب العلمین- “Ya Rabba Jibraeela, Ya Rabba Meekaeela, Ya Rabba Israfeela, Ya Rabba Izreela, Ya Rabba Muhammad Rsul-ul-Allahi (ﷺ)Umdudni fi Qadhaai Haajati ya Qadhi al Hajaat. Iqdhi Haajati. Ya Rab-al-Aalamin”

(O Lord of Jibraeel, O Lord of Mekaeel, O Lord of Israfeel, O Lord of Izraeel, O Lord of Muhammad (ﷺ)!Provide me with my need O benefactor of needs. Fulfill my need. O Lord of the worlds)

(Midhat Akhter, Karachi)


Millet laddu (dessert) made by Grandmother! Eat and Enjoy!

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalamo Alaikum! Every winter we used to receive millet laddus (dessert) made by our grandmother. These laddus were very delicious. Mom used to give us one a day. Sometimes we would steal and eat and later no one would admit that they ate it. I still remember the fragrance of grandmother’s hands in those laddus. I took this recipe from my mother. I make these laddus for my children. My children don’t have to suffer any cold, flu and fever throughout the winter so our winter is spent laughing and playing. Readers! Kindly note the recipe: Take 250gram coarse millet flour and fry it in pure ghee. Also add 100gram walnut, 100gram almonds, 100gram peanuts and 400gram sugar or jaggery. Cook on low flame and stir well. Remove the pan from the stove and make laddus. These laddus are healthy and are highly beneficial in extreme winter. Crush the walnuts, almonds and peanuts in a mortar so that the laddus can be easily made.  These laddus are certainly made in many homes of Punjab. (Sughra, Lahore)




Muhammad Sanaullah Khan, Bano

Treatment of Fingers’ Infection and Severe Itching

Respected Hakim Sahib, As-Salam Alaikum! In our village everyone reads the Ubqari Magazine with great interest. Readers share their spiritual and physical experiences in the magazine. Today, I am also sharing a few of my tested prescriptions and tips with Ubqari. I am sure that readers will take full advantage and remember me and the whole Muslim Ummah in their prayers especially Sheikh-ul-Wazaif and the entire Ubqari team.

A Tip for the Treatment of Infection in Foot Fingers: Sometimes people catch infection in their foot fingers. So the people who work with cement or wear closed shoes should apply mustard oil and burnt-wood ash on their foot fingers. In-sha-Allah the infection will be cured.


A Tested Tip to get rid of Itching:

If someone gets itching, he should take bath with Gaai soap or Milan soap (names of local soap brands) and then apply jamba oil (Taramira) produced in some rainy area, on the body. Take a bath again; protect eyes from the oil as it makes feel a little irritation that has to be endured. Wear other clothes after taking bath.


If Cuticles get Infection:

If someone’s cuticles get infection and pus, he should dip his fingers in warm tea for some time. Doing this for two to three times will cure the infection.

Nose-bleeding: If someone’s nose bleeds, he should pour water on his head, it will stop the blood. (Rana Zaffar, Khanewal)


A Tested Prescription for the remedy of Kidney Pain:

Take fennel seeds, melon seeds and small caltrops in equal quantity. Grind to make powder and strain. Have it in warm water or tea with some sugar, three times a day. Kidney pain will be cured.


For the Treatment of Heart-Ache:

Take leopard’s bane, Many Spiked Flacorita and green cardamom in equal quantity. Make powder and fill in small capsules. Take one capsule three times a day with water.


For the Treatment of Numerous Stomach Diseases:

Black salt, black cardamom, black pepper, Alexandrian senna, dried ginger powder, black seed and red rose. Take all the ingredients in six grams quantity. Grind well and use half tea spoon three times a day. In-sha-Allah it will be beneficial.


For the treatment of Hemorrhoids:

Take zanjabeel, black pepper, long pepper, green cardamom, wild mint, bay leaf and black cumin seeds in equal quantity. Make powder and take half tea spoon three times a day.

(Muhammad Sanullah Khan, Bannu)



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