
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

A Surprising Name and Allah’s Oceans of Rehmat

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

[Abdul Razzak; Khanewal]

When someone faces the problems in earning, any obstacle in business or his business is destroyed then he should recite 20 Nawafil as 2,2 in the last part of night and in every rakah he should read SorahIkhlas  and 100 timesYaGaffarro یَاغَفَّارُ after SoraFatiha, and do this amalfor 21 days.


Allah is Gaffar. It means that He forgives the sins of people, meaning of Gaffar is to cover and hide because Allah covers and hide the sins of his creation by His Rehmat and He never punish them for their disobedience, sins and bad habits but He gives them time and when creation realize their mistakes, they ask Allah for forgiveness and He forgives them. So, in this way he is Gaffar. Gaffer is the One who shows the good things of others but hide the sins, and in the life hereafter He will forgive the sins. This attribute of Allah is so vast, who will recite this Name a lot he will love Allah so much and his heart will always want to say sorry to Allah after realizing his mistakes. So, he will be saved from sins. This Name is aesthetic and its numbers are 1281. Its benefits are as following:

Forgiveness of sins

This name is good for seeking forgiveness. If one recites this 1281 times after Fajar Salah throughout his life, his sins will be forgiven with the passage of time, and when he will go from this world, his all sins will be forgiven. By reciting 12 times after each salah one can save himself from sins with the grace of Allah. One another saying is by reciting 100 times after very Jumahprayer, he will live under the forgiveness of Allah.

To have agreement in court case

If both parties of case are not showing positive attitude for agreement then recite this Name 5124 times after Magrib prayer Insha’Allah they will agree. If any of your case is in court and you want an agreement but the other party is not giving its consent, so recite یَاغَفَّارُ 3000 times Insha’Allah you will have the agreement.

Strength for Good Deeds 

If someone does not have any attraction for good deeds and his Nafs (ego, inner self) indulges him in bad activities, then he should recite 2Nawafil of Touba and after that recite یَاغَفَّارُ 3125 times and do this for 40 days. Insha’Allah his all bad habits will finish and he will turn to good things.

Difficulties of livelihood (sustenance)

When someone faces the problems in earning andsustenance, any obstacle in business or his business is destroyed then he should recite 20 Nawafil as 2,2 in the last part of night and in every rakah he should read SorahIkhlas  and 100 timesYaGaffarro یَاغَفَّارُ  after SoraFatiha, and do this amalfor 21 days. Insha’Allah he will see the ending signs of his hardships.

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