
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual remedy of spiritual diseases

Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

I want to study but……

I quitted studies 5 years ago. Now my matters are allowing me to study, I want to complete my matriculation but whenever I sit to read books my mind does not work. I don’t feel enthusiasm to study, I feel bore sitting like this, what should I do. (Hussain Shah, Karachi )


Sit on prayer mat after fajar, fix your eyes on the point of saj’dha and recite یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ  for 10 to 15 minutes don’t move your eyes from that place, Insha Allah, your mind will work in desired way, you should do it for 40 days but if needed you can do it for more days.

My personality is Undeveloped

I spent my childhood in such circumstances that my personality got affected and now I feel that my personality is not developed and my abilities are compressed, I can’t talk to anybody in good way I feel uneasiness and tension while doing anything in a good way. I feel wilderness and tension on every small matter, I want your suggestion.


Take a 9 inches long and 6 inches wide page; write the number 9 on it, repeat writing until it gets filled. Paste it on any hard chart or paper so as to make it easy to put it in front of you. Before sleeping at night and after getting up in the morning watch it with fixed eyes, do not blink , but if you blink do not worry, keep watching. Put that paper 5 feet away from you.  Insha Allah, you will get positive results soon.

Hope turned into disappointment

I regularly read this page and I have successfully tried your one wazifa, now I am going to tell you the problem of my near relative, he is working in Saudi Arabia. He married 7 years ago. 5 to 6 times good news has turned into negativity. But he is still hopeful because he has believed in Allah. He has consulted authentic doctors also, but nothing meaningful came out. Tell something for spiritual help. (Ikram Ullah, Lahore)


Consult more doctors, it may bring out something which is not noticed yet.  Take benefit from these Names of Allah

ھُوَ اللہُ الْخٰلِقُ الْبَارِیُّ الْمُصَوِّرُٰؐ لَہُ الْاَسْمآؑءُ الْحُسْنیٰ(الحشر24)

66 times recite and blow on water. Drink in the morning and evening for 4 months. This wazifa is for his wife.           

Someone is scaring me

At night I feel that an old man, a young man and a woman are scaring me and suddenly a pious good old man appears and saves me. While sleeping I feel somebody is moving my bed. I sweat because of fear, in this state if someone touches me I scream very badly.(Naveed Ahmad Sakhar)


1.You should sleep in an airy place. 2. Do not eat salt more in food and don’t eat over cooked food. 3. In the morning eat 4 to 5 good quality dates, recite یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّوم  and blow on dates before eating. 4.  At night blow these words on water and drink.

Bad to worse circumstances

Circumstances are changing from bad to worse, on every little matter we have to bear a lot of expenses. Case is also in progress in court about two shops. We took loan and it’s not coming to an end now. People are asking again and again for it. My father is worried very much, he speaks less now, no chances of betterment are seen anywhere. 

Answer: یَااَللہُ یَاحَفِیْظُ یَارَحِیْمُ  recite these three Names of Allah 100 times after fajar and Isha then pray. Do charity according to your financial conditions. Giving for Allah comes under the heading of sacrifice; through this one gets a relation with spiritual peace and a satisfied heart. Natural system also helps him.

Displeasure and dull condition

My mind gets confused on petty matters. Strange feelings do come they give the state of displeasure and dryness. I also see worrisome dreams. I have got black circles around eyes, face color is dull and digestive system is not working properly.


Keep yourself in the state of ablution, most of the time. یَااَللہُ یَارَحْمٰنُ  recite it while doing work and every time. Try to be in this state, don’t think about any matter try to be empty headed and if thoughts come let them come avoid them. Insha Allah negativity will be ended. 

Bad business condition

I am trying to set my shop from last many years but I am still unsuccessful. My condition sometimes becomes so worse that I can’t give money to people. I want to terminate the shop then I think that I have spent many years, perhaps I might become successful. There are many other shops in our area which are successful. (Hussain Shah; Gujranwala)


Many things matter in business success, good planning, and healthy relationship with customers and knowing their needs, honesty etc, and one should take care of these things, assess your work, under these headings. Every morning while opening your shop recite 7 times Sora Kosar, blow it on hands and use hands like masa’h on your face and hands. Insha’Allah your circumstances will become good.


When examination comes closer I feel restlessness very much I cannot control this feeling, I become helpless, I could not participate in exams last year, because of this. I don’t feel hungry because of mental pressure. I cannot eat for a long time, I skip many meals. (Ashiq Mahmood, Multan)


Recite  یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ  as much as you can, it’s good for you. Recite it at all times; while sitting, walking etc. Insha’Allah mental pressure will come to an end.

Suffocated atmosphere

We don’t have any problem but our atmosphere is suffocated because of clashes between people. There is no peace and openness. Kids are taking negative effects. In a dream I saw someone saying to me to recite soorah Nooh. When and how should I recite It. (Aroosa, Rawalpindi)


Suffocated atmosphere and clashes are a big problem, because it affects the mind of every person in a family, especially kid’s consciousness. Family members should find any way, at least to save children. There are many possible ways for atmosphere which are decided by family. After Fajar recite Sora Nooh with translation, ponder over its meanings, and recite for 40 days.

Stubborn brother

My uncle’s son, who is 7 years old, is very stubborn. He does not listen to anybody, he refuses everything. We have to scold him to do school’s home work. We are all worried of his habits. (Parveen, kotli)

Answer: child psychology is another topic, and they should be raised according to that.  Considering this, do this amal, take a piece of paper and recite 1000 times

 یَابَدِیْعُ , blow it on paper, and make a circle  and a dot in the middle of circle, on that paper. Fold and keep that in the pillow which he uses. Be careful that pillow should not be used by anybody else. 

Unhealthy since childhood

I am ill since childhood, I am suffering from typhoid and stomach problems, after diseases I feel so much anger that people think I am out of my senses. I suffered from hepatitis three years ago, I suffered for 5 months, and again I suffered from it for a year. I have ulcer problem. Due to weakness and heartbeat I feel like fainting. I am also suffering from loose motions, gas and weak memory. I feel so fearful that I take someone if I want to go anywhere, I cannot go alone. (Mumtaz, Khanewal) 


You should take proper treatment and take food which is helpful in these diseases. Spiritual treatment is; before sleeping recite 11 times sora Ikhlas and blow on the fingers of both hands, then put right finger  on right eye and left finger on left eye.Do it thrice. Before sun rise recite یَاحَفِیْظُ یَاشَافِیُ یَاکَافِیُ   blow on water and drink it regularly.

I am too sensitive

My focus changes every day. I remain overwhelmed by thoughts only. Practically result is zero. And I go very far in building castles in my mind. Others can impress me at once and I think to be like them, I think so much that I feel headache, I am sensitive for my friends, and I want them to be my friends only. But I do want to befriend with everybody. I feel anger for my friends that they do not take care of friendship as I do. (Touqeer Ahmed, Multan)


After fajar prayer, walk on grassy place, empty your mind from all thoughts and focus on the thumb of left foot, firm your focus. Do it for 15 minutes.

Failure every time  

My husband was doing job abroad, after coming back to Pakistan he tried many businesses but in vain. He faced failure every time. We don’t understand which business should be run. Worries are increasing day bay day. (Uzma Muhammad Shareef, Lahore)


While starting business with evaluating circumstances we should notice the business guts and abilities. It is not right to think that others are doing business so we will also get profit.  It is necessary to take suggestion from experienced person. After Fajar 300 times recite یَابَاسِطُ  do charity as much as you can afford. Charity gives peace of heart and Barkat; it also saves from problems. 

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