
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Suspiciousness, Boredom, Complexities and their Solution

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

(Lubna Shah)

To get rid of boredom, keep your powers in movement. Make your opinion better about yourself. Do some work which you feel good or meaningful. If the boredom is due to the situation that you don’t have any way of expressing something which is going on inside do than express that openly.

Such problems which we face in everyday life and due to which various persons consider their life difficult for them are not that big issues in reality. With little effort, we can resolve our issues and keep away our worries.

There is no one who doesn’t want to get any guider who could guide him/her in difficult times and show the way to get rid of the worry. Keeping in mind this thing, follow are few directions which are beneficial for every segment of the society. With the help of these advise, you will learn to overcome your worries, difficulties, problems and dangers because if the problem will not be resolved than there will be a dearth of something in the personality of the person.

Get Rid of Suspiciousness:

You must have seen some people who seem worry in anything. Most of the time, they think that the situation will go wrong. It seems that suspiciousness is a mental attitude which keeps the mind busy in worries regarding matters.

In today’s era, people seem suffering from suspiciousness disease in particular. Suspiciousness becomes the reason of various mental and physical problems in people. Besides these things, the fear overcomes his mind and this fear is severely worrisome. The worst situation is this that the man attempts to stop his thoughts and then he wants to be seen peaceful but the suspiciousness and fear keeps growing in him/her. To get rid of suspiciousness, the following advice should be adopted. Note down your unfulfilled desires, fears and needs and identify them and don’t hide them from yourself.

Don’t detract yourself by saying that “I don’t need this thing”, hiding desires and feelings wastes energy and there is no need to say, “I don’t feel anger”.

Review your suspiciousness that whether it is wastage of time or meaningless? Whether it is from loneliness? There is no need to make yourself tired in such useless things which cannot help you overcoming suspiciousness. The business can stop the suspiciousness temporarily but not permanently. To get rid of suspiciousness completely, the reality based thinking is essential. Do not attempt to eradicate it completely. The factor of believelessness and danger in life is always there. Only think about those dangers which are reality based. The exercise also lessens the intensity of suspiciousness. Exercise for at least half hour daily. And do some work which keep the body busy in a particular positions. Remember, thinking something in imaginations and do any practical thing are different things. So do not let baseless thoughts overcome you.

Get rid of Boredom

Not taking interest in things, places or persons creates a condition in us which is called boredom. Sometimes we give it name of any alternate problem. Most of the time, it is due to ignoring any other important matter and restlessness in current matters. Many people do not consider boredom any big issue but if it is not controlled, than it becomes the cause of depression later on.

To get rid of boredom, keep your powers in movement. Make your opinion better about yourself. Do some work which you feel good or meaningful. If the boredom is due to the situation that you don’t have any way of expressing something which is going on inside do than express that openly. Keep yourself busy in some work or take any responsibility. Give priority to any successful thought of past or present in your mind and enjoy that thought. If you have to wait at any place than keep a magazine or any interesting book with you and plan for your matters with seriousness. Review your current situation and set your suitable goals.

Get Rid of Worries

All of us face small or huge worries in life. However, such worries which are immediate and of intense nature, if go away, still leave behind the memories and pain. These worries also teach you lesson. Often the worries seem troublesome in start but there is no need to get dishearten from them.

Listen to your Heart:

Forget the past and see your hearts’ reality as often it shows some way to get rid of the difficulty. The sages of ages use to say that think before you do something but today it is more suitable for us that we should feel the thing and then think. A person cannot come in movement with empty emotions. Senses and emotions are part of each other.

Few Reasons of Failures

The thought that nothing can be done without money, is wrong. If it is considered right than a person cannot keep away his worry till he becomes wealthy. Clash of past and present: Obstacle in bringing out some alternate away mentally, thinking that now situation cannot be controlled. Get worried in difficult times. Any kind of situation is there, do not sit idle more than 24 hours. Try to resolve this issue.

Advice for resolving extra ordinary issues:

The solution of difficult situations will be extra ordinary.  The problems of life are mathematical questions which are resolved through adding and subtracting. What is important? And who is important? Know about both of these. Do not think that whosoever has created worry for you is intentionally created. Do say wrong to wrong things and try to get the courage of facing the reality.

Review your issue from every aspect. Keep yourself on other people’s place and avoid being self centred. See how the role of others was affecting the issue. After that, make efforts keeping in mind your past experiences and the current situation. By following the above mentioned advice with our self confidence we can not only get rid of our issues but also make our life peaceful. Being Muslims, we should have faith and trust in Allah Almighty and strengthen our connection with him as this spiritual connection can save us from physical and mental problems and worries.

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