
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Special and time-tested experiences of the readers

Ubqari Magazine - November 2014

Readers! Do not become miser. Had you tested any spiritual or physical remedy or tonic and observed benefits, do write to us. Or if you had come across any strange incident, do write to us. Pages of Ubqari are at your disposal. Do not consider your ordinary experiences petty. It could be helpful for others and a lasting good-deed for you. Write your random thoughts to us, we will make it presentable.

Last words of the little girl

(Saleem Ullah, Kund Yaro)

This is a strange incident that took place in the school situated in a city forty miles away from our village. Once the school announced summer vacation. A girl, student of third class, did not reach her home the day school announced vacation. Worried parents of that girls looked for their daughter here and there but to no avail. An FIR was registered with police about the missing girl. Police searched vigorously but the girls was not found. Family of that girl spent three months of summer vacation wailing for their missing daughter. After three months, when the school reopened, skeleton of that girl in her clothes was found in her classroom. She had written a message some moments before she died. “Mom, I want to come home. But they have shut the door. Mom, I am frightened here. How can I come home. School is far away from our home. No one can hear me. Where are you mom? I am hungry and thirsty. What should I eat? There is no water here.” And this is how that girl stopped raising shrieks and died. Had the parents or police looked for the girl in school, she would have lived a long life.

I request school administration to look in the classrooms and bathrooms if there is any student before locking the school.

Goat-milk – Nature’s blessing

(Shamim ul Zafar Urfi, Kot Addu)

Medical experts belonging to different schools of thought of past and present believe in the presence of an element found in milk essential for life as well as for the growth of children and adults. In our country milk of cow and buffalo is commonly available. Though milk from these animals do not carry more significance than milk obtained from other animals. Where, cows or buffaloes are not available, milk obtained from other animals is consumed. Comparison between milk obtained from goat and cow clarifies that milk of goat comes second to the milk obtained from cow or buffalo in terms of the presence of certain type of water, fats and proteins. So, upon the basis of old and latest researches it can be said that after the milk of cow or buffalo, it is goat milk that nourishes child and helps in growth. A child gets more nourishment from less quantity of goat milk and digests the milk easily in less time. By drinking goat milk, children do not suffer with intestinal and gastric disorders. Goat milk is beneficial for children, adults and patients suffering with pulmonary disorders and fever. Goat milk has been found effective especially for the people whom physical growth has stopped. It has been proved that goat milk contains no germs causing pulmonay disorder rather it fights against such germs and helps body growing  anew the damaged tissues. It is concluded that child-death can be significantly reduced if goat milk is preferred over milk obtained from other animals for children.

Secret of success in life

(Narrated by: Haji Faiz Muhammad Sahib, Written by: Syed Wajid Hussain Bukhari)

I am seventy-five years old now. I am grateful to Almighty Allah for blessing me with everything. I have seen many ups and downs in my life. I have borne many losses besides earning remarkable profits. Allah has blessed me, out of His generosity, with four factories. I served my mother a lot. And she would pray for me a lot. My mother loved me more than she loved my brothers. I have been blessed due to the prayers my mother made in my favour. Lucky is the man in whose favour people pray to Allah. The second personality who has prayed in my favour is Moulana Abdullah who has served as teacher in Ahmad Pur Sharqia for about thirty years. He earned countrywide fame by the virtue of the book he wrote on lives of blessed companions of  Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­. My difficulties turned into successes whenever he prayed for me. As long as he was alive he prayed Allah for my success. I used to visit him whenever I came across a problem. And the problem would resolve after his prayer. He would treat everyone with compassion. Once I got entangled in a problem. He gave me an amulet to keep. When I went back to home with that amulet, my problem got resolved instantly. It is true that sacrifices earn you prayers of old people. The old must be served to this extent that they themselves bless you with prayers rather asking them to pray for you. Serving the old is a blessing in fact.

Solution to difficulties and diarrhoea

(R D, Attock)

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum.

Following three are the miscellaneous medical and spiritual incidents especially for the readers of Ubqari.

Truth has come and falsehood vanished

A renowned scholar of Hayatabad (Peshawar) once met a priest in Chicago. Priest told scholar, “Our elders have been saying that Islam will rise after 2000.” The priest further asked, “How will you treat us like when Islam will dominate the world?” That scholar answered, “There is neither pressure nor prejudice in Islam.” The scholar added, “There are many people in Chicago who are embracing Islam without any coercion.”

One day, Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ came home…


Threw garbage on his ﷺ enlightened face. Huzrut zainab رضی اللہ عنہا brought water, all the while crying while washing his face. Hazoor ﷺ said, don’t cru my daughter! The religion which your father has brought, Allah will enter it in every house made of unbaked and burnt bricks.


