
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

Black Freckles and Marks on Face:

Respected Readers! My issue is that there are too many black marks and freckles on my face. I am 20 years of age and I am a student of B.A, it is very worrisome for me, please suggest me a Wazifa or Tasbeeh that it could get fine.

Answer: The tested remedy of this issue is with me. This Amal has been published many times in Ubqari and countless readers have tested it and their experiences are published in various writings. You should recite a Tasbeeh of یَاخَالِقُ یَامُصَوِّرُیَاجَمِیْلُ after every prayer with Durood Sharif before and after. InshAllah, in some time your face will get rid of all the marks and spots. You will get such a beauty that you will not even believe. (Shazia Bashir, Lahore)

Infected Blood:

My age is 18 years and I have an issue that I have too many pimples on my face and my blood is also infected, sometimes, there is urine burning and I am getting weak physically, my brain and eyesight is also getting weaker. There is lack of blood and my complexion is also getting darker, kindly suggest me some beneficial prescription. (Muhammad Abdul Basit, Rahim Yar Khan)

Answer: Do Bismillah with this medicine and take it for 10 to 20 days. Huwal shafi: Gul Mandi 5 grams Sar Phoka 5 gram, boil in half glass of water and stain and drink in morning. Take plenty of water and improve your diet, take seasonal fruits and avoid fried things. (Sajid Mehmood, Abbottabad)

Issues of a Beautician and solution:

Respected Readers Assalamoalaikum! I am a reader of Ubqari and getting benefit from this magazine since long. Especially I like this series of “Readers’ Queries and Readers’ Answers”. My issue is very complicated as I am a beautician by profession and my work is such of a kind that I have to give more of my time to my parlour, I have three kids. Elder son is of 8 years, daughter is of 7 years and younger son of 2 years. From my elder son to the younger one, all of the kids have an issue that they have running nose from June July to January February and due this constant running nose, their voice has become strange from throat and nose and they also cannot breath while sleeping. I request the readers to suggest me any dua or prescription that the kids could get relief, (A sad Mother)

Answer: The first thing is take fresh leaves of Neem and boil them in water and stain the water and wash the nose with the water like it is washed in the ablution. Do gargles with this Neem water. Practice this for 15 to 20 days while sleeping at night. Take “Naak Shifa” from Ubqari and put it in nose while sleeping. More than medicine, the cleanliness of nose and gargles is very important. (Moeen Ud Din Jokhio, Nowsheroferoz)

He will give divorce again:

Respected Readers I will write very short. First year of my marriage was peaceful and my husband took care of me in all means, my mother in law and sisters in law could not bear me and misguided him about me and they took support of lie and hypocrisy to create hate in my husband’s heart about me that much that he gave me one divorce. My sisters’ husband, who is also my husband’s elder brother, normalized the things and my husband apologized with me but he is not same like before and he keeps on threatening me that he will leave me and go away somewhere and you will do beggary on the roads with kids. He is giving us two time of meal in miserable way, there is no prayer no Quran for him and he is fond of watching TV and habitual of Paan and cigarette. We beg for dresses and medicines and if kids ask for anything, he beats them and let them go away. Readers! Suggest me any wazifa as I am so tired now and stay sick mentally and physically. Sometimes I get so dishearten from worries and diseases that I want to kills myself and kids. Neither I can take care of kids now nor I can do work. I am in extreme pain and torture. (Sh. Gh. J)

Answer: Sister! I can understand your pain and my younger sister had the same issue and I suggested her following Amal and now you won’t believe that MashAllah her husband take care of her much. You also keep your husband in imagination and recite Ayat number 45 of Surah Inam in abundance and see the wonders of Allah’s Kalaam with your own eyes. (Zubaida Qadir, Jhang)

Severe Itching in Ears:

I am 28 years of age and from some time, I am suffering from severe itching in my ears as I keep on using cotton buds in my ears and I am worried due to this issue, I also have problem of sputum as I feel it in throat all the time. Perhaps the sputum is the reason for itching in ears. I went through all kinds of treatments but all give relief for time being. If anyone has its treatment than tell me, I am much worried.  (Alia Asif, Islamabad)

Answer: You should take care of washing nose and cleaning it. Take Unnab 2 pieces, Gao Zuban 3 mashas, boil in water and take in morning or while sleeping at night. Take breathe in fresh air. Pour olive oil through dropper in ear. (Nadia Kausar, Cheecha Watni)

Respected Readers Assalamoalikum! My son is of 12 years of age, he had fair complexion before, and at the age of 2 years he got injections for itching. He used to roam around in field all day and his complexion got dark. Kids call him names and he was very intelligent kid but now he is suffering from inferiority complex and do not take any interest in education. He remains separate from every one. I am very depressed and his complexion is getting worse day by day. Besides this he is healthy, suggest me a solution that his complexion could be fine, I will keep on praying for my whole age. (Worried Mother)

Answer: you should make your kid regular at five time prayers and when he will do ablution 5 times that his complexion will start turning fair naturally. Avoid giving him sour or spicy foods and cover his face while going into sun light. Massage face with a good cream of take Ubqari’s Tibbe Nabvi Husno Jamal Cream of any good face wash, you will see visible difference in few weeks. (Maula Baksh Baloch, Khaniwal)

Difference between Worldly fire and Hell’s Fire

Hazrat Qatada R.A has a Mursil Hadith that Apostle of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said: “your worldly fire is the 70th part of hell’s fire, people that Allah’s Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) this is also too much. The Apostle of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said that still this fire has been made light 2 times with water and now it has become able that you should take benefit from it and go near to it. (Tafseer Ibne Kaseer, Part 6th) (M - A, Lahore)

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