
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

From The Pages Of My Grand Father’s Crumbling Diary

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

(Faran Arshad Bhatti, Khangarh)

Sadly, somebody borrowed the diary on which he had written remedies and tonics. That man did not return the diary and we also forgot to demand that back. Few days ago we discovered from his cupboard some crumbled pages of his diary having some tonics and remedies written over.

My grand father was a reckoned herbal medicine practitioner of Khangarh. His few contemporaries are still alive. He was polite, courteous, honest, well mannered and a self-made man. He was quite hale and hearty when suddenly went to the way of all flesh. I was then a child when he died. I was unable to benefit from his experience and wisdom. And sadly, somebody borrowed the diary on which he had written remedies and tonics. That man did not return the diary and we also forgot to demand that back. Few days ago we discovered from his cupboard some crumbled pages of his diary having some tonics and remedies written over. We were like as if we have found a great treasure. Some thing is always better than nothing. So, I thought to share some of the precious tonics with readers of Ubqari.

Dyspepsia, Acidity

Tonic number 1

Ingredients: 25 grams of khameera haleela (Terminalia Chebula), Four bottles of milk.

Recipe: Take 12 grams of khameera haleela (Terminalia Chebula) with milk in morning before breakfast.

Tonic number 2

Recipe: Take 25 grams of taji, 25 grams of tabasheer India (Bambusa arundinacea), 12 grams of tal makhana (Hygrophila), five dried water chestnuts, 25 grams of Lahori salt, 12 grams of Elaichi Kalan (Black cardamom), 12 grams of ammonium chloride (noshadar), 12 grams of salt, 12 grams of koza misri (crystallized sugar lumps). Grind and mix all these items to a fine powder.

Dosage: Take 0.6 grams of this powder after meal in morning and night.

Tonic number 3

Ingredients: 37 grams of haleela (Terminalia Chebula), 37 grams of baleela, 37 grams of amla (Gooseberries), 37 grams of falfal, 37 grams of falfal gard, 62 grams of mint, 62 grams of fennel, 62 grams of salt sochar.

Recipe: Grind haleela (Terminalia Chebula) and amla (Gooseberries) to fine powder after taking seeds out and mix rest of the ingredients.

Dosage: Take 0.6 grams of this powder after meal in morning and night.

Tonic number 4

Ingredients: 12 grams of soonth (dried ginger), 12 grams of Lahori salt, 19 grams of karanfal, 12 grams of falfal siyah, 19 grams of falfal daraz, 0.9 grams of elaichi khurd, 19 grams of gandhak amla sar.

Recipe: Grind all these ingredients and soak in lemon juice. Let it ferment. Melt gandhak (Sulphur) in oil and mix all ingredients in it. And make small tablets equal to the size of wheat grains.

Dosage: Take two tablets after each meal in morning and night. It cures dyspepsia and improves the gastric functioning.

 Menstruation and pregnancy related problems:

Ingredients: 250 grams of brown sugar, 250 grams of desi ghee, 250 grams of choharay (dried dates), 125 grams of coconut, 62 grams of fennel, 12 grams of dried mint, 12 grams of soonth (dried ginger) and 12 grams of carom.

Dosage: Divide all these ingredients into three equal parts. And take qehwa of this mixture in first three days of mesntruation period. Besides, take 62 grams of turmeric and Ajnair plant which is also called Loot Booti in large quantity, grind it and and make a paste of both in mustard oil. Paste this mixture below navel when going to bed on first day of menstrual period. God willing, this will cure the swelling in belly.

For missed and irregular periods:

Ingredients: 180 grams of brown sugar, 60 grams of fennel, 60 grams of  soye, 60 grams of amaltas (Cassia Fistula), 180 grams of desi ghee.

Recipe: Boil all these items: fennel, amaltas (Cassia Fistula) and brown sugar in two and half litres of water. Stop boiling when it remains half litre of water and seive through finely woven cloth. Then add desi ghee in it. This is to be drunk for first three days of menstrual period.

For disturbed menstruation and pregnancy:

Ingredients: Heat 250 grams of salt, 360 grams of patri folad, 25 grams of qalmi shora (salt petre), 25 grams of baking soda in half litre of water. Mix all ingredients in it. The tonic is ready.

Dosage: Take two potations of this liquid at the time of Asar prayer. Use it for fifteen days. Menstruation problems will be cured. For pregnancy use the following tonic.

Ingredients: 100 grams of Garhiyan, 100 grams of supariyan, 100 grams of  kamarkas (Butea frondosa), 100 grams of taj, 100 grams of white musli indian (chlorphytum borivillianum), 100 grams of black musli, 100 grams of behman surkh (red sage), 100 grams of behman sufaid, 100 grams of satawar (Asparagus racemosus), 100 grams of aqar qarha, 100 grams of baikh band, 250 grams of bakhra, 100 grams of tamar hindi, 100 grams of gul dhara, 100 grams of goond phalai, 100 grams of goond kateera (Tragacanth gum), 100 grams of goond irani, 100 grams of sang jarahat, 100 grams of mocharas, 25 grams of elaichi khurd, 100 grams of samag arabi, 2 kilograms of koza misri (crystallized sugar lumps), 2 kilograms of desi ghee.

Recipe: Grind all these herbs to fine powder. Heat half kilogram of flour in desi ghee. Mix the ground herbs in this mixture. Eat 25 grams of this mixture in morning and evening before meal. God willing, you will conceive.

Tested cure for hepatitis:Soak four seeds of dry tamarind and four plums in 250 mililitres of water at night. Drink the strained water in morning before breakfast. Continue this treatment for fifteen days. It is a time tested remedy. Besides, drinking juice of sugarcane is quite effective in defeating hepatitis.

For defeating hepatitis:Ingredients: 25 grams of powdered sandal sufaid, 25 grams of muveez munaqa, 50 grams of zarshak, 25 grams of tukham kasni, 25 grams of tukham khayarin, 32 grams of gul surkh and 750 grams of sugar.

Recipe: Boil all these ingredients except sugar in one litre of water. Then strain the water and add sugar in it. Boil so that a syrup gets prepared. Take daily half cup of this syrup as it is or by mixing some water in it. Drink thrice a day for a month.

Enhanced hepatic and gastric functioning:Ingredients: 19 grams of cucumber seeds, 19 grams of seeds of kakri (Armenian cucumber), 19 grams of seeds of melon, 19 grams of water melon pulp, 25 grams seeds of kasni and 750 grams of sugar.

Recipe: Soak all these ingredients in a bottle filled with water. Let all ingredients remain soaked for a night. Then pour the bottle in a pan and heat till it agitates. Strain the water and add 750 grams of sugar and make a syrup. Add 24 mililitres of milk so that chelates be formed separated.

Dosage: Drink 25 grams of this liquid mixed in half cup of water in morning, afternoon and evening. If it causes flu then reduce the quantity to half. It strengthens liver, heart and cleanses urine. It cures gonorrhoea.

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