
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend Of Jinnat

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari

True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.

Graveyard of Damascus and holy grave of Tabeyee(رحمت اللہ علیہ):

 At the time, I was in Damascus and it was an ancient graveyard of Damascus in which highly respected companions(رضوان اللہ علیہم اجمعین), close relatives of Prophet PBUH, saints, scholars (رحمت اللہ علیہ) and pious people are buried. It crossed my mind to visit grave of such Tabeyee (رحمت اللہ علیہ) (A person with faith in Islam who met companions of Prophet PBUH in his life time) whose whole life was spent in the service of Holy Quran, Hadith etc. I went to a grave which I thought belong to some elevated Tabeyee (رحمت اللہ علیہ)I started concentrating spiritually for quite some time but I could not feel anything, I became worried, I so felt that this grave was empty.

The whole universe opened up in little time:

Tired, I got up and reached the next grave, my comprehension told me that this belongs to another extremely pious Tabeyee (رحمت اللہ علیہ). I started Muraqba (spiritual concentration) and in a little while the whole universe opened up. I saw with my eyes a vast ground, so vast that I had not seen such vast ground in my whole life but in this ground, there was greenery everywhere, flowers, pleasant scent and many fruits. I was walking through this ground in the state of spiritual concentration.

My ears have not heard such Quran:

I was happy, pleased and walking in this ground, saw a person offering Salah. His way to recite Quran in his Salah was so attractive and pleasant that my ears have not heard such Quran till today. I was astonished and kept on listening Quran and was so absorbed in it that I forgot the world, the universe and all the secrets of the universe. The taste of Quran, getting in touch with Quran was such that I lost my wisdom and was astonished, I was surprised and astonished that what has happened? I just did not know anything else as I know Quran myself, can read it, can understand it, but, I was speechless, my tongue dry, my mind absolutely frozen and still and I could not get out from the impact of this voice. I would wait for another Ayat and then would be lost in it, it was such taste, such feeling that I was totally amazed and astonished. That person kept on reciting Quran and then he performed a prolonged Ruku and Sajda.

Taste of fruits of paradise and greed for more:

Similarly, he offered 2 Rakat, I was lost in time and when he concluded his Salah by doing Salam, he got attentive towards me and took my name and did Salam. He asked about my welfare and within a while various kinds of fruits appeared from nowhere and I started eating them. Every fruit had its own taste and was delicious. Every fruit had such a pleasant taste and it was making me restless and I wished to have more. Suddenly, I realized that I should ask him that who was he? And I asked him, who are you?

Meeting with Tabeyee  (رحمت اللہ علیہ)who sat in the company of Sahabaاجمعین  رضوان اللہ علیہم (companions of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم):

He said that actually I am a resident of far away village of Undlas (Spain), I got the period of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم of Allah but I could not visit him. I have seen the period of Sahaba           اجمعین  رضوان اللہ علیہم and I have the honour to personally see many great Sahaba اجمعین  رضوان اللہ علیہم, during this period I came to Madina-tul-Munawara, in which Hazrat Usman رضی اللہ عنہwas martyred. I have seen the grave of HJHaH

Hazrat Usman رضی اللہ عنہbut could not see him. I have sat in the company of great Sahaba اجمعین  رضوان اللہ علیہمand when Sahaba اجمعین  رضوان اللہ علیہم spread out of Madina to spread the knowledge, I followed them to quench my thirst for knowledge and I found some in Kufa, some in Raye, some in Damascus and someone in Holy Makkah, in short I kept on learning from them and quenching my thirst for knowledge. My life was spent in this condition and finally I died and was buried here.

Mention of the blessings after death:

I am buried since centuries and I am waiting for the Day of Judgment. Due to the Prophet’s knowledge Allah SWT has given me much, his gifts, blessings, heaven, well being, barkat, happiness, respect and spiritualism and so much that I am surprised and astonished myself at how much blessings Allah SWT has bestowed upon me.

Seven tried out acts of millions & millions:

I asked a question that can you tell me about such experiences and acts of your life which benefitted you and which you think were such acts that were complete and beneficial in your lifetime and due to which you had many benefits. Will you want to tell me? He took a deep breath and said: There are 7 such acts which I performed in my life and gained a lot and there are millions & millions of people buried in this graveyard having their graves one upon another in layers upon layers but, when I put a glance at them, the majority of them were forgiven and their generations were blessed due to these 7 acts.

  These 7 acts are:-

 Seven Acts giving benefits in this world as well as in grave:

I was surprised at this statement and asked that did these 7 acts were of benefit in the world too? He said yes! These 7 acts kept me prosperous in the world also and I instructed in my will for my generations also to do these acts and when they did so, they were prosperous and blessed, there are numerous people in this graveyard who did these acts and they are prosperous over here and were prosperous in the world too, their generations performed these 7 acts and their generations were prosperous in that world also and are so in this world too, I was surprised and got more interested, and intensity of my interest increased and it was my desire that I should get to know about these 7 acts quickly.

