
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What blessings I got by “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST…?”

Ubqari Magazine - September 2019

Autobiographies of those people who found peace by “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST”—their story in their own words

When I did “LAHUTI WAZIFA”! My daughter immediately got married!

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! I hope that are well, I received the monthly Ubqari magazine from October 2011, I read it and found very wonderful and beneficial. We are getting Ubqari magazine at our home since seven or eight years now, it’s a good magazine that we wait for it every month. We use the wazaifs and remedies published inside the magazine regularly. I received a wazifa for my daughter’s marriage from Allama Lahoti via Ubqari magazine. Our home situation was not so well, I was unable to gather any dowry due to poverty, this wazifa was given to me by Allama lahoti I did it with a lot of dedication and hardship. ALLAH listened to my duas and my daughter got married even before finishing BSc degree and she completed her education after her marriage. All the things were managed with the help of ALLAH. My daughter moved to her new home and now MASHALLAH she is the mother of a one year old boy. You can call it negligence or my business I could not write to allama lahoti to thank him. I am so thankful to Allama Lahoti, WAZIFA is: pray two rakahs of salah, while reciting surah Fatiha repeat “ایاک نعبد و ایاک نستعین” lot of time, almost 200 times or till you can do it. (Shama, Haiderabad)

 The creature came out of home and disappears

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! May ALLAH bless you with health, may ALLAH bless you lot of happiness; this time also I am listening to your lecture. Before you went for HAJJ “HAJJ MUBARIK to you”, I got the June monthly Magazine after making lot of requests to my cousin from Lahore, when I got the magazine I read about the subject of Allama Lahoti “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST” in it I read about a WAZIFA “یا قھار”. All we sisters started to read that WAZIFA, one day after reading it a little we went to sleep, my sister younger to me saw in her dream that there is a cupboard in the house and the JINNS occupy that cupboard. We prayed Fajar, I went to the roof to sleep, I felt as if there are many caravans that are running on the roof. I could not see anything I just listened this as if dreaming, I woke up and went to the room, my little sister did not sleep after Fajar instead she was reading “یا قھار”. She told me that the elder sister has seen jinns in her dream. I also started to read “یا قھار” in the afternoon my sister saw that all the groups or JINNS have moved from our home. Respected Hakeem sahib then we read “یا قھار” continuously eleven lacs time and different type of creatures moved out of our home, then Hakkem sahib our home was clean of all the unseen creatures. (Nusrat Jahan, Rawalpindi)

Untreatable patient was cured with an easy amal

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! May ALLAH bless you with a long life full of blessings, wellbeing and peace, may ALLAH keep your generations happy and prosperous. My aunt was admitted to one hospital in Faislabad, she had to go through a head surgery, my parent went there. When my father went out to take tea, he saw Ubqari magazine and bought it. He decided to read the magazine while sitting at night time in the hospital; it will be a good time pass. The second day my mother brought the magazine with her to home we read it than we read other magazines over the internet. Read about “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST” in the magazine. Also bought the “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST” book from Lahore.

I those days I was very sick, got treatment from یا قھار KAHAROO” wazifa that I read in the “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST” book. I read this WAZIFA for 91 days in the morning and evening eleven tasbees with eleven time darood shareef.  (Fouzia Iqbal, Sialkot)

Snakes, mongoose and rats used to come out of the house

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! A lot of snakes, mongoose and rats of different kind used to come out of our house. Frequently rats used to come out of everything we eat or drink, whenever I used to sit to do any kind of wazifa, many big rats and lizards used to cross beside my prayer mat in a line. Many a times I used to get afraid and used to stand up, they used to run to bite me. I put so many medicines but they used to eat them all, then I started to read “یا قھار” in a loud voice and after second or third day dead rat or lizard started to come out. I also recite surah “الماعون” seven times after magrib salah, different color cats or kittens used to come out even if you throw bricks or stone at them they will not run away. Instead start to growl. I saw big snakes coming out during my dream but in reality I only saw 5 or 6 small snakes coming out, 2 of them were dead, 4 were alive they were found near my bed. Further since the time I have started to recite last 6 surahs in salah the cats run away, before they used to make strange sounds and did not run away even after scaring them. (Sumaira Bano, Rawalpindi)

