
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Effective treatment of physical

Ubqari Magazine - July 2016

Diseases: Physical Advice

For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there is no reply back envelop than the query will not be answer. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.

 Small Height:

My height is short and I want to increase my height, kindly suggest any prescription due to which and with blessings of Allah Almighty, I get tall height, I shall be grateful to you. Allah Almighty will give you good health. Ameen. (Muhammad Ali, Karachi)

Answer: you take breakfast of sagudana in morning on empty stomach and do not eat thing for half an hour and take a good breakfast after that. Use this remedy for few weeks, few months regularly. If is effective for increasing height.

Fond of bad company:

Respected Hakeem Sahab! First of all I would like to thank Allah Almighty who gave me chance for repent of my sins. I have lost my youth due to sitting in bad company and now I am scared of getting married. Kindly suggest me any cheap prescription which could make me able for marriage. (Jawad Ahmed, Karachi)

Advice: I am writing a very cheap and easy prescription for you as this is the treatment of all your hidden diseases. Huwalshafi: Bakhra, Asgandh nagori, Soonth take all in equal weight and grind them and mix them all and take half spoon in warm milk three times a day. Note: this prescription is also beneficial for back pain of females.


I have dandruff in my hair and dryness in my ears since childhood and it increases in winter. If it is less in hair than more in ears. I have used many shampoos and also did medical treatment but nothing gave me benefit. It becomes better in summer. Dandruff pours out of my ears and hair and there are also small clots of dandruff in my hair, suggest me some good treatment. I am only 14 years of age. (Muhamad Salman Shaukat, Yazman)

Advice: The actual cause of your disease is mental weakness and abundance of stress. Due to which your mind and brain has become weak and causing all this issue. So you use Khameera Abresham Hakeem Arshad Wala and take a tea spoon three times a day. Keep in mind to use Khameera of any good physician and with that use Atreefal Istakhdos one tea spoon and black seed powder quarter spoon. Avoid eating sour foods and pickle. This is a surprising remedy which may be simple for you but for allergy patients it is a Godly gift. Take mustard oil and pour few drops of it in belly button, nostrils and anus daily in morning and evening. I had countless patients of old coughs, black coughs, old allergies, asthma and mental weakness. When I gave them this prescription than they got benefit.

Eyesight gone:

I am 70 years of age and I went for 3 surgeries of eyes but they were failed and now my eye sight is going and I am unable to see, I walk hardly. I appeal you to suggest me any prescription to improve my eye sight. I will be grateful to you. (Raja Harasab, Mansehra)

Advice:Raja Sahab! Use this prescription with consistency. Huwalshafi: Black seeds 100 grams, Kist Shireen 50 grams, Kasni seeds 100 grams, grind them all and make a mixture and add olive oil 6 times more than the mixture and preserve it. Use half spoon of this medicine 4 times a day.



I have headache in mid and back side of head. When there is headache than my legs move unconsciously and I feel there is no life in my legs. I am taking medical treatment for last 9 years but nothing benefited me. I never had any injury in my head. Kindly suggest me any treatment. Thanks. (Meherban Panah, Ghazar)

Advice: Take Ashreefal Kashneez 3 grams, Jawarish Shahi 6 grams mix them and use in morning and evening. Write your condition after 10 to 12 days again. Use fresh vegetables and fruits in food.

Youth upto 60 years:

Respected Hakeem Sahab! Tell me any prescription due to which I can be strong, young upto 60 years with male power. (M, R, Lodhran)

Advice: Use this prescription with consistency. Huwalshafi: Maghaz Imli kalan, Satawar, beej band surkh, Talmkhana, andraju shireen, budhara, lajawanti sed, asgandh, behman safaid, misri, take all of these 10 ingredients and grind them in equal weight and eat in morning and evening on tea spoon with water. Take Ubqari medicine Majoon Murad one tea spoon at 10 am and at night and also take jalinoos 2 tablets with milk. Try to stay happy. Must do morning walk and make exercise your habit, massage your body and legs with olive oil, InshAllah you ll be young upto of 80 years instead of 60.

Wet dreams:

My issue is that for last 3 years I am suffering from wet dreams and after every one day my bed becomes dirty and due to which my feet and lips are cracked. There are small black stains on my teeth and acne on my face, I have weakness and urine also not becomes dry soon. Kindly suggest me any medical advice or any medicine from Ubqari’s medicines. (M, T, Mansehra)

Advice: this issue seems to be connected to spinal chord. Do different exercises of back. Avoid vegetables, fresh fruits, milk and do not eat cold natured foods. Take pure Arq Amber of very good quality 1 ounce after meals 3 times a day. Write again after 3 weeks.

Darkness in front of eyes:

I am student of 8th class and when I sit for studies than headache starts and there is darkness infront of my eyes and I do not want to study and become worry. Suggest any solution for this. (Kh, R, A, T, Jhang)

Advice: use the following prescription atleast for 3 months. Atreefal astakhdos, Khameera Abresham Hakeem Arshad wala, jawarish jalinos, majoon ashba take them from a good dawakhana and use according to the above mentioned method. Pray five times and also do mornings walk. Go in park in morning and walk on green grass. InshAllah your issues will be resolved.

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