This thing is for sure that Islam will spread in the whole world and for it, if our life, money and time are used, Allah shall give us the paradise of siddiqeen. Therefore we should participate eagerly in religious duties.


My tested prescription for diarrhea: take a piece of brown sugar according to appetite put it in frying pan and on the stove. Add a little water to it so that a syrup is formed. Add ispagholla husk according to the amount of syrup. Add half spoon desi ghee, it will take the form of sweet meat. Cool it and eat half of it in one go. Eat the second half again after few hours. It is also very beneficial in bloody diarrhea.


Solution of all problems: Hazoor ﷺ struck thrice on a big rock in ghuzwa e khunduq. He recited surah inaam ayat number 115 every time before striking. He cracked the rock in third attempt after reciting it. This ayat is the solution of problems as big as a mountain.


An easy remedy of all kinds of pain


( Mohammad Usman Chohan, Umerkot)


Honourable hakeem sahib Assalam o alaikum! I have two prescriptions which I am presenting to the readers of Ubqari. I am a poor man therefore the prescriptions I am sending are also very cheap and useful.


(Space for Arabic text) Take 7 seeds of banduc nut and crush them. Boil it in 250 ml of water. Strain it when it is reduced to half and give it at lukewarm temperature for drinking to the patient. InshaAllah it will give instant relief.


Relief from psoriasis: (space for Arabic text) : Take Indian soap nut with which clothes and head is washed. Take shells as required and pulverize it. After making a powder, strain it. Make gram like tablets by adding water and honey. Dosage:


Give one tablet in the morning with yogurt and in the evening give it with water. These tablets purify blood. It is effective for dangerous disease like syphilis. It also treats diseases like pruritis, prickly heat and syphilis.




Found effective for every task


( A sister)


Honourable hakeem sahib Assalam o alaikum! I have been reading monthly Ubqari regularly since last few years. I have not read a magazine better than this till now. Everything that desire is in this magazine. We practiced a few wazaif from this magazine which were 100% effective. I am mentioning a few for the benefit of readers of Ubqari so that other people can also practice it and remember me in their prayers!


Wazeefa number 1: Recite surah Fatiha once and surah ikhlass thrice bracketing it with durood Shareef once, braise over aab e zum zum and drink it. My sister was bed wetting since 22 years and was cured Alhumdulillah by the blessings of this water. My mother also had many big tumors in her body. She also used this water for some time and Alhumdulillah there is not a sign of a tumor in her body. This wazeefa was printed in March 2009.


Wazeefa number 2: I read the wazeefa of surah quraish in monthly Ubqari magazine printed few years back. After that whenever I recited it countless all day for any task, I found it successful. It is a tested wazeefa.


Wazeefa number 3: Readers! For a fact, I have seen targets scattered to a span of a distance between east and west being fulfilled magnetically…. I have practiced this wazeefa myself many times and my mother did it too….told it to many other people and they also praised it. Huzrut Sultan Nizamuddin aulia mehboob ilahi   رحمت اللہ علیہ narrated it that “ whosoever recites this wazeefa after fujur 100 times, inshaAllah his desire shall be fulfilled in a week and if his desire is not fulfilled than may his hand be holding my garment on the day of judgment.” The wazeefa is: On Friday; (space for Arabic text), On Saturday: (space for Arabic text), On Sunday: ( space for Arabic text),  On Monday: (space for Arabic text), On Tuesday: (space for Arabic text), On Wednesday: ( space for Arabic text), On Thursday: ( space for Arabic text). One rosary to be recited after fujur. This wazeefa is mentioned in monthly Ubqari February 2008 page 35.


A curative prescription for cardiac diseases


( Doctor Mrs Major Kazmi)


The prescription for cardiac diseases and opening of blocked vessels is being used since 18 years. A curative and proven prescription which normalizes blood cholesterol and blood pressure besides opening of cardiac vessels treats pneumonia and gastric ailments, cures obesity and body fat. It also works as an antibiotic. In this expensive era get cardiac treatment cheaply with this natural herb and save yourself 100%  from surgery. (space for Arabic text): Extract of desi garlic 2 cup, extract of desi ginger 2 cup, lemon juice 2 cup, apple vinegar 2 cup. Cook all ingredients at low flame. When 1/3rd is left take it off the stove and let it dry. Then add 250 gram of honey of Indian jojoba. Now recite surah ibrahim ayat number 26, 676 times daily and braise over it. Recite ( space for Arabic text) 35 thousand times and braise over it. Do everything after ablution (bawuzu). Dosage: Add two large spoons in a cup of warm water and drink it morning, afternoon and evening, after meals. Besides it, take olive oil 4 large spoons daily; take flour seed of ujwa date and regular date with a spoon of honey everyday. This is our ancestral prescription usable since centuries. Use it and remember us in prayers.


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