Business difficulties removed, priceless amal

Respected Hakeem Sahib Aslamalaikum! The water motor stopped working at our home; the electrician came to repair it. He was repairing the motor and was also talking to my brother in law simultaneously, that there is not much work, I use to stay jobless for days, and home situation is not good as well. Etc

My brother in law told him about Allama Lahoti’s world renowned column “JINNAT KA PAIDAISHI DOST” and about the kalma nisab to this electrician, that you must read the first kalma

May you be blessed with respect and popularity. A lot of distressed humans like us are always blessed through your source. No matter how much I praise Ubqari, it will always be less. I have been reading Ubqari for the past three years. (A.S’ Sargodagh)

This Spiritual Healing Recitations Acts Instantly!

Respected Allama Lahooti Purasrari Sahab, AslamoAlikum! I have been reading “Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost”

for a long period of time. It is a very brilliant section. A lot of people who are interested in spiritually healing recitations are receiving help through it. All of the recitations are very amazing especially of “یا قھار” I have tested it several times for a lot of my tasks and it has always acted instantly. (Irfan Mehmood, Taxila)

A Recitation for Distressed People

Respected Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. I was very tired of my home’s situations. Distress was rising day by day. My business was failing and worries continued to increase. During this time, I got Ubqari Magazine in which I read about a spiritually healing recitation under the topic “Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost”. My conditions started to change within few days and in a month, Allah blessed me with one lakh profit in my

business. I am still reciting the recitations and my  profit is continuously increasing. The following is the recitation of Surah Wazuha verse 5. (Muhammad Sabir’ Karachi)

An End to All of The Family’s Angriness

Respected Hakeem Sahab, AsalamoAlikum! I have been reading Ubqari Magazine for the past few years. I read the topic “Jinnat Ka Padaishi Dost” of Allama Lahooti with great interest. Our family was filled with angriness and there were a lot of quarrels amongst ourselves due to which the entire family was torn apart. Noone took part in other’s marriage or stood with them in their worst times.

From the past Ramadan, I have been reciting the Nisaab of Kalma told my Allama Lahooti Sahab. Alhumdulillah with the blessing of the Kalma, all of the angriness in our family was resided. All of the quarrels and misunderstandings have ended. Although I made a lot of efforts to make my children understand. There were some issues regarding dealings due to which they were angry with us. My children were angry because I always kept my brothers with myself but they didn’t supported us. During these days, I got to read about the Kalma’s nisaab in Ubqari Magazine. I started reciting it with the intention of my children that if anyone has done black magic on them, may Allah do justice. All of these quarrels were taking place due to sorcery which Allah ended by the blessings of Kalma’s nisaab. Along with this recitation, I also started reciting “Ya Qaharo” 1100 times in the morning. Allah solved a lot of things. (Shama, Lahore).

Miscarriage happened But Found Allah

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum! I hope you are okay. May Allah always keep you happy. I took Bait in the first year and I am forever thankful to Allah that I feel change in myself. It is Allah’s ability to grant anyone He wishes to. Allah blessed me with your source. Although I had a miscarriage, lost my child but I found Allah through your source. Some hope has arose in me that Allah needs something from me by this incident.

I read Ubqari Magazine with great interest. The recitations under “Jinnat Ke Padaishi Dost” written by Allama Lahooti are very wonderful. I started reciting one of those recitations day and night. I don’t know but I have a special attachment to these verses. I get very peaceful upon reciting them. One receives exactly the same benefits that were written by Allama Lahooti Sahab. That verse is of Surah Wazuha, verse number 5. One has to recite this verse all day uncountably.

