
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Thus Perishes the Acidity, Diarrhea and Heartburn

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

Some information comes to me after spending and losing huge sums of money and after millions of requests that I share with all my Ubqari readers for nothing as I know you know the worth of knowledge and if you regard for my sharing then I open the secrets of chest for you.(

Dear readers! I always bring forward precious pearls of knowledge & wisdom for you and never try to hide them. You should also be generous and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai)

Today I will share a plain and simple tip for all my readers which you might also have tested and although I don’t make any claim but still I am so sure that this tip is the best mean to encounter the chemical and acidic diets to which we have become so used to. How did I manage to know about this tip is also a long tale and I will not mention that long tale as some things cost me a great deal of money, time, resources and millions of requests which I share with all of you free of cost as I am fully aware that you value my findings and because of your keeping high regard for my tips, I share my chest secrets and I wish that there remains no secret in my chest which I take along to my grave. Even this feeling is getting more and more intense with each sharing that you become aware of all my tips and you become an unending mean of reward for me by using those tips.

A man brought his son who was controlling all his business after completing his university education. His face was looking pale and eyes were pulled back. If he had not kept moustaches, his face would seem like that of a dead man. His veins were swollen and his breathe would become out of control after walking even a few steps. He was trying to camouflage his ailments by wearing nice clothes and wearing makeup but the facts can never be hidden by the cosmetics. While I was feeling his pulse, his father started his conversation about his dietary habits which included heavy consumption of restaurant foods, fast foods and various confectionary items which had almost ruined him. He was quite well up and had a flourished business. He had two sons and the younger was too young and was studying at the school. He raised his son in a lavish way and financed his MBA and then gave him the control of his business but he would spend all the time in either sleeping or was completely disinterested about the business and whenever he was asked to think about it seriously, he would become arrogant. Some of the key workers of his business had left him due to his bad behavior while the others were also planning to leave. He was too worried and did not know what to do. When he finished then I told him that his son’s pulse was burning like fire and that burn could be cured. Then the son said that he always felt burning feeling while peeing and a permanent gastric pain. If he had abandoned eating, then he would feel distress, weakness, confusion and dizziness while after taking his meal he would feel enormous burn in his chest and he had no thought except to vomit that food out. He had tried the vomiting options a few times and got a temporary comfort but after sometime he would start feeling the same condition of feebleness and distress. Then he was completely fed up from eating and he would feel a dislike even at the sight of some foods and he had developed hatred against the restaurant foods and soda water.

I reassured him and told him to stay away from eating those malicious diets which had led him to that condition. I also shared with him a tip and asked him to use it with full faith and regularity.

The tip was as follows: ھو الشافی: take a pomegranate and cut it to small pieces (along with its skin). Then put it into a blender along with two tablespoons of honey and one glass of water and make a smoothie. When the smoothie is ready, pour two spoons of Ispaghol (Psyllium Husk) and drink it sip by sip. The slower you drink it; the better would be the curing. Make this smoothie twice a day and drink it. Then I shared its benefits with him. This tip also works wonders for the sweltering summer when we desire to remain in the cool air of air conditioners and it keeps the body cool from inside. Those who cannot find pomegranate fruit can use the dry pomegranate seeds (anaar dana) of good quality measuring to about 50 grams as an alternative. It has one additional benefit that those suffering from chronic acidity, heart burn, gastric pains, diarrhea, constipation and incomplete stools and having enormous confusion, distress and heart burns must use it to find eternal riddance from these ailments. This tip works in all seasons and ages works for everyone old or young. Whenever you have any gastric trouble, or any liver problem like hepatitis, you can use this drink with full confidence. You can also choose to reduce the ingredients e.g. taking half pomegranate, one spoon of honey and one spoon of Ispaghol etc accordingly and drink it sip by sip. The contemporary acidic and artificial foods have deprived us of our physical beauty, the beauty of our face, the silkiness of our hair and the fitness of our stomach. Such patients must use this drink with full faith and confidence. I have recommended this to so many patients who used to take dozens of medicines daily to keep their digestion running but after using this recommended drink and they got cured without needing any medicines. The patients also included the prisoners who had malnutrition in the prisons, such people who had ruined their stomachs after eating so many colorful medicines must use this drink with full confidence for some time and even its use for a short period of time works wonders.

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