
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari team is strange! They are revealing all the secrets

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

Blessings in provision: Nabi said. Salah is the reason of acceptance by ALLAH, loved by angels, way of life of prophets علیہ السلام, it brings the light of awareness of ALLAH, duas are accepted and brakah in provision. 

Ubqari team is strange! They are revealing all the secrets

How my life changed?

Dear readers! By listening to the dars of Hazrat ji on (memory card) or on net etc, lives of many people are changing. Because Ismai Azam is recited with dars, wherever Ismai Azam is recited the problems and worries in that house will surprisingly vanish. You should also listen to dars, even for some time but listen it every day. Dars should be present in your house and in your car all the time.

This story is true and original, all the characters in this have been made fictional, and any similarity will be just a co incident.

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! May there be peace with you and your progeny, may you have long life and keep on spreading good, may the creation of ALLAH keep on getting good. There is much to say but do not know how much I can explain here. I am also aware about the value of your time; surely other people also have right over your time. I will keep it short, my father was a factory owner, and he progressed from a worker to an owner of the factory. ALLAH blessed him very much; he died at the age of 55. We spent a luxurious time. In terms of money after our father passed away our fate also got angry with us. Every relative wanted to do fraud with us. All our relatives’ eternal or maternal uncles were all in one line. My mother was very simple against a crowd of jealous people and enemies. Anyhow after a lot of struggle and worries my brother got married. How to talk to ALLAH? How to explain ALAH about your conditions, what is salah, fasting, zikar and rug? Did not know anything, first there was lot of wealth in the house, we were busy in it, then everything was lost and became worried about it. We were far from the motion of patience and thankfulness. Did not know anything, we were leading our lives without any purpose, just woke up in the morning, had breakfast and went to the office. Came back in the evening, had food, watched TV and went to bed to sleep. What is salah? Why it is performed? Nor anybody told us neither we tried to learn. Just there was I, my worries and my unworthy life. Then three years ago I read Ubqari after some body’s recommendation. I found every line every word very strange, what kind of people are these they are telling about all the secrets to everybody. What is learned from others was not to tell anybody about your secrets.

But Ubqari made me shocked and worried that how they are telling everything to others. I could not understand the reason at that time. I became more curious about you and listened to your lectures on youtube. I was shocked after listening to your lectures. This was a new world instead it was another universe. A new life, a new light, I found a new direction. I found a way to lead my life. After that whenever I found time I started to listen to your lectures on my mobile. I came to know from your lectures how to ask from ALLAH, I understood about reliance on ALLAH, what is hidden inside Quran’s ayats and what kind of treasures are hidden inside these words, I came to know. Especially I came to know that not only the friends of ALLAH but the sinners like me can also get benefit from these Quranic Ayats, wazaifs and words. A sinner like me who did not even said her prayers is getting benefit from the treasures of ALLAH. During your lectures your words changed my life, changed my thoughts, I found the power of believe and actions. I found the unequal and worthy peals from you, the secrets of the world and points. At first I had to choose which pearl to pick from your lectures, I used to pick one and leave another, whichever lecture I used to listen I started to admire that lecture.

Miracle of Ubqari! Now I perform my salah, give zakah and remain in Veil

You mentioned that if we do not give zakah then our generations will afflicted with poverty and starvation. Even though I never thought about the duty of giving zakah but they way you said this had lot of effect on me, my heart trembled. I had gold with me for fifteen years; I never gave any zakah for it. I am ashamed to write this that I took zakah two times. Even though I get reasonable salary. I never thought of giving zakah nor had the courage to do so. But after listening to your lectures I started to give zakah with trembling hands. Also started to give charity. My husband is a very angry person, to reduce his anger I started to recite “یا رب موسی یا رب کلیم ﷽” openly all day. After few days I was surprised to see the changes in my husband behavior. His anger and frustration disappeared. Now he comes home with a happy face smiling. He does not even get angry where he should be mostly. Other than this the changes came in me are as under: feed the pigeons, develop charity habit. Many habits were accepted due to Surah Maida’s ayah, I love the last ayahs of surah Toubah, when I started to recite them the first time I found strange effect by it. My little needs get fulfilled strangely. I only thought that I should tell the driver to take a different route but could not and the driver himself took that route. I thought of having a paper with special color but found it in front of me. There was no riksha but suddenly came from nowhere. Three times darood shareef at the start and end one time surah Fatiha and three times surah Ikhlas, I found this very effective in any pain and gifted to my box. Now his behavior is very good. Before I used to be very afraid by his hard behavior, he used to shout at others but its not like that anymore. I recite 27 times “اللھم اغفرلی ولوالدی و للمؤمنین والمؤمنات والمسلمین والمسلمات”. I learned to pray for my parents from you, the word affected I learned from you, you taught me to send gifts to them. Applying oil on the foot backside is very effective; it removes the tiredness of entire day. “ربنا ھب لنا” I included in my salah, due to which I found lot of peace in my house life. Reciting “بسم اللہ ماشاء اللہ” while looking at the mirror. Reciting surah Qurash after every meal, ALHAMDOLILAH saves me from all type of belly diseases.  


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