
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2013

(NailaAmaan Lahore)

I am not mad, why should I seek medical treatment?Why are they all treating me like this?They want to make fun of me.If people find out what will they say?All of these thoughts come into the mind of a person who isadvised to visit a psychiatrist.

The word Nafsiaat (psychology) is made up of two word; spirit and study. Itmeans studying the spirit.Psychology has greatly helped in studying the character and spirit of human beings.Psychology is a science which applies equally in all fields and walks of life and it finds its origins in the origin of man.It is the study of spirit and character and also experience. Nowadays psychology is considereda proper science which performs experiments.This knowledge is present in all places, in schools, colleges, in domestic and social life, and in institutions. In short, wherever humans are present; the knowledge of psychology is also present.

Almost everyone in the modern times will be acquainted with the word “Psychology” and after listening to this word many people must be having different notions in their mind. Some must be having positive ideas and some would be having different types of doubts e.g. many people immediately think of abnormal people (who are called mad in ordinary terminology), or about people who can be a danger to society .The reason behind this is ignorance and listening to different ideas and hearsay without doing any research into its background and checking for its truthfulness. Even in these modern times whenever we hear that somebody is studying Psychology , many people discourage it by making fun of it or by using words; the main purpose of which is to demean it. E.g. “Is this also a subject worth studying?” or “After reading this subject you will become mad yourself” or “By reading this subject people lose their mind”  or often many people say that “After reading this subject everyone will seem mad to you” and some people say that “look at our face and tell us  what we are thinking”.We should not pay heed to such people, rather we should ask them that do doctors turn into patients after studying medicine or after becoming a lawyer do people start doing lawsuits upon themselves? Definitely not! Then why don’t they get rid of their fears and misconceptions about this subject and its practitioners and why do they spread these misconceptions to other members of the society?

I am not mad, why should I seek medical treatment? Why are they all treating me like this?They want to make fun of me.If people find out what will they say?All of these thoughts come into the mind of a person who has been given advice to go to a psychiatrist.

Going to a psychiatrist doesn’t mean that you have become mad and have become a danger for society. Just like we go to doctors to get treatment for illnesses, in the same way the job of a psychiatrist is to not only help such people who have failed in creating a harmonious relationship with their surroundings , or their character is not normal and they have become a victim of some mental illness , mental disability, drugs, or other psychological problems but also people who are facing some problems and anxiety, children of less intelligence, drug addicts, crippled people and also persons have lost hope, they are also cured and also doctors consult psychologists.Psychologists are also working closely with doctors in big hospitals nowdays.They help to restore self confidence in you and also tell about many such aspects and things which we consider to be lesser important but are infact the real source of the disease.They tell us ways in which any person can do a self-analysis while sitting at home. And in this way it can be found out that which person is improving to which extent and then humans feel happy and much better than before .The psychologist tries to bring the human towards better health without the need of medicines and also manage to get successful in this.

Therefore we should remove this misconception from our minds and also other people’s minds that only mad people go to psychologists.Also, this does not mean that someperson has become a certified madman.Instead, we should keep an eye on our surroundings and if we see someone moving towards abnormality then we should suggest them to get treated.This is a very difficult task,because no one likes to hear these words. Even educated people fail to understand this and make it a matter of their ego.

Psychological problems are curable and if they are controlled in the start, then the human becomes normal and with the exception of a few illnesses which are genetic in nature, means which were also present in their ancestors, or illnesses which have reached critical stages, by getting psychological help these illnesses can be controlled to the extent that these people will not become menace to somebody’slife, nor will they become a danger for themselves.By getting medical help, humans become healthy and they take on the strength to live a healthy and active life.Only by getting medical help are they able to find out that how much this therapy has helped them.Because sometimes people do not realize how ill they have been until they finally become well.

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