
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Call the Nature and Then See

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

(Hakeem Ghulam Yazdani Qureshi)

Religion and medicine have a very firm binding. All the recommendations of the religion are beneficial for the humanity. Our creator and Lord has taken much care about our well being, because without health the chores of religion and world cannot be done satisfactorily.

Body and spirit combine to form a movement in the body. The body without the spirit is useless. And only with the spirit the miracles of nature cannot be seen in the body. Allah Almighty has made the day for work and the night for rest. When we rest at night, the movements of the body become slow, they are not stopped. If there is no balance between rest and work then the health deteriorates, more or less sleep, to wake up again and again. Or to keep on being drowsy, all of them are unhealthy states of sleepiness. Unfortunately these days’ newer hobbies have made the man unprincipled. That is why one cannot see a person with remarkable health anywhere. One should be careful in striking a balance between work and rest. It is important for a person that he should sleep for at least 6-7 hours according to the age. A few people feel happier due to working for a long time. Sometimes this creates a disorder in the health and strength and power start slowing. A few students read books according to a plan and reading is a good habit. Continue the reading till the time you can focus attention. As soon as you feel tired and slowing of the mind, stop reading. And sleep for a while. Like this a person becomes fresh and becomes able to perform his work again. In the case of being tired reading cannot be done with concentration and attention. Neither does the mind retain the lessons. A few students read quite a lot on the night before the exam so as to effectively solve the questions. Such a reading is not useful in the examination hall. Sometimes one can even not write appropriate answers for easy questions. Reading and writing should be done with attention and calmly during the academic year. Definitely you will have adequate success. Religion and medicine have a very firm binding. All the recommendations of the religion are beneficial for the humanity. Our creator and Lord has taken much care about our well being, because without health the chores of religion and world cannot be done satisfactorily. As soon as the winter finishes our requirements begin to change. We start liking cold beverages and drinks. We use sherbet, squash, and lassi more. Nature provides us with lokaat, water melons, plums, faalsa, khobaani and aarou and leechis. And when the special fruits of summer, example, mangoes, and dates start coming then jaamun, lemons, pomegranate, and meethas are available. Severity of thirst and anxiety can be treated with medicines such as neelofer, sandal, Bazoori, garhal, rose, and baidshak. Thus, nature has provided us in every weather with warm, cold, balanced and all types of foods and medicines so that we can use them according to our own needs and temperament and use them. Spiritual values also improve our health in the sense that in them as well in as much as care has been taken about our requirements of the afterlife, our worldly needs are also addressed. Such as Hazrat Abu Huraira (رضی اللہ عنہ) has said that hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said, that Allah almighty likes sneezing and has disliked yawning. The person among you who sneazes should say Alhamdolillah and every person who hears this response should say yarhamak Allah. And yawning is the deed of the devil. The one among you who feels like yawning should try to stop it as much as possible. Because when a person yawns, the devil looks at him and laughs. Yawning happens due to tired nerves and due to stomach disorder as well. That is why after having food takes Jawaarish Jaalinoos as much as possible. From the medical point of view the brain is a lively organ and controls the nerves of all the organs in the body. Knowledge of good or bad is attained through this. When the brain is affected by any internal or external source, then naturally in order to remove it through the nose one sneezes. Like this the person is saved from the pain. When the situation is this then why should not one thank Allah for sneezing. And upon this the people who listen to these words should also say the praying words of یرحمکاللہ. Similarly, whenever one has to yawn that is a sign of sluggishness and accumulation of toxic and filthy excretions inside the body. Opening the mouth a lot develops the signs of coma in the facial nerves. And sometimes the muscles are badly stretched. In ordinary circumstances or gathering development of such a state is a matter of disappointment and paves the way for some external thing to get inside the mouth. The principles of nature and sayings of the perfect guide (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) redeem us from all sorts of bad situations. At the time of yawning the devil also laughs due to the reason that to see the human being tormented is a matter of happiness for him. That is why it was said that in such a case try to open your mouth as less as possible and place a hand over the mouth so that a painful thing may not enter the mouth and neither should a secretion from the mouth make the external things dirty. And the devil, our original enemy should also not feel happy for our pain. Sometimes, a person becomes affected due to illness with these states. And it becomes important to take medicine. In the case of heaviness of the head or pain, the medicines that cause sneezing should be taken.

ھوالشافی: Nakk chakni, 10 grams, Kaaiphal, 10 grams,  Dry petals of rose, 10 grams. Make a powder of all the medicinesand smell according to the need. Then you will sneeze and the head ache will also vanish. If the pain is there for a long time then.

ھوالشافی: Noshaader, 10 grams, Ann bujhaa hua choona, 10 grams. Put both the medicines in a bottle with an open mouth and put a cork on it and at the time of need shake it and smell it. In order to eat use khameera Gaao zabaan anbari and Atraifal istakhdoos , equal amounts. Take one small teaspoon in the morning, similarly, take an equal amount at the time of asr with water or gaaozabaan. If you sneeze too much then instead of saying alhamdolillah, seek refuge from God لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ since this is an illness and use this medicine.

ھوالشافی: Atraifil kashnaizi 10 grams, kashta marjaan saada, 25 mg. Mix both of the medicines and use them in the morning and at the time of asr with water. Appropriate prevention is also important. Soreness, oily foods and use of too much old water is also harmful. Harmony of body and spirit is extremely important because this can keep the health strong. And their harmony is dependent upon the ideology of the human and abiding by the principles of nature.

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