
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Adopt few principles! Get rid of Doctors for whole life

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Those gentlemen and ladies, who stand up from time to time during their office work, stay smart, slim and active. Standing for even 60 seconds only has a positive effect on the body. For example, it reduces cholesterol in the body and improves the system of insulin.

During last few years, due to reliable research work, such ways have been revealed by adopting which, a person can improve his health. If these ways are practiced daily then men and women stay safe form illnesses and stay happy. Their introduction is given below:-

Make your life strong, benefit from green tea: If you have green tea with or without milk at breakfast then get happy. Latest research has revealed that green tea is a miraculous drink. Even though research on this drink is continued, but with medical experiments, given below benefits have become prominent, by use of green tea with or without milk:-

  • If a lady drinks 3 cups of herbal green tea daily, she stays protected from skin cancer.
  • If ladies and gentlemen take one cup of coffee daily then the risk of paralysis stroke (faulij) happening to them is reduced.
  • Similarly, by having 2 cups, a person rarely suffers from depression
  • If a man drinks 4 cups of green tea everyday then the risk of his getting prostate cancer is reduced by 60%. Beware that many men die due to this illness in the body.

Take proteins in Breakfast: The quality of protein is that it informs our brain and stomach that body is well fed and does not need to eat more. This is the reason that the person continuously feels hungry in whose diet protein is missing and then he does not even avoid such foods which are harmful for health. A grown up person should only have that much food daily that he gets the desired quantity of protein. Diet experts say that every person must eat 20% of protein of the required level. Like this, there is a feeling that stomach is full, otherwise, he eats so much that every month his weight is increases by 1 kg, it becomes 12 Kgs in a year, the result is that if a person is not getting the desired protein from his food then he can suffer from obesity. It has been seen that people often take protein diet, for example, meat in the afternoon or night. Now latest research says that protein should be consumed in the early part of the day, so that there is feeling of filled up stomach, therefore, if taking meat at the time of breakfast is not possible then take boiled eggs and yogurt.


Stay protected from Blue light: Now a days it has become a routine to work till late night on computer, TV, smart phone etc. Problem is that the blue light emitted from these instruments, keeps the mind continuously active with the result that a person does not feel sleepy and he stays affected from lack of sleep. However, despite of lack of sleep, thousands of gentlemen and ladies are not kept away from computer or TV as they become addicted. Experts now advise such addicted people to put a filtering glass in front of their screen, so that the effects of blue light are reduced to minimum. Like this, they will be able to take more and better sleep.

Count till 60 while standing: It is a common comprehension that if exercise is done in any part of the day, it is enough to keep a person active, but, latest medical research has rejected this theory. Now experts say that no matter how much hard exercise you do in the morning and evening but if you spend most of the time in office while sitting, then it is of no use. Latest research has revealed that if gentlemen and ladies who work in the office stand up with intervals, they stay smart, slim and active, even standing up for 60 seconds has positive effects on the body. For example, it reduces the cholesterol and makes the system of insulin better whereas people, who sit for long time, cannot get the positive benefits. Medical experts say that regularly standing on his feet saves a person from cancer too. Experiments have revealed that men and women who spent 10 years sitting in their offices often get intestine cancer. Nature has kept the shape of the human body such that most of the time is to be spent in movement, therefore, the person who rebels from nature, gets entangled in various illnesses. Many people have removed walk from their lives, it is necessary to bring it back. Experts say that it is not necessary that you take out some special time for exercise, this is possible during work also, for example, attending the phone calls while standing, if a message is to be given to a companion, one can walk himself instead of telephone calls, walk around during meetings etc.

If one has to stay happy then he should expect troubles: Whether a person is rich or poor, nature gives him many blessings indiscriminately but still many people do not seem to be happy whether they are rich or poor. Now, experts of psychology have discovered a new way to increase the inner happiness and it is, that during a day, one should think about this, few times that the blessings which you have, if they are taken away from you then what will happen? In this context, a British psychiatrist says that with this thought, feelings of thankfulness, gratefulness and happiness will take birth. Obviously if you lose all your dear ones and necessities then leading the life will become difficult, then you would realize the worth and value of the blessings you have and they will become again special for you.

Get result in 20 seconds: Do you know that what is the difference between trying to get your goal and actually getting it? As per latest research of Psychiatrists, this difference is only of 20 seconds meaning that if you start any work 20 seconds before then it is expected that it will be done before the said time, for example, if you have to reach airport early in the morning then it is better that you do all the preparation at night and then sleep, even prepare the clothes and shoes. Similarly, if you want to give positive remarks about your workers, write a thank you note on the table. Further, always keep pen with you, so that if you need it, you can write a thank you note immediately.

Work in the morning and evening and rest in the afternoon: There are many benefits of sunshine but it has certain harms too, for example, it has negative effect on our skin. Now, latest research has revealed that in the morning, sunshine affects the cells of our skin to a minimum level whereas in the afternoon if one stays in the sunshine then the chance of getting skin cancer is increased 5 times. Reason is that a special protein of our DNA protects the skin. This protein is at highest level in the morning whereas it is less in the afternoon. Hence, now, medical experts give this suggestion to the people that get maximum of their work done in the morning, for example, gardening, walk and such other similar activities.

Eat your food and go off to sleep early: It is said by elders in the East, to eat early in the evening and to go off to sleep early. Now, latest research has agreed to it. As per experts, the harm of staying awake till late is that a person becomes heavy.                                                   

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