
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

[Zartaj Cheema; Saangla Hill]

Though the experts have not succeeded to know the importance of sleep for human body but all are agreed on the point that less sleep or irregular sleep affect the mental and physical working severely. Good sleep maintain the human power of defense (against diseases) and help the muscular and nervous system to work properly. Whole night comfortable sleep speeds the learning process in children and is necessary for the nourishment of cells. How much sleep is required for the mental and physical activeness?

It depends on many factors e.g. nature of work etc. Infant suckling children can sleep up to 16 hours a day. Nine hours sleep for young children and 7 hours to 8 hours sleep is enough for adults. Though old people need as much sleep as an adolescent but normally they sleep for short intervals and do not sleep soundly for long. 50% of old people having age more than 65 years suffer from a disease of sleep.

Diseases due to shortness or disturbance in sleep are classified in three groups; shortness in sleeping time, continued disturbance in sleep and restlessness during sleep etc.

Insomnia: Insomnia is a matter by which a large number of people are affected. Its common reasons are irregularity in eating or drinking e.g. (Excessive use of caffeine or alcohol), mental and emotional stress etc. Sometimes, a physical disease or pain also cause the short duration of sleep. What so ever, this is a condition which disturbs the routine life as well as increases the mental and physical tiredness. Another condition which resembles to insomnia is caused due to incomplete sleeping hours. Such (diseased) persons not only suffers lack of sleep but also due to many factors they can not get their required sleep. This lack of sleep leads to weak decision power, weak memory and weak harmony in the movement of hands and eyes. And it also weakens the defense power.

Restlessness during sleep: Due to irregularity in breathing during sleep, disturbances occur in sleep resulting in snoring problem. Actually the main victims of this disease are the people who snore. The condition may affect anyone but fat people are big target of it. As compared to women this problem is mostly found in men. On the other hand as compared to men most of women are diseased insomnia. The men and women who sleep in day for long time may face disturbance during sleep. Walking during sleep, talking and walking due to fear shows the irregularities in sleeping system. Specially, walking during sleep may be dangerous. To avoid any incident, timely cure is a must for such patients.


The specialists of sleep recommend some suggestions for such patients who are suffering from different sleep disorders: 

  • Assign your time table; sleep and wake up as per this time table. Even at weekends follow this.
  • Exercise daily but don’t do it before sleeping. The best time for exercise is morning and afternoon. However, a light walk after dinner decreases stomach burden.
  • Don’t use tea, coffee, cigarette and alcohol. The things in which caffeine is present should be used six hours before sleep, so that their effects may be finished from blood circulation system.
  • To comfort yourself, make some routines before sleeping which could help to get sleep. E.g. taking bath with warm water or reading a good book may be useful.
  • Make the bed room comfortable. Excessive cold or hot room also disturbs sleep.
  • Don’t keep TV or Computer in bed room. When you feel asleep don’t wake up forcefully.
  • Make your self habitual of waking up in light. By removing the curtains and blinds of room, after getting up, the timer clock sets itself according to this light and as darkness appears it starts sending sleeping signals to brain.
  • Use of herbs or perfume may also help in the cure of insomnia patients. The night is created for sleeping by the nature. Sleeping at the time of sleeping and getting up early in the morning is necessary for mental & physical activeness. Don’t ignore the nature. Don’t let this natural system to rebel by uselessly waking at nights. Otherwise you may be in those people who cannot sleep the whole night.


  • By massaging poppy seed oil on temporal (Kanpatti), you will get sleepy soon.
  • If you don’t get sleep, cut a red tomato and sprinkle some sugar and eat it. By this sleeplessness gets away.
  • By eating fruit salad restlessness goes away, provided that your hormones are not increased and you don’t have sensitive nature.
  • Sometime you don’t get sleep due to dryness in head. Massaging the head is useful in this case. By massaging you will feel comfort and have asleep.
  • Not only at night but even during day minimize the use of tea and coffee. Instead use fruits and milk more and more.
  • By mixing some salt in warm water and putting your feet in it for a while before sleeping you will get comfort and have asleep.
  • By eating the mixture of white sugar crystals (Misri) and 6g seed marrow of pumpkin, sleeplessness gets away.  By eating green coriander the vapors of stomach going to the brain get vanished and you get comfortable sleep. 
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