
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Parents’ home is not rest house

Ubqari Magazine - November 2016

You are married living with your in-laws. And whenever you have spare time you visit your parents’ place. Every girl behaves differently when she comes to her parents’ place. Especially my sister-in-law. Her name starts with N. Whenever she comes to her parents’ place she does not do any work. She takes rest whole day thinking that parents’ home is not the place where daughters work after marriage. She takes parents’ home an ideal place to take rest instead. But N forgets that there are certain limitations for every relationship on this earth. Every relationship is a mutual give and take. Sanctitiy of relationships remain till both extend respect to each other. N must think that after her marriage a new person, her sister-in-law; wife of her brother was added to her parents’ family. N must think that her brother’s wife is a human being too. She performs household chores, takes care of N and her children the whole day while N takes rest. This is not justified at all.


This attitude is not of N’s alone. She is a hypothetical character here. There are many Ns around us who take their parents’ home the best place to take rest. Such women are responsible for many confusions at their parents’ home. A girl must not think anyway that she has become a stranger in her parents’ home after her marriage and is not consulted in family matters. Whereas, she must think herself the bridge between two families; her parents and her in-laws. This remains a fact that a girl always enjoys strong ties with her parents. She always remains firmly tied to her brothers, sisters, cousins and sisters-in-law. After marriage she still weilds her rights on these relations.


But things get changed a big deal after marriage. As wives are owners of their husbands home, similarly a girl must understand and accept that her sister-in-law is owner of her brother’s house now. On the other hand there is another girl Q who seldom visits her parents’ home. She gets warmly welcomed by her sister-in-law because she is entirely different from N.

(Kiran Sultana)


Learn to keep your family happy:

Sincere efforts of both husband and wife guarantee a successful family. If any of them stops doing his or her duties, the family might collapse. To lead a happy married life, some suggestions follow for husbands and wives.



This is the first word husband and wife must learn after marriage. They both have to compromise the things that are opposing to their nature. Develop patience because the more you react to the things opposite to your nature, the more it becomes difficult. Bear in mind that patience is the basic ingredient for peaceful and stable family life. Exercise patience no matter whom among your family the matter is associated to. Some men and women happen to be dictative in nature who have to face the music of their such attitude somewhere in their lifetime. Remember, sweet words are the most deadly weapon on earth. As to err is human, husband and wife must not shy to say sorry upon realizing the mistake. Sorry doesn’t lessen your respect rather increases it manifold. And women who say sorry not even being guilty never go unnoticed in the family. They are always appreciated by men in their family. Try to remain happy for the resources Allah has blessed you with. Quest for ‘more’ has deprived mankind of its mental peace. Many families collapse because they fail to compromise on the less resources they have.

Give time to every one: You must not concentrate on your business alone. Your family members need your attention, love and care. Spend time with elders and the young ones of your family. Share their sorrows and pleasures.

(Mehreen Fatima)






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