
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What did I find in Ramadan Mubarik from Tasbeeh Khana

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

The fragrance that we got in Tasbeeh Khana that was exclusively for getting way of God and for concentrating toward God and how to do effort for that, this was told. In tasbeeh khana the way as of prophet hood were told and way of spending life in best humanly way. The invitation towards God, education, not following the wrong ways of soul, should be the ways of life.


Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam O Alikum, I spent last Ramadan in Tasbeeh Khana, all those moments of mine which were spent there were very expensive. Over here those the robes of  apparent ways which were worn by you to us and gave the opportunity to wear the principles of cleanliness and gave seminars on how to be clean our consciousness those cannot be expressed in words by a pen. This attire that has been worn by you to us if we follow them in our outer life the life of saints will begin.  The perfume that we got in Tasbeeh Khana that was strictly for getting way of God and for concentrating towards God and how to do effort for that, this was told. In tasbeeh khana the way as of prophet hood were told and way of spending life in best humanly life. The invitation towards God, education, not following the wrong ways of soul should be the ways of life. Now it is my consistent intention that I won’t waste a minute and I will always stay busy in God’s way. (Muhammad Younas)


Found world of soul from Tasbeeh Khana

Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslamo Alaikum! I don’t know how I reached tasbeeh khana but I praise Allah millions of time that he brought me to my destination. I am thankful to Allah that I had the power to spend last Ramadan completely in Tasbeeh Khana. I got an inclination towards your presence. God gave me complete and absolute belief. God also gave me the world of soul.

Respected hakeem sahib the thing that I especially felt was the feeling I got from prayer after Asar prayer. I felt as if angels are descending from Sky and taking our prayers towards sky. I need the guidance of you and also of prayers and the time that I spent in Tasbeeh Khan. The things I learnt there got may God give me the power to work on it.

Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Damat Barkath, we have utter belief that we have an inclination towards you and we will be successful before God and Prophet PBUH by the will of God. May God give you excellent health? (Doctor Muhammad Abdullah, Muzafargarh)


Best Ramadan of life

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Asslam O Alaikum! May God give you health and life of respect and may take the same kind of pious work from your coming generations. God may also bestow you with better grades and elevated standards in world and here after. My last Ramadan was the best Ramadan of my life. I got an opportunity to serve Ramadan and got a chance to stay. My best feeling was when the 29th chapter of Quran in Tasbeeh Khana was being recited and I was weeping all the time which reminded me of embarrassment to my sins and had the despair of Ramadan finishing and I am thankful to God Almighty for spending my time within the walls of Tasbeeh Khana.


Peace of heart and strange happiness

Respected Hazrat Hakem sahib Asslam o Alaikum, last Ramadan we reached Tasbeeh Khana on 21st of Ramadan at 8 o clock in Lahore and I was very tired. When we came upstairs then space was very limited and I was very tired. With some effort I and my father got a place and when I lied down I slept. In sleeping I dreamt a strange dream that we are in our house and it is raining and hailing outside. Then I extended my hands and said God if I prayed over here or if my prayers will be accepted then how would I know? Suddenly two peaces from hailing fell in my clothes which I had raised and I became happy so I came inside and showed them to my father that whatever I had asked I got. And I awoke from my dream. Hazrat hakeem sahib the moment I came in tasbeeh khana Allah Has showed me such a magnificent dream. Tasbeeh khana gave me peace in the heart and a unique feeling 

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