
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Letter from comfortless American mother to the Pakistani’s mother

Ubqari Magazine - September 2018

Hazrat Assalamo-alaikum.! I am a grieved mother from America. We all came to the United States when my sister sponsored me in 2005.My husband left a good government job. After my Abu Ami's wedding, a magic spell began to affect their home. 'Their entire life is full of sufferings. They had two sons who were living with them; they got married and then divorced. They are living in 'extreme poverty'.

When I got married in 1984, strange things started like charms, started coming out of my home and such things are still there, When there were in Pakistan, we tried so hard and spent a lot of money but in vain, people tell that the guy is from my mother’s in-laws'. Mother's in-laws is also my in-laws. If something goes good, suddenly something goes wrong.

We were million times better in Pakistan than here in America. My husband worked in a restaurant. In Pakistan we were living in Islamabad. The three children were studying in Model colleges and always took positions. They are not studying seriously here. The real problem is that my eldest daughter, who is 28 years old, was studying here in a college. Then she started studying a course in to become a dentist and started a job as dental assistant.

Last year, children reached the United States and stayed with us for two years and then shifted to major cities. Because we live in a small city. It has been two years that my eldest daughter stopped visiting us. She makes some excuse for doing so. I fell ill seriously sick twice and was admitted to hospital. This month I had an operation but she did not come. We have heard that she is living without an English boy without marriage. She herself told us about it herself rather that she wants to marry him. Although we came to know that the character of the boy is not good. His appearance is not good. He had left his wife and two daughters. As you know, we can not interfere in her matters. You know here we cannot say anything about the children.
Please help me. Tell me whether it is there any chance to be saved or not. What can we do about it? Both my husband and I are very upset. I beg you all; do not leave your country for the sake of Allah. Our five-day prayers are 'legitimate Muslims' by our contemporaries. Our forefathers observed veil, said prayers five times and were pious. I saw my mother, brother, sitter and father saying prayers 5 times, a day in my childhood and youth. The whole domestic environment at home was Islamic. Never had any man dare to take a look at our village's woman.

There prevailed Islamic environment. Never had we seen any trouble. I regret the time when we decided to leave our home and the world's most beautiful country Pakistan, to live in the United States.
Some people living in Pakistan envy us that you live in America. They don’t realize that it is hell for us. We have seen hell in the world.
What will happen to this mother and father, whose daughter does not come home since two months?  And we cannot say anything to her. If my writing was published in Ubqari. I request you to not leave your home in order to go abroad and do not go to any European country. 'How do I believe you?
How can I assure you that Pakistan is really heavenly '.There is still power of faith to resist temptation, respect for elders and prevalence of Islam.For Allah’s sake, don’t leave your country to come to dream of living in hell. I am not the only mother in America or Europe, there are also Indian mother who are crying over this state of affairs. Their sons and daughters are not on right path and they be live that western life style is right. Our generations have been spoiled. Please you have a chance, try to understand.

Ubqari Did a Wonderful Job.


Respected Hakeem Sahib. Assalam-o-alaikum, May Allah keep you and your generations to come, Happy! As your efforts are a source of peace and wellbeing of people. We have been studying your magazine since last six weeks. Because of this magazine, my father, sister and I were attracted to remembrances mentioned in Ubqari.

These remembrances gave us peace of mind. Now I want to share the background of my views. I belong to district Multan. I am an employee as well as a farmer in terms of source of income. My father is a retired officer from two departments. He is well-informed, well mannered, and patient person. He was attacked by a disease. Those days were very painful. The spell of black magic. We were told about this by some saint. We spent around Rs. 800,000 on this disease. Now, All praise to Allah, because of Ubqari, we are peaceful and recitations are continued. (Amir Hayat mayo, Multan)

An Evident Change

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I pray for your wellbeing. May Allah give abundance in your life and accept your reformative efforts through Ubqari! Amen. I have started reading Ubqari since last three months. My husband is a carpenter. In the first place, he does not get enough work, second, if gets some work, he has loss in e return. Since, he has started reading Ubqari, he has started saying prayers. He is changed a lot. May Allah bless you with health and May accept your efforts to reform people through Ubqari. (R-B Khan-e-waal)

A Lot of Issues Resolved

I have been associated with Ubqari since more than one year. A lot of issues have been resolved. I hope you will safe and sound. I was surrounded by issues but now, I am peaceful. The recitations and prescriptions mentioned in it make one’s life easy. I was already a regularly reciting Quran and prayers, but after becoming connected with Ubaqri, I became more eager to do so.

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