
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your Dream and Its Bright Interpretation

Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

Spiritual Blessings of Elders:

Dream:My father-in-law saw that a child is about to be born in our home. And his master came in the dream and said that you should do an aqeeqa and bring blood. Then he said to do it quickly. My father-is-law is coming ahead. He has blood in his hands and behind his is Pir sahib (spiritual guide) is coming to watch his back. The days in which my father-in-law had this dream I also had a dream. That a bus is standing. Me and my mother, my sisters are riding in this. Then when we go ahead, there is water all around. There is a footpath. Everyone is going through it. Then the scene changes. There is a small lake that is very beautiful. Everyone saying that the water of this is such that if there is any stain on the clothes, pouring this water removes it. I was wearing the clothes of my mother. It had stains of paan on it, of the one that she chews. When I poured that water, indeed, all the clothes became clean. Then at once they became beautiful. When I tried to take that water some people prohibited me and said that I can not take that water. Then the scene changes.Me and my mother are standing on a high place. When we looked down we saw my khala (aunt: mother’s sister) and her daughter. They were all looking at us. They were looking at us. Mother said, ”that is so and so person’s house and she is so and so person’s daughter. She saw us but look she is not even asking us to have a cup of tea.” I said to leave it all, we are looking below form the height of an apartment.

Interpretation: According to the dream of your father-in-law the child of yours that is about to be born will have the spiritual blessings of the spiritual guide (pir sahib) and there is a sign of prosperity too. Your father-in-law is under the spiritual attention of his spiritual guide (pir and murshid). The second dream has the sign that you will have the opportunity to repent from the sins and health and prosperity will follow.

This is my Dead Body

Dream: I saw that in a graveyard a new grave has been dug. And a dead body is being taken to bury in it. Two persons are sitting on top of the grave. This is my dead body. When both the persons pick up my body to bury, an invisible voice is heard that it is not his turn now. There is a delay of 100 weeks in it. After this my eye opens. (Sajjad Ali, Quetta).

Interpretation: Your dream is pleasant and there is hope of success in such an activity which sounds very difficult to you; even though it would happen with a little bit of delay. You should recite Ya-Badee-O 21 times after every prayer and pray.

Difficulty in adjustment:

Dream: In the morning almost at 4:30 i saw that sweet has arrived from my in-laws. And a used sandal has been sent which looks new according to appearance. In-laws say that they had bought it for wearing and that they are returning it. (S. Kh.; Peshawar).

Interpretation: According to your dream there is a chance that this relationship will end. Even if rukhsati (the event in which the bride leaves her parents’ house and comes to the husbands house after the wedding) happens but your wife’s accommodation with you appears to be difficult. Nonetheless, you should recite Ya-Jaamio after every prayer for 65 times and pray.

Wingless Pigeon

Dream: I saw that I am sitting on wall of my house; a female pigeon whose wings are cut has sat on the wire of the big pole of electricity. A boy climbed the pole and the moment he tried to catch the pigeon, she flew away and fell in my lap. I really liked that beautiful white female pigeon that had blue eyes and I left her with the rest of the pigeons of my house. (Akhtar Ali, Lahore).

Interpretation: According to your dream there is a signal towards the thing that where you want to get married, there is hope that you will succeed in it. And there is also a sign that your would-be wife would prove to be a very good life partner for you. You should recite Ya-Jaamio 21 times after every prayer and pray after that.

Fire All Around

Dream: I have seen that I and my friend are on a certain place. At once that place catches fire all around. And a black blizzard follows. And we forget the path by getting afraid. Then I see that we are flying and we are sowing greenery in white water. My friend is sad and sick. Then we saw that we are on the road of a recreational park. There a spiritual guide is beating the pictures of snakes. And people are crying. We say that this is only a lifeless picture. Why are you crying? They say, perform ablution at once. Then fire spreads all over at once. A snake bites my friend. Then I saw that there is a white building. There are beautiful birds, animals, fruit, vegetables and bazurg (spiritual guides) in it. And they are performing ablution with blood and milk. We become anxious and then I woke up.

Interpretation: According to your dream there is a signal towards the thing that you should save yourself from rituals that are based on biddat (things that are not part of the sharia) and shirk (polytheism). The fire of which destroys the faith at once. And try to adorn your life with the flowers of the sunnahs of Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace be upon him). And if possible try to form a corrective relationship with a spiritual guide who follows the sunnah and shariah.

Chance of Success

Dream: I saw that I am coming out of a mosque after offering prayers. An elegant governmental person also comes out of the mosque after offering prayers. I shake hands with him and he asks me about my wellbeing. And then he asks me to come at home in the evening. When I go to his home, he takes me to the roof of his house, where many people are playing cards. They ask me to play cards too. I refuse to play and run away from there. (Shaakir Ali, Quetta).

Interpretation: According to your dream there is a chance for becoming successful will skip through your hands or maybe you may miss it by your mistake. You should make use of moderation instead of haste while making decisions.

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