
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat

Ubqari Magazine - December 2018

If the Jin becomes my subordinate then I will get a lot of money, wealth, palaces, things, whenever I want, I could have fruits without its season, wherever I want I would go, Jin will hide me, I will see everyone but nobody will be able to see me

The methods to make gold and Jinnat: How naive are we, we want to learn the methods and prescriptions to make gold from Jinnat, these acts are even written in many books, I see them and just smile, if gold had to be made and the gold mines and treasures were with Jinnat then why do the Jinnat steal jewelry, money and things of our households? The Sustainer has kept this secret with him only and humans and Jinnat till today are unable to know these secrets and to find out these secrets, God has made humans and Jinnat to do effort, hard work is everything. Many losers come to me that Aamil has told me that I have a Jin, I will get a certain act done and you will meet the Jin, when you will meet the Jin, the Jin will become your subordinate and when Jin will be at your service whatever you will tell him, the Jin will do it. To do so, not much is to be done, you just have to bring such and such things and when they did so, the already had poor people sold some left over things of the household and the Aamil kept on using them and taking things from them but, the Jin had never to come. They did effort too, did a 40 days chillah, tried too and when did not get any result, this Aamil took thousands rather hundreds of thousands from some even though these people are not Aamils, actually Aamil is a respected and to be honoured word, and then this happened that the so-called Aamil said that there are shortcomings in your doing of act and my act is successful one.

Take the secret to make gold in 20,000 rupees: Two persons met me and said that this is an Aamil and he has a Jin and the secret to make gold, he wants to give me this Jin and is demanding RS. 20,000 from me for this. When I asked him about it, he said with lot of confidence that I have a Jin, and the secret of making gold is with him, I asked him why did you not learn the secret to make gold from him yourself. You can produce hundreds of Kilos of gold, so why are you taking Rs. 20,000 from him? The finding is that all this is fraud, he should make it himself and then should take from his household, thank God, he brought him to me and God saved him from the fraud, otherwise, due to this fraud even his house would not have been saved and gold was not to be made in any case.

And Jinnat became enemies: One loss which especially happens due to such acts with which a Jin is tried to get hold is that when it is told to the Jin to make gold or find gold from me, find a treasure and give it to me or help me to find a treasure, the big loss of this is that the Jin becomes an enemy. Its example is such that you put off a net on a free and independent person walking by and he is amazed and you tell him that I want to make you my prisoner and if he breaks the net with his power and then there will be a reaction in him and that reaction will become a mean for enmity and hatred, similarly, all my life continuously such cases came before me and due to such case enmity and hatred and Jinnat became enemies.

Happiness, prosperity and fulfillment of desires stopped: An old lady came who told that there is no money, food, health, peace, blessings, happiness, prosperity and fulfillment of desires in my house. All the time medicines and treatment, illnesses and quarrels increase my problems and my problems are increasing, some said there is magic, some said taveez, some said this and some said that? But the fact is the thing which I realized the most is, that my grandfather who has died since many years, and it has been 82 years up till now, use to try to control Jinnat, he did one act, 2nd left this one and did the 3rd, so much so that many of his kids died, lost money, spent all his life in poverty but this was the interest of my grandfather that he should get something and finally if the Jin becomes my subordinate then I will get a lot of money, wealth, palaces, things, whenever I want, I could have fruits without its season, wherever I want I would go, Jin will hide me, I will see everyone but nobody will be able to see me and there will be only happiness and more happiness, success and more success in my life and I always will lead an excellent life.

Jin did not get subordinated but he got ruined: These were his thoughts and these were and this was his talk which always use to come to mind of my grandfather, grandfather could not get a Jin under his control but due to this, there is worry in our house, we suffer for food, suffer to eat stomach full and we are in continuous problems, today I realized that I wish my grandfather did not messed with Jinnat as Jinnat factually give us messages while sleeping and awake that your grandfather messed with us and tried to control us and made us his prisoners, you are facing the consequences and your generations will be ruined and you will be ruined and you will be surrounded by problems and we will never let you become prosperous and we will always keep you in failures, illnesses, pains and difficulties and you will have to face them. The old lady was crying and telling her story and again and again regretted that I wish, my grandfather never did this and I never ever desire to have Jinnat, now I only need food for my kids, roof for my children, all my life is spent in a rented house.

Do not try to get hold of any Hamzaad: Readers! Never ever try to bring any Jin under your control, or to find Hamzaad, this Jin and Hamzaad is the same thing. Never ever think that some Jin will come under our control and we will be successful, yes the thing which has come by continuously with experience, and has been observed by the Saints of Allah Almighty also, is that with whom the Jinnat become friends, always becomes successful and Jinnat do a lot of good to them and are always of benefit for them 

And give a lot of benefit, do good and do not give any loss, rather adopt ways to save them from loss and are their friends and are close to them and are their protectors and guards.

