
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Your husband needs your attention

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

(Afshan Iqbal, Faislabad)

Every individual has his own temperament and interests. Also, males and females differ in their hobbies and likes and dislikes. Hence if your husband wants to watch the news on the television or desires to watch a cricket match dont make this an excuse for any conflict.

There must be only very few lucky couples who don’t have to struggle to bring some joy in their married life. Otherwise, to build a happy home not only women but also men have to give some sacrifices and many matters require compromises. The reason being that two individuals brought up in totally different atmospheres start living under one roof and so for a life-long relationship they need to work with this understanding. This is true that with time come a lot of changes and every era have its own demands. According to new era, new demands marital life problems and ways to deal with them have also changed now. Let’s have a look at the things you need to take care of to make your married life a prosperous one.

Practice patience: haste is an element found more in women so they want to settle things immediately. It is correct that delaying most matters is not good, but if there arise a conflict between a husband and wife then to settle it patience is needed. Psychologists say that if a conflict arises on any issue in order to resolve it, some time should be given. This way the anger fades away and one is able to decide things calmly. Decisions made in haste never prove to be good.

It isnt necessary to go together everywhere: Wives usually think that staying with the husband all the time increases the love, that’s why when going anywhere they insist that the husband should go too or atleast drop them off. Or if the husband has to go anywhere then he should take the wife along too. However it isn’t necessary at all to get on each other’s nerves all the time because everyone has different interests. This way instead of love, only displeasure arises and it’s possible there’d be bitterness on trivial things. If you want to go to your mothers or friends house then try to go yourself. Similarly don’t stop the husband from going to meet his family or friends alone.

Keep separate bank accounts: Experts on marital life think matters regarding money often become a reason of conflict between couples. Especially when women today want to stay independent. That’s why it’s better to have separate bank accounts instead of one joint account. Its possible for many people to think keeping separate accounts implies distrust but wisdom suggests that true money is the one you have in your own hands! So, there’s no harm in keeping your own savings in your own hands. Provided you don’t make it a reason for conflict.

Dont go shopping together: Most men hesitate to go shopping with their wives. Their main complain being that women spend too much time during shopping and waste money and time on buying things they don’t need as such. Then the poor husband has to carry all the shopping bags and tag along the wife for so long. Keeping all these things in mind, isn’t it better that you go for shopping with your husband who is fond of shopping as well and gives useful advice regarding it too. This will save you from hearing your husband’s remarks and you won’t be scared of his anger before buying something.

Respect each others interests: Every person has his/her own interests and temperaments. Also, males and females differ in their hobbies and likes and dislikes. Hence if your husband wants to watch the news on the television or desires to watch a cricket match don’t make this an excuse for any conflict rather let him fulfil his wish happily. Meanwhile you can finish your own work or give time to any of your favorite hobbies.

Try to cope with household work jointly: Don’t hesitate to ask the husband for help in household chores, infact when he is free ask him to help with little things. This way not only will it become easy for you, it will also develop a sense of belonging. Changing the house setting, putting on new curtains, getting a room painted-don’t decide these on your own; ask for your husband’s advice too. This will give him a feeling of importance and he’ll happily fulfil his responsibilities.

Take care of your own self too: Just like taking care of a husband’s interests and respecting his likes and dislikes is your duty, taking care of your own self and giving yourself time is equally important. So don’t be embarrassed to give your hobbies some time and to take care of your own health. Because only when you’re happy will your married life become pleasant too.

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