My Sister’s Three Year Long Diseases Was Cured

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AsalamoAlikum. My sister had a problem for past three years that water used to come from her nose all the time. We did all of the treatments but her condition did not improved. My entire family member read Ubqari Magazine with great interest. My sister started reciting the nisaab of Kalma for her nose related disease and other problems. Alhumdulilah, all of my family members have recited thirty nisaab of Kalma up till now. Where all of our problems are get solved, at the same point my sister’s nose disease has cured completely and water has stopped coming out of her nose. Now she is healthy.

Kursi three times. Last three surahs of Quran with Bismillah. Recite all these and blow over the child and water as well. Give that water to the child. This can be done three times a day.

For Children Who Cry A lot: Write the verses of Surah Qaf number 24, 25 on a porcelain plate, wash it and give the water to the child. Child will stop crying. I have experienced it a lot.   

Recited This Recitation And Evil Jinn Ran Away From Our Home!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. I have been reading Ubqari Magazine for the past three years continuously. Alhumdulillah I receive a lot of benefits from it. Especially the recitations that are told in “Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost” by Allama Lahooti Sahaba are very amazing and effective. I read this column with very much interest. Once, within this column, I read about Moti Masjid in Shahi Qila. I went there and recited the prayer Nwafil that were told by Allama Lahooti Sahab. Along with this I also recited “یا قھار” told by Allama Lahooti Sahab a lot. There were some evil Jinn in our home who had disturbed our household and everyone was worried due to them. They were not ready to leave our home at any cost. But when I recited the recitation of Ya Qaharo and the Nawafil in Moti Masjid all of these evil jinn ran away from our home. Now we are all peaceful. Alhumdulillah. (Muhammad Anwar)

An Act For Mothers Whose Children Cry, Get Scared, Have Fever, Are Restless Or Do NOT Drink Milk!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AsalamoAlikum. I have a very short spiritual act for the mothers of small children. This act is for those children who cry a lot, insist a lot, cry a lot, get scared, have fever, are restless or donot drink milk. This act should be done:

Darood Shareef should be recited thrice before the start and end of the act. Surah Fatiha three times. Ayat Ul

My Son’s Case Related Problem Got Solved

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum! I am a mother of one child. I got divorced some time ago. Now I live in my mother’s home. I read Ubqari Magazine with great interest. I am doing the act of reciting ‘یا قھار’ while placing feet in a wide tray. There was an ongoing case related to my child in the court. But due to the blessings of this act, and now I am very satisfied. 

Jinn entered my body and started speaking

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. I saw a dream that I am sleeping and when I wake up, I start speaking. My voice becomes very heavier, male like voice and I feel very strange. All of these strange feelings were experienced while I was standing in-front of the mirror and I also saw another man standing beside me. My husband and mother in law were with me as well. It is only me who is getting influenced by all these strange feelings. The man to whom i am speaking was shivering and when I speak in a male like tone, there is some sort of elasticity that comes into that man and his neck starts to get higher. I only see his neck part which was increasing in height and was getting elastic. My voice is very heavier and male like, just like the voices jinn have and the ones that we listen on the television. After this, I came to consciousness at once and i started reciting یا قھار recitation that is told by Allama Lahooti Sahab. Reciting it, I slept again. I also started the recitation of first Kalma along with یا قھار, I was much better. 

Wife became all good in forty days

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. Six months ago, my wife was in a very strange condition. She used to talk about very strange things in a very odd language that was not understandable by me. She used to run outside the house and started talking in a male like voice. We started reciting the Wazifa told by Allama Lahooti Sahab i.e. یا قھار  by placing feet in a wide shallow tray. We also used to rub the taweez of یا قھار over her body. With Allah’s mercy my wife become all good in forty days. I am very thankful to you and Allama Lahooti Sahab who became a source of help to us through Ubqari Magazine. I don’t have words to thank you for what you’ve done for us. May Allah give you the greatest blessings of all. Ameen.

