
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Recovered two hundred and seventy five thousand rupees and Shahzor Van too

Ubqari Magazine - February 2017

Recovered two hundred and seventy five thousand rupees and Shahzor Van too

In 2010 my husband’s shahzor van was stolen and since that time he was praying to Allah to give us back Shahzor Van. With the blessing of this wazifa Allah has blessed us with Shahzor Van again. Your suggested wazifa is very powerful.

 Readers! Every month Hakeem Sahab DB unfolds spiritual secrets in the article "From the pen of editor" please read it.

Vault was on the bed at night which has been lost in the market

Respected Hakeem Sahab دامت برکاتہم  Asalam O Alikum. I pray to Allah Almighty may bless all of Ummah with light of guidance Ameen. I have listened your lectures and Wazifas too, which have been published time to time in Ubqari Magazine. I do follow most of them. I went market with my husband and was hold a small pouch in my hand which was bearing small amount of money in it and sometime I use this amount to buy items or give charity but I had never ever counted the amount in the purse ever, and amount had never ever finished too. I did spending on shopping from the same pouch in the market at different shops. After short while I have lost my pouch somewhere and was so upset because of losing the pouch full of blessings and in the market I just recall my mind to remember your wazifa published in your spiritual article                                       "یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَارَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ" recited consciously. We looked around in the market and kept on reciting same wazifa but could not recover the pouch. We got tired and came back home and I had much sorry for missing my pouch, but had full confidence on this wazifa too and did not stop recitation of it. Then one day I went in my room after Esha Prayer and was surprised to see that my pouch is on my bed, I just grabbed it and checked the amount in it and it was as same as I left in it and I was very much surprised and happy too. There were tears in my eyes and was praying form the core of my heart for you. No I do one tasbeh of Ya Hafeezo Ya Salamo for you and your all setup too and it is my humble request to Allah جل جلالہ may he accept it all and accept me too for more help to deen of Allah جل جلالہ Ameen (Mrs. Shakoor Hussin, Islamabad).


Called himself monk devours my seventy thousand rupees.

Dear Respected Hakeem Sahab دامت برکاتہم  Assalam O Alikum! We do read Ubqari monthly magazine with much interest. We have gained a lot from this magazine. We all family do read Ubqari Magazine and must do listen your spiritual and peaceful lecture every Thursday. My maternal cousin was so much sick and was not able to open her mouth. We did arrange to get her to lecture, and she got much relief by listing lecture, she is continuously attending the lectures and with the blessing of lectures now she has started to eat Lunger by herself and her mouth has started to open now too and face has become much better now. You requested to make dua for my cousin for recovery. Respected Hakeem Sahab DB! Your spiritual article                              "یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَارَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ" has wonderful results. Whenever I go out of my house do recite this Wazifa continuously and find my ways surprisingly. Even if traffic is blocked or too much crowded I get my way. Even if signal is off quickly gets on. Respected Hakeem Sahab DB! Someone had borrowed senvty five thousand rupees of mine and had not returned. That person called himself monk and was almost three years gone and he was not paying me back my money. I started to recite  "یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَارَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ" that man came himself to my home and paid fifty thousand rupees. This is all happened by the blessing of this Wazifa and your hands full of blessing over our heads. (N. Lahore).

Recovered two hundred and seventy five thousand rupees and Shahzor Van too

Respected Hakeem Sahab دامت برکاتہم  , Assalam O Alikum! I took appointment over the cell phone and met you in person; I was having so many complications in my life, and was regularly every Thursday attending your lectures and have attained so many benefits out of it. Your spiritual article’s wazifa ""یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَارَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ" I do recite all the time, and encourage my husband and children for recitation. We have gained so many benefits out of this wazifa and so many hindrances in our life have been solved. Someone was borrower of our two hundred and seventy five thousand rupees were not willing to pay it back. He came himself and paid us back. In 2010 the Van of my Husband Sehzoor was stolen, since that day my husband was having ample wish to have it again from Allah جل جلالہ. By the blessing of this wazifa Allah جل جلالہ has blessed us again with the Shahzoor Van. Your prescribed wazifa in reality is so powerful. (S.S.Lahore)

Annoyed brother came home back after three days

Respected Hakeem Sahab دامت برکاتہم  Asalam O Alikum! I hope by the grace of Allah جل جلالہ you will be fine may Allah جل جلالہ bless you with betterments of this world and hereinafter Ameen. Last year in Ramadan my brother got annoyed and left the home, we did our best to trace him but find no any happy clue. We all family were so upset what this happened? There days goes by and we did not get any clue of my brother. I have an aunt who read monthly Ubqari Magazine, she called us and informed us over the phone to recite all family "                          "یَارَبِّ موسٰی یَارَبِّ کَلِیْم بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ". We all family started recitation and after three days my brother came back home safely by himself. Now we get Ubqari Magazine every month and gets lot of benefit out of it. (J.Z)

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