
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Deficiency of blood cures in daughter, stomach become alright:

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Loose motion in kids: 12 gm nar kachor, 6 gm, zahr mehr, 6 gm gond babol, grind and make pills with the help of water in size of pulse. Just give 2 times mix with water.

Deficiency of blood cures in daughter, stomach become alright:

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum!  Age of my daughter is 10 years and she is a student of class 6. She is very weak and anemic. She only resists not to do breakfast before going to school. On asking she said mother I feel nauseated, feel restless that’s why I do not want to do breakfast. I used to prepare lunch box for her and sometimes when I went at off time and see lunch box it was un eaten then I said to her that you do not do breakfast and also not eaten your lunch, so she said mother I don’t like to eat. I talked of this matter with my husband and he said to get her checked up from a doctor. There is a clinic a little far from our house where a specialist sits, he said there is nothing to worry about, and there is stomach problem, blood deficiency and weakness. He prescribed 2 capsules and a syrup, then I ran after my daughter with medicines in hand and she ran from it on listening the name of medicine. I sat in the end, she came to me and said mother I do not want to take medicine and all medicine is kept same. One friend of my husband told just take her to Ubqari medical center, there your issue will be resolved. Next day we went to Ubqari medical center and we get her checked from Assistant Hakeem sb. And he prescribed us Hazam Khas Phakki and Tandrusti tonic, we bought that and went back to home, first day when she took Tandrusti Tonic, she became very happy and said its very tasty, with the use of 5 bottles my daughter blood deficiency has filled and with Hazam Khas Phakki has make the stomach system ok. Now she ate 3 to 4 times Roti and say mother I remain hungry. And she also became crazy of Tandrusti Tonic and while going to school she drinks 1 bottle mix in water. And she remains happy whole day. (Zakia Shahnawaz, Lahore). 


Complaint of readers, medicines of Ubqari:

User complain that syrup or honey color is sometimes darker or lighter, blend of syrup is sometimes lighter of viscous. Tastes is sometimes bitter or less bitter! Color of medicines are also having changes sometimes. There are many other complaints like that. Actually users! Medicines that are prepare with hands has its full effectiveness, and medicines that are prepared through machines have different effects. This kind of more or less is neither in the components nor in the effectiveness rather weather changes hot and cold sometimes dilute the ingredients or sometimes squeeze it.


Ubqari became resource of my happiness:

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum!!  I have married from 5 years but I remain destitute from the blessing of children, from where I not took medicine if I sit and try to write there will be a bundle of pages. For the blessing of children, I spent lot of money and took different kind of medicines due to which I become a patient of blood pressure. There was nothing with my wife, but still she listened bad from my family even she knows that there is deficiency in me but she bears all bad words from my family. Everyone advised me for a second marriage but I know where the deficiency is? That’s why I continue taking medicines in secret at last I lost hope of being having child. One day I was going towards office and on the way, I saw a cycle who was selling different newspapers. I thought I should stop for a while and read a newspaper. When I tried to pick a newspaper for reading, there I saw an Ubqari magazine under it, I left that newspaper and took that magazine and started reading it, it has great philters in it, I changed some pages and thought if there is something related to my disease and at one place I saw a medicine “Bay Aulad Course” written there, I read and next day I reached Ubqari Medical center and tried to explore more about this medicine and get peace at heart, I bought and get back home and took its one course and did test and found that power has increased. After use of 2 courses Allah blessed me with a blessing of child. The day I get a news that I become a father, there is an endless happiness of mine. Ubqari has become a ray of my happiness. (Ain, R, Lahore).


Face become clean, clean and fresh just like before:

Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalamo Allaikum!!  From the last 2 months suddenly pimples and acne appeared on my face on seeing that I became very upset even I never used any face cream or bleach on my face. I started thinking why this happened? I consulted a skin specialist and he said that you have a stomach problem, get it checked from some good doctor or hakeem. I got checked and start using their prescribed medicines but nothing happened and I started more worried about my face. Where I went to learn sewing that sister told me about Ubqari medical center and said there is a good hakeem sahib sit, go and get it checked from him you will be ok Insha’Allah. I took Ubqari address from her took my mother with me and reached there next week, where assistant Hakeem sahib was sitting and I took token and waited for my turn, on my turn I told him about my disease. He gave me “Chehra Shifa Phakki” to eat and organic cream to apply on face. Around 2 months use of “Chehra Shifa” and 3 organic cream, pimples and acne started vanishing from my face and slowly my face became clear like before. (Nimra, Raiwind).


Allergy cough, sneezing of nose or closed nose, pain in body, heaviness of brain, lousiness, temperature, increase in bone of nose, grey haired before time. Treatment of all such diseases (Price: Rs 10.)  Josh Joshanda (Immediate relief from hassle of boil).

Now you can order Ubqari books and medicines from home, just call and write your address. 03227552382(actual price is printed on the box of medicine).

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