
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Cure of Physical Diseases………… Medical pieces of Advice

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


The Cure of Physical Diseases………… Medical pieces of Advice

Fair Complexion, End of Marks, and Spots! Home remedies

Fair Complexion, End of Marks, and Spots! Home remedies

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! Tell me such a tip that my complexion gets fair and I may get rid of the spots and marks. (Seen, Ray- Kandor)
Advice: I am writing a few experienced tips for you; the readers can also get benefit from them. if there are scars on the face due to pores and marks, mix olive oil and pumpkin oil and apply them to the face. It also removes smallpox scars but the condition is to remain consistent.

Fair Complexion

Take Chironji (Cuddapah almond), grind it, mix in the milk, heat it lightly, do massage before sleeping. Wash the face with good soap in the morning. In addition, beetroot is best for the lips. It works as natural lipstick. Cut it into pieces and rub it on the lips, the lips will turn red.
For Long Hair

Soak tamarind at night in the water, and wash your hair with this water in the morning. Do this process of washing hair for almost one week. Do massage of almond or coconut oil. The hair will grow longer.
Natural Tonic: Freshwater is a natural tonic for the face, but fountain water is a great tonic, wash the face with it daily.

For Hair: The tea that is left, we throw it away, but instead of throwing it away, add two liters of water and boil it, squeeze a lemon in it, wash the hair with it, the hair fall will end.
For Fair Complexion: Mix half a cup of flour and milk and make the paste, put it for half an hour, now apply this paste on

your face and hands, when it gets dry put it off with hands by rubbing. Doing it daily will clear the complexion.

Menstruation Problem! Tested Cure
Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I am seventeen years old, I can’t menstruate properly, I am getting fat, especially my face is turned round, and my cheeks have become fatty. They look bad while laughing, I want a beautiful face and to be smart. Kindly, give me an easy domestic tip. (Hidden, Seven Shareef)

Advice: You should use Ubqari medicine “Hormones Shifa” for some time consistently and with this use “Arq
Motapa Shifa” syrup according to the instruction written on it. Insha’Allah, your both problems will be solved soon.

I am a constipation patient

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I heard a lot about Ubqari magazine, that’s why I am writing. I am suffering from constipation for the last seven years. Allopathic medicine didn’t work. I tried herbal medicines but in vain. When I suffer from constipation, my mood changes, I feel anxiety, become extremely angry, don’t like anything, and my whole body and bones ache, I am worried due to this. My mother and sister are patients of this disease for twelve years. (Fay, Baluchistan)

Advice: Eat simple food, don’t eat spicy and sour food. Vegetable salad is better than meat for the patient. Avoid mutton, beef, eggplant, onion, garlic, brown lentil, pickle, sour sauces, kebab, wine, vinegar, and okra, sour and sweeter things. Use this prescription: Rock salt 23 grams,

large cardamom 11 grams, black pepper 11 grams, senna leaves 11 grams, dry ginger 11 grams, rose flower, and fennel 3-3 grams. Clean all these, grind them well, mix and put in the jar. Eat six grams with water before sleeping. Mix castor or almond oil in milk and drink it twice a week for some time. Insha’Allah, you will get rid of constipation.

I don’t Understand What Happened to Me?

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I don’t understand how to describe my condition, I don’t know my problem, sometimes I want to laugh recklessly, and sometimes I cry for no reason. I can’t tolerate anything, cry at little things, gets angry mostly can’t control it. I can’t stand the words of happiness or sorrow; I feel that I am a mental patient. I want to hit someone’s head, if a kid is near me, I want to throw him down from the height, fights in anger, and get worried, my body starts shivering in anger, and then I often fall unconscious. I can’t understand what is the problem with me? (M, T, Melsi)

Advice: You must use a few bottles of Ubqari medicine “Sakoon Afza” syrup for a few months consistently. Try to remain in ablution all the time. Don’t leave it after doing it for a few days. Insha’Allah, you will feel the difference in a few weeks. After Fajr prayer, stand in front of the rising sun in the fresh air on the roof and take long breaths. When you inhale the breath, stop it for a while and exhale the breath with pressure while reciting “Ya Rehman”. Imagine this with the breath you are exhaling out the disease, anger, and depression. Insha’Allah, you will feel relaxed.

Your Medical Problems Will not be solved without Reading Me

You will find cures for diseases and advice on this page. Post the envelope for the answer with the address written on it. Don’t paste additional tape or glue, the privacy will be taken care of. Write a separate letter for spiritual problems. Must write the name, mobile number, city name, and complete address at the end of the letter. The letters of youngsters are published with care, for such letters a separate envelope for reply is necessary because some letters can’t be published.


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