
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Mental pressure can be diminished; a few points should be applied

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

(Shumialla Ahmad, Mehar Shah)
No matter what kind of pressure is experienced by a person the result is the same that is the person suffers from mental and physical imbalance. Nowadays the workload is tremendous and makes one extremely tired, even a child, if put under a lot of pressure becomes irritated. If the pressure is less than a person does not suffer instead he strives to work hard however when this pressure increases beyond one's strength to bear it then it may prove fatal. Relief from pressure is not hard to achieve if the following six points are followed hence by applying these points in daily life one can get rid of the overbearing pressure.

1.      Relax yourself
In order to get rid of pressure it is important to relax yourself and at the same time control your breathing. When you inhale and exhale you must do it with absolute concentration for about five minutes and feel its effect with your entire body which helps to relieve the pressure immediately.

2.      Think positively
No matter how difficult a situation you may face, you must not allow yourself to needlessly become worried over the matter instead you should tell yourself that you are happy and that all these problems will eventually go away. If you become accustomed to positive thinking then you will never be under any pressure.

3.      Talk to a friend
if anyone is constantly bothering you then consult a friend or your husband. This will reduce the tension you are feeling. If you do not wish to share your troubles then simply sit in solitude and scream out loud as to release all the pressure and anger built up inside you.

4.      Give yourself some time
your personality needs attention. You must relax a very common method to relieve stress. In order to do, that simply lies down and rid your mind of all thoughts. After this a walk in the park or a good book or engaging yourself in a favourite hobby may help you further.

5.      Eat a balanced diet
Remember! Your diet is a weapon to fight against stress or depression hence it must be balanced. Fruits, vegetables and soup should be a consistent part of your diet. Sugar and caffeine should be taken in a limited amount. If you smoke or eat Pan then you must quit immediately.

6.      Do not hope for too much
one should be accustomed with the difficulties in life and not tie any false hope with anyone or anything for such people normally do not suffer much. You should know by now that what it is that you desire in the world. Then you should strive to achieve it however you must not try to turn something impossible into a possibility for this will never happen and you will only experience more stress which is against advice.


Depression and anxiety are often found in those people who are educated, intelligent, kind hearted, professional and those who have lots of free time i.e retired or live alone or have been a victim of a serious incident. Normally, a depressed person is not liked in society instead only a cheerful and happy person is found acceptable. An over confident or pompous person is never liked. One should be good and kind outside as well as inside oneself. Depression can last for minutes, hours, days, weeks or months however that does not mean that it can never be removed.

Staying alone, lost in thoughts, arguments and grudges against people, looking into space, being worried all the time, crying and thinking negatively are all causes of depression. Insomnia is the main result of depression.

Depression has two types:

1. Timely depression
2. Lasting depression

Some people are only depressed sometimes and this can be handled quite easily. When someone observes a rich person he or she will fall into an inferiority complex. Therefore, that person should remember his own wealth provided by Allah Almighty and look at the people below him not above. Immediately he or she will change their perspective but it is possible that this person may fall into a deeper hence lasting depression which if not consulted with a psychiatrist or a religious professional may become worse. Humans are often under stress. By using or applying the following points one can reduce his or her depression:

        i.            Indulge in prayer regularly and cry in prostration.

      ii.            Keep the company of good friends, elders and students.

    iii.            Mediate.

    iv.            Abstain from negative thinking and be thankful always. Thank Allah Almighty daily and make a habit of saying Istagfar or Taubah.

      v.            Listen to the recitation of Surah Rahman.

    vi.            Learn to live for yourself and enjoy blissful old memories.

  vii.            Indulge in gardening or travel to new places.

viii.            Recite Surah Alam Nashrah with its meaning at least once every day.

    ix.            Take care of your diet. Do not eat late digesting food; also do not sit without doing anything for long.

      x.            Arrange events having recitation of Quran or a naat.

    xi.            Associate with a religious person. Attend the Ubqari dars every Thursday and listen to the recitation of azaan of Maghreb after it.

  xii.            Read good books and create a library of religious and historical books.

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