
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The pollen allergy finished in two course

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


The pollen allergy finished in two course


Respected Hakeem sahab, Assalam o alaikum! Every year in the beginning of winter I suffered of pollen allergy. Due to which I had suffered in permanent flu. Sneezing was usual routine, therefore I had kept tissue box always in my hand. I used to go office for only 10 days and the remaining days absences. Because of corona pandemic, I sneeze twice or cough once people starred at me in high alert. Therefore I often took off from office. I took medicine from best of the best doctors, but all of them advised that this is a seasonal disease, it will automatically leave after couple of months. Often doctors had not prescribed any medicine and they said it will leave automatically, but how will they feel my pain. I used to check many tips on net for allergy also used them but all in vain. Now I was waiting for a miracle, using which this disease treated immediately. One day when I reached office, security officer at gate greeted me. I asked him what is in your hand he told me "Sir, this Ubqari magazine, I again asked, what is in this magazine which you read? He said, "Sir, there are many tips and herbal prescriptions in this magazine. I took magazine from him and said to return the magazine in the evening when leaving from office. In office, during lunch break, I starting reading the magazine. Really there were many small and easy tips in it. One thing more I noticed, that there were no ads in the magazine, like other magazines who keep posting ads in their magazines for other companies. In fact this magazine is published for the sake of well-being of mankind. After reading many pages, on a page I found something written about allergy and flu course. I thought I am also the victim of allergy, why should I not use this medicine. I called on the phone number printed in magazine, then Ubqari attendant told me on phone that you can get Ubqari medicine from your own city. I became so much happy, that I wouldn't have to wait for parcel. I got the Ubqari's agency contact number in Islamabad, and in the evening I bought the allergy course from Ubqari's agency and returned to home. I used the medicine regularly, by the grace of Allah, I had recovered 60%. I am using the medicine till date, inshAllah the remaining little disease will also be treated. (Muhammad Jamshaid, Islamabad)

The medicine of killing pain, is not less than any miracle

Respected Hakeem sahab, Assalam o alaikum! I am a mason. This is a hard work. My body becomes so lean in the evening after the whole day's hard work. I used to take pain killers by which pain kills, but anxiety remains. I feel burning in entire body. After two days off, when I went on the work third day, the landlord lady asked me about my off-days. I told her my problem, she said, this is not a big matter, she went in to the room and returned with a medicine named as "Zarghwai Naqrai", and gave me. She said this is for all bodies' pains, when I asked her about price, she said this is a gift from me. If you need more then there is Ubqari dawakhana near mozang chungi Qurtuba chowk, there you can find this medicine. Anyhow in the evening I reached home after the work, and took one tablet of "Zarghwai Naqrai" with luke warm milk. Then I don't feel any pain and was completely unaware, where am I sleeping? I was shocked about the effectiveness and purity of this medicine. Since that day now as much as I tired, I just took "Zarghwai Naqrai" medicine. (Muhammad Faisal, Multan Chungi)

The physical and spiritual treatment of back pain and joints' pain

Respected Hakeem sahab, Assalam o alaikum! My mother had back and joints' pain for a long time. She was unable to walk more. Mostly she works sitting on chair or bed. Also she was unable to sleep at night due to these pains, half of the night was passed without sleeping. I used to get more worried watching this condition of my mother. We have made her used as more as medicines that now I wouldn't feel to buy more medicines. One day in the morning I went for a walk in nearby park of my home. I saw an old man of almost the age of 70. I said Salam to him first day. Second day again I said him Salam, and on third day he called me and we started chatting daily when we met, on different issues. Then once I mentioned about the back and joint pain of my mother then they said "this is not an issue, I told you a spiritual process, use it and your mother will become healthy soon. In ablution, take a glass plate and write one time Surah Al Fatiha on it and then wash with pure Bilsan Oil like water. Then read Surah Al Fatihah 70 times on this oil and save it in any bottle. Massage on waist and joints daily in the night before sleeping. InshAllah will get relaxed from pain. Beside of this, use Ubqari's medicine of "Kamar dard Joron ka dard course". I made my mother took both of these physical and spiritual processes and now MashALLAH my mother went for walk every day morning with me. And I thanked that old man, who advised me perfectly. (Zahoore Ahmed, Raiwind)

Ubqari's honey is 100% pure. The freezing of honey is natural due to change in weather. It should not be considered artificial or mixed with impurities. Readers are using Ubqari's medicine with trust. We are grateful for them. (Ubqari)

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