
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Every step of a human takes him towards destination of death

Ubqari Magazine - August 2013

Preacher Maulana Muhammad Kaleem sadeeqi madzlhe

Hazarat maoulana barkat tehem al aihum is a great preacher of Islam and his book the wind of righteous path (naseem hadaya ke jhonkey)is worth reading

Upon seeing his friend go on foot he stopped his bike and insisted that his friend should also ride the bike. He was very happy that he had met his friend after a long time and it is good that his travelling will also be more pleasurable. He stopped the bike and got off and insisted that his friend should drive the bike. The friend hesitated for some time but since the bike was new and was bought only 2 days back so he insisted that friend should drive the bike. He had his friend at front and he sat at the back. Throughout the way they talked with affection and friendliness, when they reached Naseerabad, the gate to railway crossing was closed. Even the bike was not put in neutral when the time of death came upon. A falcon was flying with snake in its claws and beak when suddenly that snake which was small and injured and was alive slipped from the beak of the bird and fell on the neck of the friend sitting at the back and bit him on the spot on his neck. The snake from the dry land of Rajhistan was so poisonous that the driver felt his friend falling on the right side instantly. Person who was driving the bike turned off the ignition and parked the bike on one side and tried to lift this friend and at that instant he saw the snake sliding away from the neck of his friend and gliding to the other side of the road. And the bird who had dropped the snake came again and grabbed the snake again and flew away

Friend tried to lift his almost lifeless friend and dragged him somehow to one side of the road who was taking his last breaths. He managed conveyance for themselves and got in a jeep and took him to city one hospital of Naseerabad. But doctor told him that his friend had died. Due to poison the whole body had turned blue. While sitting with the body of his deceased friend he was thinking that they had no idea that this travel was a step towards the destination of death of his friend.

The writer of this story was travelling towards Rajhistan after 2 days of this incidence and when stopped due to closing of the gate of railway crossing; he was told this story by a tea seller. I thought that the ultimate truth teller our Prophet Muhammad PBUH told that man is in the womb of his mother when his age and food and reason for his death is decided and then the soul is inserted inside the body of the child. That person happily buying the new bike and then insisting upon his friend to drive the bike while he sat behind didn’t think that he was travelling towards the destination of his death.

FA ALUN LAMA YAREEDO‘s evidence is not clear upon us and we people think that snake fell and instead of dropping on the neck of rider fell on the friend sitting behind. But everything is written and settled with urr GOD Al MIGHTY

Not only the person sitting at the back but also each and every person among us is stepping towards the step to the destination our death. Of us, who can guarantee that up til taking next step taken by us we will remain alive and we will get sometime before inhaling or exhaling our breath

Along with such a life which is unpredictable and more temporary than bubble of water, us getting involved in the colours of it and forgetting the death is not only stupidity but also a mistake. Undoubtedly death is an excellent preacher and a teacher. I wish we would remember it and destination towards our death is an exam.

Why doesn’t worship change our life

If he wants to save himself from the fraud and make this intention of his prayers or worshipping or any kind of religious activity and keep fair intentions then GOD will open the doors of faith for him. Likewise if his work is filthy and dirty and he wants to remain clean then he should ask for cleaning himself throughout his prayers then GOD will make ways for him to remain clean. But this wish should be in form of intentions not in words or sentences because there is faking in words and sentences which is not like by GOD

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