
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Wazifa For Finding Lost Item, Person And Wealth

Ubqari Magazine - June 2015

From editor’s pen

Readers! Every month read Hazrat Hakim Sahib’s unique account filled with Spiritual secrets. 

“By the blessing of this Wazifa, that person came to Lahore and returned all the passports and tickets. It seemed like a miracle to all as only two days were left for their flight and they had gone hopeless to ever find them. They were pleased and uncle also offered Nawafil for Shukrana (thankfulness) and was much obliged to Ubqari.”


Since publishing of the experiences of  یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَا رَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ  in Ubqari, unlimited experiences and observations are being submitted. While checking routine mail today, a letter surprised me which I am reproducing for the readers in its original form:


Lost Passport returned and cousin’s honour restored:     Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! May Almighty shower billions of his blessings on you, Ameen. By serving the grieved humanity you are collecting the treasures of their prays. From your magazine we saw the Wazifa of

 یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَا رَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ. We liked it a lot. Recently we experienced the wonder of this Wazifa. Our maternal uncle is settled in Saudi Arabia since 20 years. This year in July he completed the documents for his family and sent them to Pakistan so as his family can confirm their tickets and proceed to the holy land to get blessed by to performing Umrah and Hajj. When the documents were received, his wife (our aunty) sent her husband’s brother in law (who is also our cousin) to Lahore with necessary documents and passports to confirm the tickets. He reached the concerned office at 9 in the morning and by 11 o’clock he was through with all the formalities. When he was searching for a wagon for Gujrat, a wagon stopped in front of him and the driver asked him where does he want to go? He told that he wants to go to Gujrat. The wagon driver said that this vehicle will also go to Gujrat. You can sit in. He sat in the vehicle where 3-4 more passengers were also there. After travelling for about 15 minutes, the driver stopped the wagon saying that some defect has occurred in the wagon. Therefore the passengers may take back their rent and hire some other transport. He also returned the money to our uncle. He hired a rickshaw to go back to the bus terminal. When he put his hand in his pocket to get the money, there was nothing in it. He was pick pocketed. He was highly upset to know that the passports and tickets were also gone.  The flight was after about 6 days. But what could have been done now? It all happened in that wagon. In despair, he went back to the office and told the staff about the loss of the passports and tickets. He sought their help to find some solution for this situation. The office staff regretted that they are helpless to provide any assistance under these circumstances. After reaching home when he narrated this incident, nobody was ready to believe it. Everybody was saying that he has deliberately thrown away or has hidden the documents so that the family of his brother in law cannot go abroad. Everyone was speaking strange things. During this turmoil, his son and daughter in law came to our home and told that they want to advertise the matter on TV to seek any clue. But the newspaper and TV people have told them to report the matter in the concerned police station. All of a sudden the Wazifa published in Ubqari came to my mind which was for lost items. I wrote down this Wazifa and gave it to them. I told them that entire family should recite this Wazifa. Insha Allah lost items will be found. My uncle was repeatedly saying that such a thing has never happened with him in his entire life. I wish to find these items and return them back to you. I will regain my honour and then will never take such responsibility.

 In short, they took the Wazifa. We also started reciting it. Nobody was hopeful for the return of the documents. The family members were saying that uncle has caused us a loss of five to six hundred thousand rupees. Only 13 days had passed when someone called our aunty on phone. He said that he is calling from Lahore. He has found some of our documents from plants along a road from which he has found our number and address. If you can provide me complete address, I can bring you back your belonging. My Aunty thanked Allah and by 2 o’clock in the afternoon, by the blessing of this Wazifa, that person came to Lahore and returned all the passports and tickets. It seemed like a miracle to all as only two days were left for their flight and they had gone hopeless to ever find them. They were pleased and uncle also offered Nawafil for Shukrana (thankfulness) and was much obliged to Ubqari. All this happened because of the Wazifa  یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَا رَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ ,  published in Ubqari. May Almighty Allah grant prosperity and progress to this magazine and always keep you existing to help the grieved humanity and shower billions of his blessings on you. Ameen!

 Readers! I am giving you your belonging which was in my guardianship. If you attain any benefit from this Wazifa, please share with me as well. I will be waiting.  Editor!



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