
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How Sheikh Al Wazaif treatment resolved our domestic problems?

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! Last six years of my life are marked by utter despair. Fear, tension, depression, hallucinations, physical and mental disorders were it all about. Anti-depressants would relieve me only for some hours. I suffered with gastric and intestinal disorders. I didn’t improve despite continuous expensive medical and spiritual treatment. Spiritual practitioners declared me affected badly by black magic.

Then one day I came across website of Ubqari while surfing internet and got introduced to Ubqari monthly magazine. I at once bought this magazine and read about Hazrat Sheikh Al Wazaif. I came to Lahore to consult Hazrat Sheikh Al Wazaif but had to go back as I had come without appointment. However, I bought some books that day. After a month, on a certain day I started calling Ubqari. I kept on calling the whole day but could not connect. After waiting for another month I started calling again on that certain day when appointments are fixed. I hardly had tried for two hours when my call got connected and was attended by a gentle man. I got an appointment to meet Hazrat Sheikh Al Wazaif.

My condition had gone worst during this time period. My family had locked me in room. I had started hating myself. I would slap my face upon looking myself in mirror and end up breaking the mirror. Breaking glassware had become my hobby. People stopped meeting me thinking me lunatic. We would find blood splashes in our home and new clothes, hung in cupboard, torn. My father’s business was also going to dogs. Finally came the day when we were to meet Hazrat Sheikh Al Wazaif at his office in Lahore.

We reached Lahore that day in the morning. After Zuhar prayer Hazrat Hakeem Sahib came and starting calling in people. I met him on my turn. Before I could tell him anything about me he told me my physical, spiritual and domestic circumstances exactly as they were. He asked me to recite یَامُمِیْتُ یَاقَابِضُ یَاصَبُوْرُ یَامَانِعُ یَاحَفِیْظُ day in and day out and attend weekly lectures on Thursday.

My health started improving with the recitation of these spiritual words. I started attending weekly lectures at Tasbeeh Khana. I started feeling myself light by the virtue of this recitation. In a weekly lecture, a congregation for spiritual blow (Rouhani Dam) was announced to be held on Sunday. I reached Tasbeeh Khana that Sunday by seven o’ clock. Hazrat Hakeem Sahib himself blew every participant. I felt much better that day. I also got blown upon incense and soap. Using that soap relieved me of pain. Even now, I sometimes use that soap while taking shower and get rid of pain. I feel myself lucky for affiliation with Hazrat Hakeem Sahib and Tasbeeh Khana. It is sixth month of my affiliation with Tasbeeh Khana. We pray five times a day and perform spiritual practices.

Our domestic situation had gone worst. Everyone would behave abnormally and tend to quarrel. Our neighbours would come to their roofs to see and enjoy us quarrelling. With the recitation of the said spiritual words our domestic affairs have turned normal. We no more hear people walking in our home nor our glassware get broken and nor we find blood in our home. Our clothes don’t get torn now. We don’t see nightmares. We keep playing the weekly lectures of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib all day. We have started living healthy, hearty and peaceful life again. I recite Holy Quran after Fajar Prayer and read Adab e Maarfat and Muntakhib Ahadees daily. I have started looking after my business too.

Everyone now gets surprised to see me happy and healthy again. I proudly tell about Sheikh Al Wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Sahib. I greet everybody with love and respect. I have started hating sins and developed inclination to virtues. I was taking many medicines for sexual disorders but by the virtue of the holy names of Almighty Allah I have dumped all medicine. I am indebted to Hazrat Hakeem Sahib for becoming hope of my life. May Almighty Allah bless Hazrat Hakeem Sahib and Ubqari! Allah be praised!

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