
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How my life changed

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Salam O Alikum!May ALLAH bless you and your generations forever and may ALLAH keep my and mine generations connection with Tasbeeh Khana till the Day of Judgment. Aameen! Respected Hakeem Sahib! I don’t understand from where I start my story. Respected! I am that dead body who was lost in darkness of sins and Tasbeeh Khana gave it “New Life”. I have spent worst life then death and my sins are countless. My smallest sin was Homosexuality. Which was not even a sin for me? Did BSc, was topper in school and college, had religious atmosphere in home but I was still passenger of dark path! Even after so many sin ALLAH blessed me with pious, religious, loving, respect giving life partner and ALLAH also blessed me with 2 sons of his fate. Even then I was spending my life dark, due to which evil and Jinns were very happy. Fights started in home whenever I tried to offer Namaz, then I left. I don’t even remember I didn’t fast in Ramadan since 12 years didn’t offer prayer, but I used to ask ALLAH, O ALLAH pulls me out of this darkness. May be ALLAH fulfilled this prayer and I found Ubqari from garbage, they were few pages picked them up washed them and read them and I started getting life. I kept on reading it till 2 years. I didn’t know where to find Ubqari? I kept on reading it till 2 years again and again. They were only few pages that I learnt by heart. Then I found that it is available near my husband’s shop. My husband has shop of car spare parts. Brought it from there red it and my life started changing. I Came to Tasbeeh Khana Lahore with my mother in law and sister in law. Heard dars, from here my life became alive. I am 33 years old, I spent so many years in ignorance don’t know from whose prayer I found Tasbeeh Khana and Dars. On returning from there I purchased memory card of Dars, started listening dars. I was tearing apart from inside. How I spent my life. O ALLAH! I was in ignorance, I learnt Duas. Started reading them and also make my sons learn those duas by heart, I came to know that I did nothing for upbringing of my children. I listen dars whole day; I beg pardon on my mistakes. Now I like offering Namaz, ALLAH also awakes me for Thajut. Every time I am in fear that ALLAH might snatch my link with Tasbeh Khana. I might lose this support. Respected! How I tell you feelings of my heart that how much love this link but I am in fear all the time. Hazrat Sahib! I am doing act of last 6 Suras for my physical and spiritual diseases. I just listen Dars. I am unable to explain my feelings I don’t have words. Keep on doing after asking and keep on forgetting after doing. Please tell me what I should do that I pass this journey and journey of end with ease. Pray for me. Tell me some wazifa. That my link does not fade away and my life doesn’t die again which came to life. And I get all the blessings of this world and the other. Sometime I think that I am a woman and this much sinful don’t know will I get forgiveness. After try of so many months I am writing this letter. May your link be there, this my only support. (C, I. Jhang)

How life changed?

Respected Hakeem Sahib As Salam O Alikum! When I came to Tasbeeh Khana I heard a such Iqamat which shacked me from inside and I get so much relief that I cannot explain in words. Before this I never heard such Iqamat, then daily I started waiting for Iqamat. Then during last year on 16th Ramadan I heard it again I thought I should see who is saying this Iqamat in such a beautiful voice when I saw I came to that our Hazrat Hakeem Sahib D.B is saying this Iqamat. Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! I am sinful person, I don’t know how I got a chance to spend my Ramadan in Tasbeeh Khana there were all pious people but there was only I who was sinful, thus I spend my whole Ramadan in this shame. Respected Hakeem Sahib! My link with Tasbeeh Khana is established very late, I wish I could have found Tasbeeh Khana and Ubqari few years back so that my life would not have been so much destroyed as it is now. I will feel this sorrow my whole life. I have committed many sin in my life, it would be better if say that my past life’s every moment was full of sin. People used to hate me due to my sins. Even my family members and my wife too started hating me. Respected Hakeem Sahib! I cannot write my sins even if I try. My pen starts shivering. I heard your dars and kept on listening them and my life started changing. I request you from heart that please pray that may ALLAH keep my link with Tasbeeh Khana till my death so that I could be close to ALLAH, I am similar to herd of goats of Hazrat Mosa علیہ السلام, as they used to run here and there I am same as them. If I try to go here and there please don’t let me go. If I keep on moving with your Tasbeeh Khana I will learn how to walk as a small child learns.

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