
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

They are my true disciples?

They are my true disciples and I have come in their wedding. I asked the next question:What are your acts, wazaif, recitations, nawafil or any other powerful act due to which the troublemaking Jinnat could not enter in the ceremony? He said to me: Actually, the thing is that I had got approved some of my acts and their effect for myself from Allah جل جلالہ and Allah جل جلالہ has given me the power and effect of these masnoon acts  with his mercy from nowhere to me, now, wherever I go and wherever I walk, there are certain creations who cannot harm me and wherever I am sitting, they cannot effect the other people over there too, for example Jinnat, evil spirits, snakes, scorpions, wolfs or lions or any other dangerous animals or species which can hurt and harm humans, they cannot just effect me and so I stay safe too and those people also stay protected with whom I am sitting.

Treasures of happiness, blessings and Barakats:

 Said that the actual thing is that I spent some period of time under the guidance of a pious person connected with Allah جل جلالہ and I got treasures of blessings, happiness and Barakats from there and this pious person of Allah جل جلالہ was a strict follower of shariat (religious law), he took care of legitimate, illegitimate even of anything doubtful. I learned the way to live and to get, in life from him. The lesson which he gave to me was that how to lead the life and to get, in life was that whatever you have, you got and you will get, this everything will be as per the commandments of Holy Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم. Thus, I made this thing my lesson and today I am over 70 year old and I got a lot from the companionship of this pious person. I stayed with him for 21 years and this companionship of 21 years gave me a chance to select precious acts. Then he took a cold breath and said: Today people need books and not such persons of Allah جل جلالہ with whom they can sit and obtain knowledge and Noor (light). Noor of recitation, wazaif and collect barakats, blessings, happiness, goodness and success by sitting with them. This is a big Barakat and goodness of life which is not available to every person.

Effected innocent kids and young girls by troublesome Jinnat:

Then he himself said: The naughty Jinnat think that perhaps I did not see them whereas, I saw them the moment they came, their target was small innocent kids, young girls and ladies and their favourite foods over here but the wall of Noor (light) and the protection of angels forced them to stay away and they could not go in, and the world of spirit told them they could not break this spiritual and made of Noor wall. Now, as your intension was of goodness and not of evil, therefore, you have reached me, if they also change their intensions for goodness, then they can come in too.

The methods of getting Barakat in provisions:

The Jinnat of the cave further said that, we obtained a lot from companionship of saints whether human or Jin. We learned and obtained a lot from pious and saints, the ways of staying healthy, getting happiness and Barakat in provisions at every step and every corner of life. The cave Jinnat were shedding tears and were saying this again and again that, if somebody is connected with Allah جل جلالہ and there is no Shirk and Bidaat in him, then he is a person due to who Allah جل جلالہ let go of calamities and hardships and make the goodness attentive towards people and troubles, dangers and disturbances are avoided in life. The cave Jinnat said: If we would not have been pious, then the majority of our Jinnat would have been of trouble-makers, and naughty Jin feels pleasure by giving trouble and pain the way the snake bites but it does not give him any pleasure, the way a scorpion bites but does not feel any pleasures but feels at peace, by giving pain to someone, sorrow and by upsetting someone, it is this feeling of getting at peace which is in the nature of the troublesome. It feels peace by spreading trouble, it does not feel at peace by goodness and he makes evil the part of his life and does not get attentive towards goodness and such unfortunate Jinnat are a lot in our world and we know each and every person of this world, meaning that we know about each and every person amongst Jinnat.

Infection, an illness spread by naughty Jinnat:

 Our uncle had a son who had evil feelings in his nature, fire, killing of creation of Allah, spreading illnesses, causing pains, giving sorrows and creating troubles for others was his favourite occupation and department. Every time, he would be in search that he comes across any person and he gives him trouble, our naughty Jinnat do one such thing which your scientists call viral infection and commonly by a word infection. To give trouble to the people of Allah جل جلالہ, they bring illness and its germs from faraway places and put it in some area or locality or in some house and then people start getting sick and this sickness goes on spreading and the trouble keeps on increasing and they feel happy by seeing the people in sorrow.

Most evil type of Jinnat:

They feel pleasure if they see people upset, they make people quarrel and then they feel too happy by looking at each other by fighting people and when these people cross the limits and draw each other’s blood, then not all of our Jinnat but there are a most evil type of Jinnat also, and by saying this, the Jinnat from the cave started staring in the space as if they were thinking whether to tell this or not. Then they took a cold breath and said that filthy and bad Jinnat are always thirsty for the blood of humans and their objective is only that the blood of the humans flows somehow, they make the human blood draw, they drink human blood and from the oozing blood, a particular smell comes and they quenched their thirst with it and take pleasure in it. Quenching their thirst with the blood is the best pass time of their lives. Thus, their purpose is thirst for blood of humanity. Recently, few days back, 10 people got murdered together and for no reason, just on the basis of cast and language, their quarrel kept on increasing, we good and pious Jinnat are helpless in the hands of fate, we try a lot that these bad Jinnat leave their evil habits and at many times we succeed in it too, but, these bad and evil Jinnat are always persistent and keep on trying and their effort and hard work succeeds when they themselves enter into the emotions of humans.

and dissolve themselves in their blood and cells and start moving around in the body in the vains and then make a person do such things which a person does it even though does not want to do it and then after making him do it, meaning murder, killing etc. give the person more trouble and they enjoy it. This trouble and pain, is regret, the person starts regretting it all his life, and in the name of regret, goes into a big tension and sorrow and this tension and sorrow brings a lot of problems, worries, pain and sorrow and these sorrows and pains become means of more pain and sorrow in his life and in the life of generations and it becomes a constant suffering.