 Got blessings with Bones: Some time back, a person came to me and said that I do not waste bones after eating, throw them at a clean place and as I have a hotel so all the left over bones from the hotel are responsibility of a particular person, he throws at clean places and I take care of it myself that the bones are thrown at some place where the animals will eat them. I kept on doing it for some time, one night I was asleep and I saw a dream that someone knocked my door, when I opened the door, there was a very old Saintly person who had a lot of boxes, things, briefcase, box and bags as if had come from some other country, I asked him that who are you? He said, I want to live in your house and have brought these gifts, I asked that who are you? He said, I was hungry and you gave me the food in form of bones. Then he narrated a Hadith that for pious Jinnat Allah سبحان و تعالی  provides food upon the bones, I kept on having the food given by you for some time, then I thought that I should repay the favour of your kindness, now I want to repay your favour. Therefore, I want to become a guard of your house. At times I will make you feel that I am living in your house, so please tell your family not to get upset or scared. I saw all this and my dream ended.

This is the result which I got: I was amazed that what was this dream, but I was sure that this was about the leftover bones of my house …… and actually I am doing the right thing by cleaning them and delivering them to the right place and this is the result which I got. I took my dream as a thought and forgot it, but within some time, strange changes started coming in my house, everyone started offering mandatory prayers, recitations and tasbih and such holy acts, illnesses ended, difficulties solved, worries went away, irritability in life ended, quarrels ended, affection and love between everyone, hatred ended, and such strange atmosphere that everyone in the house was talking sweetly and everyone was showing affection to the other, there was Barakat in money, wealth, Barakat in things, health, peace and harmony, we got it.

Jinnat were their slaves: Readers! Jinnat are not God, they are not Sustainer but Allah سبحان و تعالی  has made a person a mean for other person, Allah سبحان و تعالی  has made this world “Dar ul Asbab” (a place of means) and we can become a mean for each other. If Allah سبحان و تعالی  wills, with his annoyance, he can impose some Jin upon us and if Allah سبحان و تعالی  so wills with his blessing, he can appoint some Jin for our service and make it his duty and responsibility. Many such instances prove it that many Sahaba (companions of Holy Prophet ﷺ), Ahl e Bait (direct descendants of Holy Prophet ﷺ), Muhadiseen, Mufsireen, Auliyaa and Saleheen رحمتہ اللہ علیہھم  . Ajmaeen got such life in which Jinnat were their servants, rather Jinnat

Readers! Trust it that never spend your life trying to get control over Jinnat or to get friendly with Jinnat, if it happens itself then it is a big blessing, otherwise do not run after Jinnat and today I am telling you the essence of my life and all my life has been spent with Jinnat

use to get education from them and some even got education from Jinnat and they had close relationships with Jinnat and shared the secrets of his life.

Never run after Jinnat: Readers! Trust it that never spend your life trying to get control over Jinnat or to get friendly with Jinnat, if it happens itself then it is a big blessing, otherwise do not run after Jinnat and today I am telling you the essence of my life and all my life has been spent with Jinnat, if you get connected to the Sustainer then we can get such a life in which there is blessing and Barakat, honour and respect, harmony and peace, otherwise all these things will be gone in life and life will become miserable.

A person from Syed family (descendants of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) came to me, was pious and had good intension and was the one to differentiate between Halal and Haram and said that I am tired of Jinnat in my life, someone told me to get control over a Jin, to do it, I did acts day and night, did many acts and many wazaif, chillas, many right and wrong acts, now there is no such night that the Jin do not make me scared, do not let me sleep, turn the cots of my children up and down, put dirt in the milk and eatables in my house, after weeks we get some proper thing to eat, at night there is fear, and horrific state in the day and we are fed up and worried of our lives. They are not satisfied, now there are only illnesses, sorrows and pains in our lives, difficulties and problems, failures and failures, every person from our family prays for death, we are Syed people, we have honour, our ladies do hijaab, in our house our clothes catch fire, things burn themselves, problems get complicated, circumstances are worse, have tried a lot to satisfy them but they do not agree, they only say one thing that you made us prisoners and we did not want to be captives.

Prays to get control over Jinnat: You gave loss to our house, our life and now we will give loss to your generations always and will never let you have peace and harmony, for the last 23 years I am going through these problems and am unable to get out, now I have come to you that perhaps you take me out of this trouble, from this pain, I actually want to get out of this pain 100%, I am tired, I had interest, passion rather craze to get control over Jinnat but it has cost me a lot and I am fed up of my life, am worried, now I want peace in my life, harmony, just want basic bread and butter but, I do not want this trouble. Crying he said, that when I read about acts in the books to get control over Jinnat, I get angry and fed up as I have burnt my house myself, so never do any act to get control over Jinnat (continued)


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