 If you want to know these 7 acts then do ablution first:

He said that if you have to learn about these 7 acts then firstly you do ablution. I did ablution with flowing water, and he immediately told me that you have not used Miswaak with ablution, I said yes, I did not.

First Act is Miswaak:

 I had to tell you that the first act is “Miswaak”, where a person meets his end upon faith, thereby doing Miswaak regularly and seriously by a person, gives him respect and power. People listen to him and he gets affection, Allah SWT gives such effect in his conversation which has an impact on hearts. Persons doing miswaak start talking about good things with sweetness and often start refraining from uttering bad words or gradually their bitter words are snatched away from them and they can only talk sweetly and this happens itself and they do not have to do some effort for it.

Money and Wealth with Miswaak:

Person doing miswaak is liked by everyone in society and the hands which hold miswaak get money, cash and wealth in a way in which waterfalls with speed from a mountain, these hands never remain empty and are always filled with money and have power in them. If these hands are used, then many big accidents are avoided.

I have never left miswaak in my life:

Sahabi Baba further said: I was looking towards the Tabeyee R.A. of the grave of Damascus with amazement, on one side was garden, flowers and vast ground on another side and Quran recited by him had a sweet effect in every part of mine and on the other hand, the miracles and effects of miswaak which he was telling me. He stopped while talking and started staring in the space and said that I have never left doing miswaak in my life, today I have realized that a person who does miswaak meets his end on faith, I have experienced it myself.

 Experience of the last moments of death:

Sahabi Baba said that he told me that you have not experienced the last moments before death but I have experienced it well, you do not have experience of the last breaths before dying but I have experience of the last breaths before death. This was only with the Barkat of miswaak that at the last moments I was breathing easily and my heart was saved from sinking and I was relieved from pressure and no hardship was brought upon me, when my breath was being sucked out from each and every part of my body, I was in a state of strange amazement and I had a strange realization and this strange amazement and realization was that what is the hardship of death? I heard a voice in my ears saying, this is because of your persistent act of doing miswaak, which you continued to do in your life.

 The secret for prosperity of my generations:

The Tabeyee رحمۃ اللہ علیہ continued his conversations and said that I could never stay away from miswaak during any moments of my life and I always had great respect for miswaak and due to this respect, my generations are prosperous even today, they are not poor, or hand to mouth and are not beggars, rather they have vastness in their wealth, health, thoughts, their kids and in their generations and have a lot of Barkat, this is all due to the Barkat of miswaak.

Second act is ablution:

The second act given by Tabeyee R.A. was stranger, he said: I have always tried to stay with ablution and made ablution a necessity for my every breath and made my generations also used to it. Once I visited a great Sahabi R.A. who lived in village, and I saw him staying with ablution all the time.

Treatment of back pain of Sahabi-e-Rasoolullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم:

I asked that I have witnessed you staying with ablution all the time, have you observed any blessing of this act? If yes, then please tell me, he said: that I have obtained this blessing of this act that I had an old back bone pain because once I fell from the camel, I tried to treat it for quite some time and finally a great Sahabi رضی اللہ عنہ told me that the solution for back bone is to always stay with ablution, he said that I left all the medicines, treatments for the pain in my back and started staying with ablution, the pain of my back was cured. The villager Sahabi رضی اللہ عنہsaid that after this I started telling many people this act for the back pain and everybody got relief from it 100% whether soon or after a while.

Forty angels stay all the time with the person who is always with ablution:

He told another benefit that 40 angels are always with the person with ablution and these 40 angels get rid of various worries, problems, accidents, evil beings from this person and they always accompany him and if somebody wants to harm this person they become a shield for him, and if any magician who does magic on him, they stop his evil act and if the evil person does not stop then they protect this person and punish the evil magician,  save him from accidents, problems, poverty and they become a wall in front of him from financial and other problems and with the help of Allah’s (سبحانہ تعالی) support him in his earning. He further said that I have stayed with ablution all the time myself.

Advancing flame towards a fresh dead body and protector angels:

While talking the great Tabeyee رحمۃ اللہ علیہ who met me in the graveyard of Damascus in a state of spiritual concentration, stopped and looked right and left and then normalizing his breathing and expression, said: I have not seen any person in his grave, it’s been centuries and since centuries dead bodies are coming to this graveyard and I always try to find these 7 things in the dead people and in whomever I find these 7 things, my heart gets 100% satisfied that these are forgiven! Once I saw a dead body and suddenly a flame rushed towards it, it was a new dead body which had just come to the graveyard, but, suddenly some angels came and they caught this flame and threw it far away, in a little while again the flame came back but they again caught it and threw it away (Continued).


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