
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Hundred Neem buds and hundred black pepper's real wonders:

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum! the relation between me and your ubqari is from January 2013, I do buy the religious books from buffer-zone Karachi and distribute them, when I went to the shopkeeper there was a man standing and he was telling about the operation of the relative I told him a Wazifa I went after some days, he told me that his operation did not happened, and he asked me to let the such type of wazifa to be written in his dairy. I told him 2 to 3 wazifas. When I went third time he gave me the ubqari and said me to read it from now on, anyhow I purchased that, because I am interested in such things from very start. When I came home and read it there were the precious pearls in that. So we start purchasing it regularly. When I read about the medicine of neem on ubqari, I thought to use it. So I took 100 leaves of neem and 100 black pepper and make the medicines as the size of chick peas and let them dry. I started to use 2 medicines in morning two in afternoon and 2 after the meal of night, they benefitted me a lot. My social circle is a bit large and Ii walk in the park barefooted before the sunrise. The shortest story is that I use to make medicine to sell them free, which are useful for people and in this way people come to know from one another one of my friend gave me the name of "half quack" she said that whatever the problem is faced by people you have its spiritual or physical remedy of that and with the grace of grace of Allah the patient recovers. I plucked many buds of neem tree and made 100 medicines and gave these to all ladies in the park. All had the different diseases but the diabetic patients were large in number. Anyhow we told them to take them with their medicines and the next week take the doctor's medicine half. On the third week decrease more and on the fourth week leave it completely and take only the neem medicine. Everybody had such a firm believe that they started to eat them with the mercy of Allah, and they got benefited. if I do not tell then it will be a miser act that some could not sleep and some were worried about the problem of gas and constipation, one of my friends who are American National but she has a house in buffer-zone, she comes and live there usually after a year or 6 months, her two sons are doctors in America and the third son is doing job in The hospital of Karachi, her medicine of diabetes comes from America, I gave them these medicine she had the complaint that she cannot sleep, when all of them eat the medicine and asked for more then I told them the example my father used to tell me that when the british rule came in India they distributed the tea freely and when people become use to that they started selling it. Now I will not sell the medicine but I will tell the method, you make it by yourself. Ii tell by myself but I do not know what happened that one day the house maid aunty was cleaning the floor and the ("sil") hand grind dropped down and aunty became worried that what I will say, but i remain thinking that why this "hand grinder" dropped? I do not like to grind in the grinder and I told everyone to grind on the hand grinder, there are a lot of neem trees in our park there was spring season and the buds were also in abundance. However I told them at night and next morning i need to go to get pension, I could not go to the park when I went at night that friend of mine

who used to call me half quack she was laughing and told that half quack send all after buds of neem tree and when I went next day all the buds were vanished from the neem tree. Almost 30 to 35 women are those who made the medicine and eat and they got the benefit. One friend did not have any disease but she says that it is amazing we must eat the medicine after eating meal, there was heartburn before but it is finished now.

Now listen about my home:

On the Eid day my daughter was having such severe pain in abdomen that she was crying, she was not ready to go to doctors. I force fully gave her neem tablets believe me after half an hour she was sleeping peacefully, my grandchild who is weak he had a pain in abdomen we gave him the same tablets and he became fine.

My elder daughter had was suffering motions she took medicine of all doctors to stop the loose motions but she did not recover. she exhausted by going again and again to toilet, I gave him two tablets and by eating only two tablets and motion stopped she changed the name of tablets she call them ("Aab e Hayat") everlasting life giving water. Her aunt who is suffering from diabetes came on the Eid day she let her eat the vermicelli forcefully and said that my mother has "Aab e Hayat" medicine your diabetes will not increase. She eats and asked for medicine get them and went. After some days my sister in law came and said that take money and give me some more medicines. My diabetes was 385 but after taking that medicine it is 150. From the day I am suffering from diabetes it does not become below 380. I was suffering from the thyroid ailment I was taking one medicine before the breakfast, but when I started taking neem medicine one day I went to the marriage ceremony I forgot to take the thyroid Asian and took the breakfast believe me nothing happened to me and the next day I did not eat , and nothing happened to me, I gave the full bottle of medicine to someone, the medicine where short in market and my son brought only 50 medicines with the price of 440, from all the karachi, before this the same 100 medicines used to come with the price of 50 rupees. Now my niece have the problem of thyroid she now feeling good, I also gave my nephew these medicines to take he also take other 4 medicines. My sisters' gallbladder was taken out with operation and she suffers from sometimes from constipation, heartburn and allergy now she feels good. My daughters friend is fat she ate these medicines and is losing the weight. Really the neem medicines are the "Aab e Hayat". May Allah give long life to you, everybody connected to ubqari, the maker of the Neem medicine and everybody and free you from the all the troubles. Ameen

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