
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Reduce your weight and increase your beauty

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Human body is like a machine and this machine needs fuel to perform its duties and it gets fuel from food, if energy from food is more than its requirement then it stores it in form of fats which increases weight and man suffers from obesity. In reality obesity is root of many disease it increases rate of death. Form studies we came to know that every pound of increase in weight reduces 1% of expected life, nowadays standard of beauty is to maintain weight if weight is constant one can live long. Once reason of obesity is lack of knowledge and carelessness, unknowingly people start eating a lot and get habitual to it they don’t know that result of over eating is obesity. We are also advised in Hadith Sharif when you finish your meal there should be enough space in your stomach that you can have amount of food more, it is golden rule to get health, ideal weight and long life. It is necessary to eat as per needs of body over eating results in overweight, design amount of food as per your business, habits and exercise. Women should keep one thing in mind that obesity in women is not natural in fact it is due to their own deeds. Here is an example of a woman who used to eat less but after every meal she used to drink bottles of cold drink, one bottle has 130 calories, further she also liked chocolates which increased her weight. That’s why it is necessary one should keep in mind calories in food. Food that is oily has double calories then food with more proteins and starch. 

Amount of calories in 58.32 grams of food

520 calories: oily, butter fats (گھی) oil, 58.32 grams

210 calories: sugar 58.32 grams

210 calories: apple, 1

One reason of increase in weight is oily food, therefore to control weight avoid oily things such as chocolates, pudding, and cold drinks, instead of market drinks use fresh juice. One should cook pulses and vegetables women can get rid of obesity by controlling weight and food and can also increase their beauty. (Mazna Nawaz)

Fast food, television and obesity in children:

Sana wanted to eat pizza, mother promised her that in evening she will take her to pizza shop, in fact she was also fond of Chinese food, mostly in evening she didn’t cook at home, mostly she ordered pizza or club sandwiches from market or sometime burgers were made in home for children, that’s why Sana and Omer are over weighted as compared to other normal children. They don’t even drink water by themselves due to obesity, mostly they watch tv or play video games, they avoid any such activity which reduces their weight.

Parents nowadays are fond of fast food and they also make their children habitual of it. Their father gave them suggestion of morning walk but their mother refused by saying that they can not get up so early in morning. Their sleep will not complete and they won’t be able to concentrate on studies in school. Their aunty gave them suggestion of playing hide and seek and cycling but the  gave importance to video games and cartoons. Due to sitting for long time their weight increased instead of decreasing. Now relative and friends have also started saying that control their weight otherwise their health will be affected.

Once the aunt offered children to work with her, she pampered umar to water the plants regularly but their mother stopped them by saying that if there are servants to do these things then what is the benefit to have the work done by children. Once aunt asked Sana to arrange the flowers in vase but her mother stopped and she, herself started to do it. Sometimes mothers do not understand that by these activities the body remains active and children get the productive thought. This is true that these days there is a lot of load on children they pick heavy bags and they go to learn Holy Quran from Moulvi sahb after coming back from school, and they do home work till late night. And if any task is asked to them mother stops that the child is already tired, but they do not think thought it is much better that run and play, it will reduce the weight and they will get the positive productive thought, instead of playing video games and watching TV. The mother of children is a teacher in school and because of double responsibility she is not very social. Because of ignorance parents are concentrating on their food. They do not take them for walk.

And they are not agree for any kind of exercise, children despite of being fat they like chocolate, burger , chicken and chips etc. and they cannot swallow the vegetables, roti and Dhaal, the day when the gram pr daal is cooked children insist to eat the fast food. And parents accept it quietly. If there is no male at home then the order is placed on any fast food restaurant for home delivery. because they do not want their most love able child to sleep hungry, these type of children eat , drink and sleep after watching TV so the fat is stored in their body in too many layers that their fatness becomes the problem on day for parents. Usually children like to eat egg or Parata in breakfast, once the parents meet with the dietitian and he recommended to mix the basen and

Barley flour and mixed in unstrained wheat flour, and give the bread of this mixed flours to children. Except this give then the simple diet which should be balance. And decrease the intake the sugar and use the brown sugar as substitute. Give the milk after taking out the cream, or give the yogurt without cream. Chocolate, burger, chips, and ice cream should be given only once or twice in a month. Children did not like the suggestion of doctor because they are habitual of that taste from very start. Usually the simple food is considered the food of poor and fast food is considered the food for rich people which is a wrong concept. Actually the parents are the responsible for such way of life of children; child will be habitual of what you make him of. You eat fries, fast food and drink soft drinks for taste, and you just pit a little bit in the mouth of child, which make him habitual of eating such things. if he is not fat while eating all this even then the regular use of all these things are harmful for him. Their health gets affected. Rest taking habit gets so strong in such children that when they are asked to do anything, give such an angry look that the asking person wants to do the task by himself. The medical experts suggested to parents to keep the fat children and the young person’s away from the fast food. Furthermore the teen age girls should not be given such food regularly. It is possible that when will give birth to children suffering from diabetes. Only suggestions and instructions are not the way to these types of children. So it is necessary that parents should also eat simple food and bound them also to eat simple food. The example is necessary to persuade them to anything. One should exercise any time before eating, and motivate children to physical activities. It does not increase tiredness but keep them active. Recently the expert of New York City who promotes the exercise, recommended the parents to keep children from sitting activities and watching TV and guide them to physical activities. (DR. Nadia Saleem, physiological expert)

Fatness but Why......??

