
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

If you have disturbance in intestines, lungs or stomach so eat respectable fig

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

The fig is included in those fruits, which are mentioned by Allah especially in Quran. Allah has hide such qualities naturally in fig which are having the treasures of health and energy with them. Fig is nice colored soft and very tasty fruit. Mostly it is grown in mountainous areas. According to the research of scientific experts there is 50% of glucose in fig which is called dextrose. In dextrose glucose there is this thing present especially as compare to normal glucose that as in enters in body, it gets easily absorbed. On the basis of this quality, it is thought as important source of providing quick energy. One more quality of fig that there is water also in it whose amount is thought to be as 80% which is an important source of removing physical discomfort and providing quick energy. In presence of such approximately amount of water the stomach and intestines get much help in cleaning. Apart from this, this is one more uniqueness of fig that there is no fiber in it at all. On the basis of this, the usage of fig after long tiring, sickness, for restoring health, it is thought as very beneficial and helpful. In the diseases like, weakness of intestines, low blood pressure, flu and cold, pain of lungs, complain of ghuntiya, skin diseases, cough, stones in kidneys, constipation, piles and asthma, the usage of fig is thought as having very helpful qualities. In present era, the Complain of dryness of intestines is becoming common from which many dangerous can occur to the health. For removing it, it is thought as very effective to eat 4 to 5 dry figs at night before sleeping nicely after chewing and then same quantity soaking in milk and on getting soft, use it. The experts have also found the presence of naming compounds malic acid, astric acid and acetic acid in fig also. These materials also have anti bacterial qualities along with being clean from germs. That’s why apart from physical diseases, fig is also seen beneficial in skin diseases. For this reason, the suggestion of drinking the juice of fig is given commonly. Apart from this, to use the juice of fig, maweez, manqa, and kalaa is very beneficial. The people whose digestive system and working of stomach is not satisfactory meaning that their food gets digested after long time so for such people, the doctors suggest this that after food, 3 dry figs shall be eaten. The fig is counted among one best constipation removing thing and for this reason; it is used alone or with other medicines. According to the experts, the secret of its removing constipation is hidden inside the juice of fig. although the seeds of dry fig makes the movement of intestines fast and removes constipation. According to doctors, the body excretes toxic compounds through sweat and urine. These qualities are also found in fig that due to its hot effect, with its usage, the excretion of sweat and urine becomes large from which the system of stomach remains proper. For increasing the working of its system, doctors add fig in different medicines. In them gul banafsha, gul zofa, malthi, maweez and manqas are worthy to mention. If the mucus gathers in chest so along with these medicines, add 4 figs, give it boil and drinking it the mucus comes out and the chest becomes clean. For this reason, gul banafsha 3 grams, gul zofa 5 grams, malthi 3 grams and 7 maweez manqas should be taken. The addition of sugar or honey can also be done in this juice. The fig due to its hot effect, is an important source of keeping body on appropriate temperature in winter season. For this reason, its usage along with peanuts, pinus gerardiana and cinnamon is beneficial. The people who are worried with their physical weakness and are desirable to increase their weight, they should soak 4 to 5 figs in hot milk at night everyday and eat them at morning after chewing a lot and then should be drink the milk. In condition of throat congestion and cough, the doctors give this suggestion that chew fig nicely and when it becomes paste in mouth so make it go down in throat slowly.

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