Particular Noise, echo and voice:

This conversation of ours was continued that suddenly, particular noise, echo and voice came, to make my readers of Ubqari understand this in plain words, I would explain this particular noise, echo and voice with such an example, like when intense wind is blowing then there is a particular noise and echo in the air and exactly such noise and echo which is much more than the normal air blowing across but, the way is similar. We feel it that some caravan of Jinnat or a big gathering is coming, we got attentive towards this echo and found out that a big caravan of Jinnat having many Jinnat in it and this caravans is coming to us. We made a place for them, they sat and they were more than 82 Jinnat, I did not know them but, the Jinnat from the cave were hugging them and were taking name of each of them and were introducing them one by one to me. Upon their coming, I felt that the Jinnat of cave were giving strange information of their lives to us. Anyway, I kept quiet and they kept talking amongst themselves, one of them got up and met me with lot of warmth and said that I was wondering for quite some time and now I recall that I met you in a poor man’s house where you had come for the wedding of his children and I was also present there, and over there, you had led an emotional pray for creation of Allah جل جلالہ (meaning Jinnat) and there were children, elders, women and men and young saying Amin upon it and after this pray, I got a blessing and it was that I was able to cry, and since that day I sent the gifts of my tears towards the Kingdom of Allah جل جلالہ and after this pray, many of my problems were solved, many of my irritants went away and many of my troubles ended and I got peace, harmony and pleasure and blessings in my life and I was contented that I got all this.




I was looking for you since long:

I was looking for you since lot of time, as this happened many years back and I was restless for this and today when I saw you then I was amazed and kept on looking towards you for quite some time, was assessing you and observing you, and after quite some time, I realized that you were the same person whom I had seen quite some time back and I got a lot because of your prayers and many of my problems were solved. He was again and again hugging me with affection and was thanking me and deep in my heart, I was saying that Allah جل جلالہ! You accepted my prays and acceptance of prays is given to one from your treasures and you may accept or reject, I was feeling happy myself by meeting this person.

I was extremely poor, needy and hand to mouth:

he was telling this that he was extremely poor and needy, and when you came in the ceremony of children of those poor Jinnat and they were feeling happy as who bothers to go to the house of poor but you came and brought a lot of gifts for them too, you gave them a handsome amount also, and then you made the creation of Allah جل جلالہ do the recitation and remembrance of Allah جل جلالہ and then you prayed, thus, my heartfelt contented and from the same day my faith increased that I had to obtain a lot from you, I have to get a lot by keeping close to you in your life, I have to get more of my problems solved by asking you to pray for me. In my problems, there was poverty, loans,weddings of my children, now my situation is much better, my loans, my poverty and being needy had ruined my life and I was stuck in these problems and troubles badly but since that day I realized what power and effect prays have and since that day I realized that prays and such failures in life and such successes become companion of life towards which ordinary person is totally helpless and he cannot reach this level where the prays take him.

I should have atleast two sons:

Then that Jin said to me: Hazrat Allama Sahib do us a favour, there is a lot of such creation over here and further they are friends too, please pray for me in the presence of all of them that whatever remaining problems and worries and sorrows and pains are left in my life, they all end and especially I do not have a son whereas, I am over age now, but, still desire that I have a son, atleast two sons, this is a desire of my life. By intervening in between, the Jin from the cave said: Hazrat Allama please listen to him and agree and definitely there is lot of power and effect in your prays and one gets a lot with your prays, and has got, sorrows go away, problems are solved, worries end, one gets respect, wealth and lost respect, health, Barakat and success, the helpless are helped and life is led in the best of ways.




Jinnat became attentive upon my saying:

I made all of them attentive and all Jinnat became attentive, and I prayed to Allah جل جلالہ, the moment the pray started, all the feelings in my heart became attentive towards Allah جل جلالہ , actually, the desire and true attention was so much in these people and due to their true attention and desire, Allah جل جلالہ made me cry in just a moment and they were crying and I was crying and prays were coming from the depths of my heart, there was a strange atmosphere of crying and begging and there was a peace and a strange condition of life and harmony. For quite some time, there was this atmosphere and then the pray ended. Every person was wiping his tears and I felt that when sincere people are there, people with true desire and true attention then prays are actually accepted (continued).

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