The disease that is called fatness has many reasons and it has a beneficial effective and less expensive remedy in Greek Tib (herbal), but is possible when patient gets the contact with doctor, and get it tested that what is the reason of fatness. An expert doctor should know all the reasons, if the doctor and the patients are devoted to wars the recovery and remedy then there is no reason to stop the healthy recovery from Allah, Allah will surly give the health. One reason of fatness is that the freezing and gathering of the fat under the skin, which is called the solid fatness. In this situation the person either man or women look very healthy but excessive fatness is of no use. Fatness cones with undisciplined life. The second type of fatness comes due to the gas diseases in the body the body looks

Swell from some parts which look ugly. The belly becomes like football, and the arms and hips look bulky. Likewise fatness in women is the cause of careless in the period of delivery the use of cold water and cold things makes hips heavy. the reasons of fatness are the use of Badi , oily food a lot of rest, and sitting constantly, eating at irregular bases and especially at the time of sleeping gives you fatness. Cauliflower, Parata, beef fried things, bakery things, soft drinks, coffee and fast food are the reasons of fatness. Stomach needs to work a lot for this type of food; second meal goes into it before it digests the first one. Then the cold drink is taken when food deteriorates then it creates gas which spread in all the parts of body and body slowly becomes improper. if the fatness is not genetic, then take care of your food, to avoid the food to become smart and slim is not useful because, to keep yourself hungry makes you physically and mentally weak. Some girls avoid food to such extent that their food pipe shrinks and the stomach become unfamiliar to digest the food, becomes oblivious of producing sweat, digestion and making food part of the body.

When weakness becomes severe, then when the patients on dieting start using diet upon advice of people, the stomach stops accepting the diet. Like this, despite prevention, the patient becomes ill. All of this is the result of self diagnosing the illness. So never do anything without talking to a doctor.

The patients who have swollen due to hard to digest diets should take one glass luke-warm water, mix one tablespoon honey, one lemon in it and drink one glass in the morning and one in the evening. Eat food but don't fill the stomach. When you take one meal, give a break of at least four hours before taking the next meal. Take off the cream from the milk. You can eat all sorts of fresh fruits. In case of constipation, take ispaghol husk, one teaspoon with lukewarm milk while going to bed at night. Grotesque and swollen body will appear to look slim and smart within a few weeks.

If the obese patient has a strong body, finds walking difficult, is disturbed while sleeping, then that patients, irrespective of the gender, should stop taking oily foods. Pakoras, samosas, confectioneries, and all sweats should be abandoned and proper medical treatment should be sought. Consult the nearest doctor. Consider walking and recreation both during the day and in the afternoon. After eating food, drink water. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water and put one pinch of nigella seeds (kalonji). Buy the following ingredients and prepare the following medicine at home and use it.

ھو الشافی: Take 50 grams of raai and soak it in grape-vinigar so much that the level of vinigar is one finger length above the raai. When it becomes dry then uses suhaaga biryaan 30 grams, Tukham karfas, 10 grams. Mix them and make a powder. Take three grams in the morning and 3 grams in the evening. One spoon of grape-vinegar can be used with one glass of water. Get redemption from obesity like this. Few men and women whose stomachs swallow, and their bodies look distorted and out of shape, they should also refrain from hard to digest foods (baadi). Perform a light exercise and morning walks. Eat less than the appetite. Take fresh fruits in the diet. Walk a little bit after every diet.

Note: Use of anti-fat tablets is also exemplary in reducing weight, when used with the advice of a doctor. Other than that, using qaraaba deeni marakabaat, safoof mehzal, arq zeerah, arq-e-makooh is also very beneficial.

A Routine for Obesity

In the Morning and in the Evening: Take two anti-fat tablets, alongwith arq-e-makooh, half cup.

After Meal: Take jawaarish kamoni, half teaspoon. Akseer-e-jigar tab, two along with water.

While Sleeping: Take hubb-e-kabad naushadari, three along with water

Diet: Easy to digest meals, lemon squash and a bread of choker.

Prevention: Abstain from hard to digest and oily diets.

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