
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Interest and loan piled up on us and then a miracle took place, which saved us:

Ubqari Magazine - March 2019

We were in immense difficulties as we have taken a loan from a bank on gold deposited with it. The interest was piling upon us. My husband was a school teacher. My father in Law’s pension was the main source of funds on which the household expenses were met. Most of the gold took belonged to some of our relatives on which we were paying the interest. We had borrowed money on other people’s gold from the bank and the interest on it was increasing day by day. The problems were increasing day by day. The thoughts of the problems made me feel giddy. My mother in law, husband and children were all sick, going to Doctors was normal, and it had become a permanent feature. The relatives who asked for their money were handled with great difficulties and promises were made to pay them at the earliest. This has led to a very humiliating position in the family. This resulted in indifference by our relatives towards us.

Ibelonged to a prosperous family and my husband family was also a well to do family. However, circumstances turned so unexpectedly that we could not adjust and loan piled up on our shoulders. Children were worried and used to question how this situation will change.  We had no answers to their questions and their basic needs were also being ignored.

The magazine Ubqari has been instrumental in bringing about change in the lives of people. This magazine has given the path which solves the problems of people. May Allah give you and your generation give a long life as issuance of this magazine has instilled blessing in our lives.

We anxiously wait for Ubqari and read it on regular basis however we were not in good financial position. One day I was not feeling well and had gone to Ubqari’s sale office to buy the honey. I was standing outside the office and my husband was inside. The father of that agency’s person came out and at that I was weeping. He asked to go inside and tell the person inside about what the problem is. If you are ill then you can give a good medicine however if there some issue it can also be solved. I went inside with a heavy heart and saw an aged person who was advising the people. He said don’t worry and told about you and your teachings and then I developed an interest in your working. We went to Tasbeeh Khana at Lahore and bought book “………….and Miracles of Azaan” and wazifa to recite. We started reciting it however our circumstances initially became from bad to worst. My mother in law became more ill and abused us. In normal circumstances she was a quiet reasonable person. Her condition was becoming more complicated however we stuck to our wazifa. Meanwhile our circumstances started to improve. Our relationship with our relatives was not good as borrowing from them had a bad impact and our gold was lying with the bank. On the amount borrowed from the bank the interest was piling up. We kept reciting the wazifa and prayed Allah to help us in this situation. We promised to ourselves that next time we will not take loan and pay interest in our entire life.

We had requested one of our relative to give us some money as loan. My husband asked him for money and he made the arrangement more than our requirement however we took what was required and paid the bank the amount which had been took as loan for gold deposited by our relatives. We recited the wazifa with more devotion and brought the gold which was with the bank and went to return it. The relatives were very happy on this as their marriage ceremonies were very near.

When my husband returned the gold to them, they were surprised. Likewise, we arranged money and paid back the bank to bring more gold which was deposited with the bank for some money borrowed from the bank. The persons whose gold was retuned was very happy and surprised. By this process we returned all he gold to our relatives. We came out of crisis. By your prayers and wazifa we were able to pay back our loan and my mother in law also became hale and hearty. The vicious circle of paying interest to bank was averted. We used to hear a lot about you at our agency office and the aged person told us about your teachings which saved us from the vicious circle. Our circumstances had changed and there were no worries. We were connected to Tasbeeh Khana and we got you as our spiritual leader. Hearing the lecture has become our first priority. Our wazifa is still being recited. May Allah give you more blessings. (Ameen) (Mim-Sheen, Gujrat)

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