
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Stubborn mother who destroyed life of her daughter

Ubqari Magazine - October 2013

Saleem Ullah Soomro; Kandiyaaro

Now the words that were said by the daughter of that mother should be considered closely. They were: ‘Mother what kind of time was it to settle the conditions; your terms have destroyed my life. I will never forgive you’ 

Could not sleep for six months:

There was a very famous dacoit of some area. When he reached his old age then he used to sit in front of mosque. Someone asked you were involved in so many robberies; was there any robbery which felt strange to you.  He said yes there was one. Once a wedding procession was coming and we stopped them. We separated men and women. We took away all money and watches etc from men and asked women to take off their jewelries. A lot of woman took off their jewelry. There was a young girl with a child in her lap who said that uncle please don’t be quick with me I will give you the jewelry. In her ears the jewelry was stuck and was not coming off. She was again and again saying uncle: don’t be quick with me I am taking off the jewelry. She was putting her hands together and asking for forgiveness. But she got late. I snatched the child away from her and with my both hands I threw the child on ground and with a knife cut her ears. She kept on crying and screaming but I didn’t feel any mercy nor didn’t anyone else interfere. . After that, almost for six months, I could not sleep either during the day or the night. Whenever I closed my eye then that woman used to come in my dream and with both hands closed she used to say o uncle don’t hurry with me. Whenever I used to see her request or scene I used to get goose bumps and could not sleep for the night. My God save us all from all kind of cruel people. People tell that this dacoit has grown old and sits in front of mosque all days but doesn’t have the guts to say 2 nafal prayers.

Mother’s stubbornness returned the wedding procession

A mother lived nearby us and she did her sons engagement with a relative woman’s daughter in other village. When on the set date the wedding procession went to the village then the mother of bride refused and said unless you give your daughters hand in the hand of my son’s hand otherwise I will not do the marriage of my daughter with you. The mother of groom first got tense then with bravery she said if you were to put forward this condition then you should have done it first. If you think that the wedding procession will go without the bride and we will be insulted then I accept the insult and this way the wedding procession went back.

Now the words that were said by the daughter of that mother should be considered closely. They were: ‘Mother what kind of time was it to settle the conditions; your terms have destroyed my life. I will never forgive you.’ It is heard that still that girl sits at home without marriage. This was the stubbornness of a mother who destroyed the life of her daughter.

Confirm prescription for skinny people.

Respected hakeem sahib Salam

I have tried some many prescription of ubqari which proved to be very useful. Out of which one proved to be tonic for getting fat and removing the weakness of mind. Whose ingredients are SONF one quarter CHAAR MAGHAZ ONE QUARTER WATER Half QUARTER. WHITE POWDER ONE TOLA . MISRI ONE TOLA . MAGHAZ BADAM ONE QUARTER  TRARPHALA HALF A QUARTER . I HAVE TESTED IT MYSELF . AFTER the USE OF ALMOST TWO MONTHS THE WEIGHT STARTED TO RISE

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