Evil Beings Went Away From Our House

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. Alot of evil beings had disturbed our entire household. We used to see strange animals in our dreams like mouse, snakes etc. They used to bother us so much that all of us were very disturbed. Our peace came to an end. We couldn’t sleep at night. Then I started reciting یا لطیف یا علیم یا خبیر that I read about in Ubqari Magazine, it was written by Allama Lahooti Purasrari Sahab. From the time I have started reciting this recitations, the evil beings are going away from me and my house. Some days ago I saw all those animals, mouse, snakes etc in my dream again. When I started reciting this recitation combined with یا قھار, all of those beings vanish away.

Study Related Problems Were Solved

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. I love to study but whenever I sit to study, i am not able to do so. I am currently in my third year. I come to listen to your Sermons every Thursday. I also try to pray five times a day. But I was very concerned about my studies. I read about the recitation of محمد رسول اللہ in Ubqari Magazine under Allama Lahooti Sahab’s article ‘Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost’. I received alot of benefits by this recitation. Now I am more inclined towards studying, my heart feels like doing more recitations and praying. I don’t feel like leaving the recitation of this verse at all. I have completed eight nisaab of this verse and have started the night one. (One nisaab is equal to 1.25 lac times)

And I Got Married

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AslamoAlikum. I read Ubqari Magazine with alot of interest. I had some problems related to marriage which got solved by a recitation. I read it on page number 53 of Ubqari Magazine

My Compilations and Their Elaboration

Till now, all of my compilations that have come forth, I try to give their references and its underlying reasoning. I will give the reference of each and every book, that which books have been combined together to form one whole book. If I make any mistake in writing these books, do tell me know, I’ll always be grateful to you for this. A lot of different companies used to publish my book before but now, institute “Ubqari” publishes my books. The companies which published them before have left out on a lot of references. Remember that if a book is written along with its references, then it is considered to be and if a complication/editing is written without its references then it is considered to be plagiarism and theft. This is why I am taking out my own mistakes in my books and then republishing the correct ones so that I am able to correct myself and my books. Book number 57: Scientific And Spiritual Way To Prevent From Heart-attack:

The king of body is the heart. It feels all sorts of small and big things. Whenever our heart is effected, our body is also effected simultaneously. Why the number of heart patients increasing in our society is and what measures can we implement on in order to make our heart strong? This thought made me work towards this compilation. The following book on heart mentions about heart pain and its treatment. It even states the essence of personal life based experiences. I made heart patients use plums, bête leaf, big cardamom, anise seeds, rose, caltrop and apples in equal quantities and I received amazing results after its usage. The writings of different respected personalities, their book contents and magazine write-ups that have been used in the compilation of this book are as follows: Haseeb Abbas. Hakeem Muhammad Luqman Hami. Hakeem Muhammad Sadiq Shaheen. Hakeem Muhammad Ismail. Doctor Muqzam Baig Mirza. Hakeem Manzoor Al Aziz. Doctor Hakeem Nisar Ahmad. Hakeem Hamid Mehmood. Professor Doctor Saeed Atta Al Raheem. Hakeem Saeed Akhtar Ali Shah. Ayun Shayot. Hakeem Zaya Ar Rehman. Farid ud din Ahmad. Rafi Ahmad Qadwai. Hakeem Saeed Muhammad Khurram Rayaz Razwai. Doctor Khalid Mehmood Janjua. Zikr Allah. Doctor M.A Farooqi. Doctor Naima Ali. Haider Jaffari Saeed. Sitar Tahir. Doctor Mehmood Ali. Doctor Sadaqat Ali. Gulaam Mohiuddin. Sheikh Ijaz Ul Haq. Zahid Sadeeqi. Doctor Hafiz Mehmood Muhammad Ayub. Doctor Arrey Imtiaz. Magazine contents: Qoumi Sehaat. Urdu Digest. Humdard Sehat. Rehnuma e Sehat. Israr Hikmat. Humdard sehat. Zaya Al Hikmat. Sayara Digest. Hakayat. Note: If any reference is still left out, kindly inform about it. I am always looking forward to correct myself. (Editor)         

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